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Delaware Memorial Bridge

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Delaware Memorial Bridge

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  1. Puente Valley Operable Unit In 1994, EPA sent Special Notices Letters to approximately 50 Potential Responsible Parties (PRPs) within the operable unit. Since then, 34 companies have formed the Puente Valley Steering Committee (PVSC) with the purpose of funding and implementing the work required by the EPA in the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) phase of the Superfund cleanup. The Puente Valley Operable Unit (PVOU) includes portions of the City of Industry and the City of La Puente and overlies both the Puente Groundwater Basin and the Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin. The PRPs of PVOU are currently in the final stages of the RI/FS. As part of the remedial investigation, the PVSC drilled and sampled six sets of monitoring wells to define the areal and vertical extent and concentration of the groundwater contamination. The City of Industry is exploring the possibility of using city redevelopment funds as a method of remedy funding.  The RI/FS should be completed by the Summer of 1996. EPA's Record of Decision (ROD) is expected at the end of 1996.

  2. There are numerous industries along the main stem of the Tennessee River in northern Alabama. These industries manufacture and produce a variety of products, such as missiles and rockets, electronics, pulp and paper, synthetic fiber, terephthalic acid, alkalis, chlorine, steering gears, polyester film, refrigerators, aluminum, and nickel-plated foam. (Photograph courtesy of the Tennessee Valley Press, Decatur, Alabama)

  3. Data of diverse types (water quality samples, USGS quad sheet, topography, and water table contour map) have been integrated using EarthVision to produce this display of a tetrachloroethylene plume under an industrial site in Virginia. A public water supply well (red cylinder) has been infiltrated by the plume. EarthVision analysis of this plume required one-tenth the time that using more traditional contour maps and cross sections required, significantly enhancing staff productivity. Scientists found that earlier work by others produced a significant number of wells that were too shallow and poorly located to characterize the extent of the plume adequately. (Data courtesy of Dames & Moore, Inc.) 

  4. Delaware Memorial Bridge

  5. New Jersey: Perth Amboy to Mahwah New Jersey: Easton To Newark

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