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THE ENLISTED FORCE. Overview. Enlisted Force Foundation US Air Force Enlisted Force Evolution World War II The Career Force CMSAF and SEAs The Enlisted Force Structure Mandatory Requirements for NCOs Specific Responsibilities Enlisted PME. Enlisted Force Foundation. Organization

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  2. Overview • Enlisted Force Foundation • US Air Force Enlisted Force Evolution • World War II • The Career Force • CMSAF and SEAs • The Enlisted Force Structure • Mandatory Requirements for NCOs • Specific Responsibilities • Enlisted PME

  3. Enlisted Force Foundation • Organization • Used Many Ranks From 1775 • Adopted British Army & Navy Concepts with Minimal Changes • Professional Military Names • Names Use For Ranks Go Back Several Centuries • Soldier: a person who serves in military for pay • Sergeant: comes from Latin word, serviens • Insignia • First US Military Insignia Used During Revolutionary War • By Order of Then General George Washington

  4. US Air Force Enlisted Force Evolution • Beginnings • Need to Bolster Military Aviation • Army Signal Corps • WWI • WWII • Need for Technical Skills • Enlisted Pilot Program

  5. The Career Force • Changing American Society’s Perceptions • Internal Changes • Doolittle Board • Structure • 55/45 Policy • 55% Career & 45% First Term

  6. Force Management • Airman Career Program • WAPS • TOPCAP

  7. NCO Duties and Status • Work Without Supervision • Understand Complex Job Related Problems • Train Subordinates

  8. SMSgt and CMSgt • Opened Up Promotions • Promote Highly Qualified NCOs • Eased Promotion Stagnation (Korean Hump)

  9. CMSAF and SEA • Following Tradition of USA and USM • USAF Created CMSAF, Oct 1966 • Chief Paul Airey Became First CMSAF, Apr 67 • SEA Position Created in 1970 • Fill Communication Gap btw CMSAF and MAJCOMs • Title Formally Changed to Command CMSgt on 1 Nov 98

  10. The Enlisted Force Structure • Philosophy • Provide Stable Career Structure for Enlisted • Opportunity for Individual Professional Career Growth • Carefully Manage Formal Training, PME, & Promotions • Reflect Air Force Core Values

  11. Purpose of Enlisted Force Structure • Defines Specific Responsibilities For Each Enlisted Rank • Relationships & How Each Rank Fits in the Organization • In 1977, Reorganized Into Three Tiers • SNCO Tier • NCO Tier • AMN Tier

  12. Senior NCO Tier • CMSgt • Highest Air Force Enlisted • Superintendents and Managers • Provide Senior Enlisted Leadership • SMSgt • Superintendents or Managers • Continue Professional Development • MSgt • Craftsman and Supervisory Positions • MSgt(S) Should Enroll in & Complete AFSNCOA Correspondence Course

  13. NCO Tier • TSgt • 7 Skill Level • Supervisors • SSgt • Craftsmen with Some NCO Supervisory Responsibilities • Hold Either 5 or 7 Skill Level

  14. AMN Tier • SrA • Transition From Journeyman to NCO • AIC • Expected to Master Skills in New Career Field • AMN • Understand & Conform to Military Standards • AB • Apprentice Acquiring & Demonstrating Knowledge of Mil Customs, Courtesies, Traditions, and AF Standards • Learning Military and Technical Skills

  15. Mandatory Requirements • NCOs Must: • Consider Professional Development of Subordinates • Attain & Maintain Skill Level Commensurate with Rank • Secure & Promote PME for Self & Subordinates • Develop & Maintain Thorough Understanding of Supervisory Techniques • Actively Support AF Policy of Zero Tolerance for Discrimination & Sexual Harassment

  16. References NCOs Must Be Familiar With • UCMJ, Manual For Courts Martial; DoD 5500.7R, Joint Ethics Regulation; & AFPD 36-29, Military Standards • Mission & History of AF Mission and Unit of Assignment • Customs & Courtesies • AF Promotion Program (AFI 36-2502, Airman Promotion Program) • Enlisted Assignment System • Air Force Awards and Decorations Program

  17. Specific Responsibilities • PME • Formal Civilian Education • Assignments and Utilization

  18. Enlisted PME • College For Enlisted PME • ALS • NCOA • AFSNCOA

  19. Summary • Enlisted Force Foundation • US Air Force Enlisted Force Evolution • World War II • The Career Force • CMSAF and SEAs • The Enlisted Force Structure • Mandatory Requirements for NCOs • Specific Responsibilities • Enlisted PME

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