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Welcome to Organization Orientation! . This presentation is geared toward student leaders in established organizations. If you are looking to begin a new organization, there is another presentation just for you! Don’t forget to take notes and share this information with your entire group! .
Welcome to Organization Orientation! • This presentation is geared toward student leaders in established organizations. • If you are looking to begin a new organization, there is another presentation just for you! • Don’t forget to take notes and share this information with your entire group!
Campus Activities FSL & Leadership Chris McGill, Director Sarah Decker, Assistant Director Dexter Bush-Scott, Coordinator Quinn Snellings, Administrative Assistant TaylorMahanna, Graduate Assistant Jason Foster, Director Chiquita Baylor, Assistant Director Sarah Weiner, Assistant Director Jace Kirschner, Assistant Director Jeff Benham, Programming and Ticket Manager Ashley Tobin, Program Manager Rose Harvey, Co-op www.northeastern.edu/lead360 www.northeastern.edu/fsl www.northeastern.edu/studentactivities
The One-Stop Suite / 434 Curry Student Center Scheduling & Event Planning Student Activities Business Office (SABO) Campus Activities FSL & Leadership Operations & Event Management Reserve meeting rooms and request to use major venues; finalize room set-up details; coordinate media use; etc. Process check requests; obtain account balances; audit services; financial planning tips; treasurer trainings; etc. Support/management of afterHOURS, Fenway Center, Blackman Auditorium & Kerr Suites; technical support and onsite event management; etc. Program management; group advisement; signature event coordination; event support; etc. Advisement of fraternal communities; leadership development; LEAD 360 coordination; group development assistance; etc.
Office “lingo” • aH = afterHOURS • Dpay (or IAF) = Direct Pay Request Form • SIB = Student Involvement Board (formerly SAB) • SAO = Student Activities Office • SABO = Student Activities Business Office • FSL = Fraternity/Sorority Life • FB = Finance Board (formerly BRC) • LEAD 360 = Leadership program • OrgSync= Organization management system
OrgSync • The new online organization management site where you can: • Manage your organization communications: including texting your members reminders about meetings or events! • Post to the new student events calendar • Register your organization: almost completely paperless! • Recruit new student members • Run reports and membership lists • Create and manage websites • Store documents for easy transition from year to year • …and much more To access, go to www.orgsync.com/login, and select Northeastern from the drop down menu. See your Program Manager for details or help.
Your Program Manager • Assigned by Campus Activities to assist you with your program and event planning: visit our website to see who is assigned to work with you this year • Reviews and approves your Finance Board program requests • Provides assistance with the university contract and insurance process • Responsible for educating organizations on university policies and procedures • Assists organizations with officer transitions, team building and goal achievement You should make arrangements to meet with your Program Manager as soon as possible!
Question: Why should you use your Program Manager when you already have an advisor? Answer: They are there to assist you in being up to speed on policies and to protect you and your organization against potential risk. Mistakes happen, and organizations sometimes can find themselves caught between agents, performers, caterers, etc., and the job of your Program Manager is to help you work successfully with all those involved in the planning of your events, while keeping within policy. They will also help you formulate a budget, and help you define deadlines that need to be met in order to ensure the success of your programs.
Your Organization Advisor • Must be a full-time member of the Northeastern faculty or staff • Responsible for the oversight of your budget, and must approve any any all transactions. They also must approve all FB program requests and pre-contract forms • Advisors receive monthly budget statements from SABO • Involvement of your advisor may vary; check in with them and make sure mutual expectations are clear
Develop your idea Meet with your group to decide on a program that will support and further your mission; investigate ways to fund your idea; poll your members to get a sense of interest in the idea; etc. Meet with your Program Manager Explore funding options; choose the best location; learn about policies that will apply to your program; set goals and deadlines for program success; prepare your proposal for the FB; discuss insurance and contract requirements; etc. Secure your funding Obtain your advisors approval to use funds available in your cash account, or present to the FB; develop plans to fundraise or obtain co-sponsorship; etc.
Meet again with your Program Manager Discuss contract and insurance requirements and process; decide on a marketing plan; confirm room reservations and set-up details; learn about procedures and policies in place to ensure program success; review contract terms; meet with event management staff; etc. Finalize all details Review and understand your group responsibilities during the event; complete paperwork to request checks to pay all vendors; etc. After the event… Assess your program; pay all bills; complete spending reports; meet with your Program Manager to wrap-up; discuss future plans with your group; etc.
Question: When do I need NUPD? • Answer: • When cash is collected (with some exceptions) • Where a crowd is anticipated or when capacity is expected to be reached • Event featuring a public figure or controversial topic matter • Events taking place in a public forum • Events open to non-NU students • Events involving alcohol • All events in Blackman Auditorium and occasionally in other programming spaces • Answer: • Events occurring in the Curry Student Center spaces where capacity may be reached; where media equipment is being used or; when other safety issues arise. SEM’s in some cases may be used instead of NUPD. Question: When do I need a Special Event Manager (SEM)? Both NUPD and SEMs come at a cost to your organization
When do I need a contract? Performers or Service Providers • Lecturers, comedians, bands, caterers, etc. • Novelties, inflatables, equipment rentals, etc. • When faculty or staff members are being paid Pre-contracts for performers/service providers are to be submitted no later than 6 WEEKS prior to the program date to allow for processing Off-campus Facilities • Hotels, restaurants, retreat camps, amusement parks, etc. Pre-contracts for off-campus facilities are to be submitted no later than 6 WEEKS prior to the program date to allow for processing Pre-contract forms must be filled out and submitted online
Why do we contract? • To protect you (personally) as well as the university from liability • Established legal guidelines and terms • Ensures organizations obtain services that they order and pay for • Guarantees payment to an organization (be sure to meet with your Program Manager and advisor to make sure all funding is in order before we contract on your behalf) • Unless you are the University Treasurer, the Senior Vice President of Finance, or the Vice President of Student Affairs at NU, you MUST NEVER sign a contract or invoice • You should never submit a “bid” for a performer, or provide a deposit • Submitting bids or signing contracts on behalf of the university can result in suspension or expulsion of your organization • You may be held personally liable for the terms of any contract that you sign (including funding due). ALWAYS meet with your Program Manager early in the planning process. IMPORTANT NOTES ON CONTRACTS:
Contract Process • After meeting with your Program Manager, submit the pre-contract forms via OrgSync(remember, 6 weeks for a performer and 6 weeks for a facility) • Fill out your Direct Pay Request and submit it to the Campus Activities Co-op once it has been signed by your advisor • The pre-contract will be used to generate the Northeastern agreement, which is then sent through the legal process • Once approved by legal, the contracts are forwarded to the appropriate signatory • Once signed, the agreements are returned to Campus Activities and are presented to the contracted party for their review and signature • Once the agreement is fully executed, the Campus Activities Co-op will inform your Program Manager, and will submit your Direct Pay for processing.
Insurance Requirements • In addition to contracts, the university also requires certain parties to provide us with evidence of their liability coverage. • These certificates provide Northeastern with the evidence of coverage in the event that something should occur during the contracted event. This evidence of insurance provides Northeastern with the additional assurance that the contracted party is able to cover any claims that may arise out of your use of their services. • Depending on the service being contracted, insurance requirements vary. Please see your Program Manager to discuss this more in depth as it applies to your specific programs. It is imperative that your group have alternative plans and vendors in the event that your first choice cannot meet insurance requirements, or should they refuse to sign a contract with us.
Important Policies and Procedures Fundraising (Raising funds or collecting goods) • Fundraising request forms must be submitted to Campus Activities via OrgSync. Please allow 3 WEEKS for processing and vetting • All monies collected from fundraisers must be deposited into your SABO cash account (802XXX) • Cash boxes and cash for change are available from SABO • Items must be tangible (with the exception of –grams) • Prohibited fundraising: magazine sales, catalog sales, credit card offers, raffles, vendors/product placement on campus, etc. • Please see the complete policy on fundraising on our website
Important Policies and Procedures Travel Policy • All organizations must complete the Travel Authorization Form via OrgSync at least 1 WEEK prior to the planned trip • Any trip where students are leaving the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: all trip participants must log into myNEU and complete the form located at the “My Travel Plans” link. • All participants must sign a Program Release Form prior to departure. Trip leaders are responsible for turning in these forms to the CAO 3 days before the trip. • It is the responsibility of the trip leader to make sure that all participants are listed on the Travel Authorization Form as well as having completed the “My Travel Plans” link (if applicable) You must meet with your Program Manager prior to any trip to discuss details and to obtain an emergency information card.
Important Policies and Procedures Anti-Hazing Policy • The Commonwealth of Massachusetts as well as Northeastern have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to hazing • Student organization leaders must complete the anti-hazing agreement each semester as part of the registration process and have a responsibility to educate their group on the terms of this policy • Organizations and individuals found responsible for hazing will be referred to the judicial process • Campus Activities provides a copy of the most recent law in every student organization mailbox at the beginning of each year. A copy can also be found on the CAO website and within OrgSync
Important Policies and Procedures Advertising Policy • Advertising may only begin once all contracts and insurance have been received, approved and executed. Permission to advertise early may only be obtained by permission from the Director of Campus Activities • Don’t forget about using the campus calendar, CSC plasma screens; A-frames or the many student media publications! • Avoid off-campus advertising in the case of events only approved for campus audiences • Remember: • Alcohol should not be the main focus of the advertisement • Include the who, what, how, when, where, why as well as any co-sponsors and where to go for more information
Important Policies and Procedures Conferences • Student organizations sponsoring conferences should make arrangements to meet with their Program Manager at least 3 months prior to the conference and BEFORE confirming the conference to any external organizations • In some cases, organizations will be responsible for room and clean-up fees, so be sure to check with your Program Manager as soon as possible Chalking • Student organizations may chalk on various sidewalks throughout Northeastern’s campus; please see complete policy on website for exact locations • Organizations should only use the free chalk that is provided by the CAO. Stop by the front desk to borrow some! • Using chalk other than that which is provided may result in clean-up fees
Important Policies and Procedures Ticketing • Where tickets are required to control access, students are encouraged to use the new ticket software! Your Program Manager can assist you in setting up your sales Group Registration • Student organizations are required to register their organizations once per semester (or any time there is a change in leadership) via the OrgSync system. Please see website for more details on our paperless registration process. • In addition, organizations are required to register their accounts with SABO each semester (or any time there is a change in leadership). Groups should print out and submit the Account Registration Form by the deadline – see SABO for more information Familiarize yourself will all policies found on our website
Important Forms to Remember • ASL Interpreter Request Forms (DRC website) • Food Safety Form (online) • Barbecue Permit Application (online) • Demonstration Permit Application (online) • Waivers and Release Forms (online) • Account Registration Form (online) • Room/Venue Reservation Forms (online)
Important Financial Information to Remember • Undergraduate organizations looking to receive funding from the Finance Board must make arrangements to attend Treasurer Workshops and be aware of deadlines to submit funding requests to the board. Visit www.sga.neu.edu for more information • Graduate organizations looking to receive funding from the GSG should visit www.gsg.neu.edu or email gsg@neu.edu for more information
Don’t forget to join us for upcoming signature events such as: Welcome Week, Night @ the CSC, Fall Activities Fair, OUTober, Homecoming, Winter Activities Fair & Carnival, Senior Week, Summester and much more! Check out the campus calendar for more information! Thank you! Office of Campus Activities & Office of Fraternity/Sorority Life and Student Leadership 434 Curry Student Center 617-373-2642 sal@neu.edu