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100 Words to Make You Sound Smart

Bourgeois. AdjectiveRelating to or typical of the middle class, especially in espousing respectability and conventional middle-class materialistic values.Synonym: common..

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100 Words to Make You Sound Smart

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Presentation Transcript

    1. 100 Words to Make You Sound Smart Semester Two Vocabulary Week 30 Words

    2. Bourgeois Adjective Relating to or typical of the middle class, especially in espousing respectability and conventional middle-class materialistic values. Synonym: common.

    3. Caustic Adjective Incisively critical or sarcastic; cutting. Synonym: harsh.

    4. Equanimity Noun The quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure. Synonym: Peace.

    5. Glib

    6. Junket Noun A trip or tour, especially one taken by an official at public expense or by a person who is the guest of a business or agency seeking patronage. Synonyms: excursion or outing.

    7. Minimalist Adjective Characterized by the use of only the simplest or most essential elements, as in the arts, literature, or design. Antonym: cluttered.

    8. Panacea Noun A remedy for all diseases, evils, or difficulties; a cure-all.

    9. Revel Verb To talk great pleasure or delight in something. Synonym: celebrate.

    10. Tęte-ŕ-tęte Noun A private conversation between two people. Synonym: heart-to-heart talk.

    11. Zealous Adjective Passionately devoted to a cause, ideal, or goal.

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