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IODE Ocean Data Portal – from data access to integration platform. Sergey Belov, Tobias Spears, Nikolai Mikhailov International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. Objectives.
IODE Ocean Data Portal – from data access to integration platform Sergey Belov,Tobias Spears, Nikolai Mikhailov International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO
Objectives International OceanographicData and Information Exchange (IODE) IODE facilitates the exchange of oceanographic data and information between participating Member States, and serves the needs of users for data and information products. IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Facilitate and promote the exchange anddissemination of marine data and services; Provide the seamless access to marine data to NODCs across the IODE network through the discovery, evaluation and access to data via web based services; Identify and recommend standards to provide interoperability with IODE data centres to allow shared use of metadata, data and products. 2
Benefits of the IODE ODP The ODP provides benefits to both data providers and data users: Benefits for data providers • Scalable environment to support the capacity of the data provider’s environment • Supported technology for data discovery, evaluation, and access • Standards (discovery metadata, vocabularies, code lists) • Improved interoperability with other major marine data systems • Access to advice and support from a team engaged with relevant technical and data management expertise within the global community Benefits for datausers • One-stop shop for data and web services (discover, access, download) • Increased visibility for one’s research data • Increased visibility of the researcher within the marine domain (Ocean Experts) 3 Standards
ODP Components The ODP is comprised of 3 major classes: ODP Toolkit Interoperability package Technical and Educational Support Metadata “crosswalk” rules Discovery metadata services Machine-to-machine Interfaces Partnership Centre for ODP – support and maintenance IODE Ocean Teacher courses (online materials, video courses, etc.) Integration Discovery Access Download Dissemination Control Standardization Scalability ……
ODP Components - portals SNDM regional portal ODINWESTPAC ODP portal ODP global node Portal
Use Case: SNDM Argentina ODP technology used to build national marine data system for Argentina - Sistema Nactional de Datos del Mar (SNDM) www.datosdelmar.mincyt.gob.ar The system was officially launched in 2013 and the ODP team continues to work with the client team in order to improve SNDM metadata model and other facilities. Importance of this use case: • Example of full implementation of regional node and virtual data providers. • Contributed to the advancement of ODP packaging to simplify implementation and support. • Demonstrates flexibility of ODP technology to support other themes. • Contributed to the development of the ODP training offerings. 7
Cooperation with EuroGOOS Cooperation is done through the EMODNet Physics project: Current model: • EMODNet Physics is represented as a user in the ODP system • ODP delivers operational and delay-mode GTS data for the subscribed datasets from the region of interest and required parameters directly to the EMODNet Physics FTP server • EMODNet Physics provides discovery metadata for WMS available for any user from the portal • ODP team providing review, testing, and advice on EMODNet spatial services and metadata model implementation METADATA, DATA, SERVICES DATA & SERVICES DATA 8
Cooperation with EuroGOOS Cooperation is done through the EMODNet Physics project: Future plans: Extension of the types of GTS data from NODCs in the ODP Adoption of the WMS, WFS services in the ODP map interface to populate them for wider users community Creation of ISO 19139 metadata profile for EMODNet Physics discovery metadata Direct data access from ODP to EMODNet Physics METADATA, DATA, SERVICES DATA & SERVICES DATA 9
Conclusions • IODE ODP fully depends on the data contributions from IODE Member states and related projects, programmes and initiatives • Primary focus is on enabling IODE regional activities and supporting member states in developing regional (e.g. Africa, Argentina) data discovery and access solutions • ODP is looking for enhanced cooperation with other programmes, projects and initiatives (RDA, ODIP, SeaDataNet, WIS, EuroGOOS, etc.) 10
References • International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE): http://www.iode.org • Ocean Data Portal Web Site: http://www.oceandataportal.org • Ocean Data Portal Global Portal: http://www.oceandataportal.net • SNDM-Argentina Regional ODP Node: http://www.datosdelmar.mincyt.gob.ar/ • ODINWESTPAC Regional ODP Node: http://portal-odp.nmdis.gov.cn 11