Softech Solutions Super Receptionist
Ecole Solutions offers a comprehensive suite of applications, specifically designed for academic institutions. With a wide variety of institutes, colleges, schools and universities as clients, our Campus ERP is perhaps the most comprehensive Campus management solution from India. Designed to be a completely modular suite of applications for customers to choose from, based on their needs, priorities and budgets, our Campus ERP automates all core administrative functions and increases student services. The modules include: • Key features of our Campus ERP Software • A stable system that integrates all functions and activities of an institute on a single platform, helps reduce overall costs, and more effectively manage resources – financial, physical, and human capital. • A highly parameterised, scalable application that can adapt to changes even in basic institutional statutes, revisions in the curriculum and syllabus as well as fee structure. • An integrated communication platform for internal and external stakeholders; viz: students, faculty, college administration, alumni and the corporate world. • Super Receptionist (SR) is a “phone number” for your business • •On calling your SR number, customers are greeted with a professional welcome message • •Your Customer can speak to the concerned person by pressing the extension. • Extension can be set to your present mobile or a landline number • Customers can leave a voicemail in case no one answers their call
Project a Big Company Image-Perception is Reality You want to impress your callers and convey a big business image, but want to avoid the expense of a real receptionist. You can create the appearance of multiple departments and project a professional business image
Never Lose a Business Lead -Every call is Important The business is getting competitive, what if a big order was lost because your phone was powered off when the customer called. From our website, you will get a list of all the customers who called you and who sec all was missed.
Get Calls When Not in Office -Business is on the go You’re out on the go, but expecting that crucial phone call. Enjoy the convenience of having your calls routed to your home, mobile, or any number-so you'll never miss another important call.
Move Office but not Phone -Phone Number for Life Your business is growing; you want to move to a bigger office but are worried about customers calling old number. Your Super Receptionist number will go where your office is. No Hardware–No Software–As Easy as your Email.
Ecole Solutions offers a comprehensive suite of applications, specifically designed for academic institutions. With a wide variety of institutes, colleges, schools and universities as clients, our Campus ERP is perhaps the most comprehensive Campus management solution from India. Designed to be a completely modular suite of applications for customers to choose from, based on their needs, priorities and budgets, our Campus ERP automates all core administrative functions and increases student services. The modules include: • Key features of our Campus ERP Software • A stable system that integrates all functions and activities of an institute on a single platform, helps reduce overall costs, and more effectively manage resources – financial, physical, and human capital. • A highly parameterised, scalable application that can adapt to changes even in basic institutional statutes, revisions in the curriculum and syllabus as well as fee structure. • An integrated communication platform for internal and external stakeholders; viz: students, faculty, college administration, alumni and the corporate world. For further information about the Super Receptionist write to E-mail: sushil.softech@gmail.com E-mail: ssoftechngp@gmail.com Address: G-5.Anand Rajani Apartments, IT Park Road,Gayatri Nagar Ext, Shrinagar, Opposite Datta Mandir, Nagpur-22. Phone: (0712)6603564 Mobile: 9890018126 Please Visit Us on http://www.sushilsoftech.com/