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Learn how to install a MikBox on a 2001 CLK430 Cabriolet, replacing the old Timeport with a Motorola V710. Detailed step-by-step instructions from start to finish provided in this presentation.
MIKBOX INSTALLATION ON A W-208 CABRIOLET 2001 CLK430 This presentation will depict a MikBox installation on a 2001 CLK 430 Cabriolet. To date, nobody has posted a CLK installation. This vehicle has a k2 package which includes hands-free voice command system, which has worked flawlessly with the Motorola Timeport that came with the car. We use this car only in the summer months, so it has less than 20,000 original miles on it. We also use the integrated phone as a second phone which is left in the car all the time, so we opted to go with a MikBox rather than the Bluetooth puck. We will be removing the old Timeport and installing a Motorola V710 in addition to the MikBox. Please let me know if this short presentation helps you with your install at rfdavisjr@yahoo.com . From start to finish it took me less than two hours to remove the old Timeport phone and install a new Motorola V710. This installation was done on 1-4-07. Please use this as a guide only for Mik has complete instructions with the MikBox kit. Thanks Mik for the ability to upgrade this system!
Open up your top part of the center console to find your Timeport Phone dock. Open up the lower portion of the console To expose the wiring from the top part of The console and where the wiring plugs Into the system. First remove the padding on the drivers side. Next remove the screw that attaches the passengers side false bottom to the car. Then remove the 4 Phillips head screws from the top of the lower compartment.
You now can see where the connector and the antenna plug into the system. Unplug the connector and unscrew the antenna connection. Next, cut the ties that hold the wiring to the bottom of the console. Since you removed the 4 screws that hold the upper false bottom to the upper unit of the con- sole, you now have exposed the 4 Phillips head screws that hold the Timeport docking unit to the bottom of the upper unit. Remove these 4 screws and pull the wiring through the hole from the lower to the upper unit. Be sure if you have Tele-aid that you don’t depress either of the 2 buttons that are located in the upper unit that are now loose. Set the old docking unit aside.
You now remove the new phone docking unit from the package that Mik sent you being careful to keep the screws and the nuts together since you have only the exact number you need for the install. This is the lower part of the docking unit and it fits perfectly over the 4 holes from where you removed the old Timeport docking unit. Tighten the screws to the upper unit false bottom.
Take the upper portion of the phone dock from your package and run the wires through the hole from the upper to the lower unit. Now attach the phone dock upper portion to the lower portion by removing the rubber plug and using one of the screws that came in your package. Do not plug in your V710/E815 at this time.
Now you need to plug in the connector to the power supply and connect the antenna to the master system. You will need to use the con- nector from your kit since both ends (from the master system and from the new docking unit) are male. When this is completed, tie the wires together using the ties that were provided you in your kit. You can now reinstall the passengers side false bottom to the lower unit using the screw that you removed earlier. Note, I had to remove a very small portion of the front part (0.5” x 0.5”) in the form of a notch due to the new connector which was a little taller than the old connector. Now replace the drivers side false bottom which is foam rubber based and you are through with this part of the install.
Now moving to the trunk. You need to remove the trunk mat. You remove the lower mat by pulling up on the release and pulling it out. Next you will need to pull the left side felt covering off to expose the PSE and associated electronics. You do so by inserting a #3 flat head screwdriver under these two connectors and gently prying them off. Pull out the left side cover, Be sure that you see how it fits behind the trunk lip cover, especially behind the left tail lamps. Left Side Cover
Voila! In the W-208, the PSE connector is very easy to ex- pose. If you have a 1999/2000 you may want to remove the 3 nuts that hold this unit on to the trunk frame to be sure that you don’t have a single-band linear compensator. In the 2001’s, they are 800-1900, so you will be OK. If you have a single band unit, you will need a dual band unit (Q682-0657). Linear compensator is behind here PSE is behind here Now all you need to do is install the MikBox unit. Pull out the connector that looks like this from behind the PSE unit (you will have 7”-8” of wiring to work with). Take this apart by removing the U shaped metal clip (attached with 2 small Allen head screws) and then separate the plugs.
Plug in the MikBox, being careful to plug male to female and female to male. Tie the MikBox together to the connectors with two of the long ties that came with the kit. Now you are ready to test the system.
Take your V710/E815, turn it on. Next, turn your car’s ignition on and push your Tel button on the radio head unit. Then pull the small plug that is in the back of your phone out and plug your phone into the new docking station that you recently in- stalled. Give it about 30 sec- onds to recognize the new phone and to download your phonebook. YES! Once it says TEL READY, you are good as gold and ready to go. You should have no problem with setting your telephone ringtones to ring through your sound system and your caller ID should work fine. Try it out and see for yourself. What a nice upgrade to the former Timeport that we were forced to use for all these years. Now all you have to do is finish cleaning up in the trunk area.
Now you will have to gently push the MikBox under the PSE (it will fit under most of the way) and reinstall the left side trunk cover by pushing it in place, working the area behind the tail lamps into position and re- placing the two connectors and gently tapping them back onto the studs that they came off of . Replace the trunk mat, snap it back into place and you are done!
MIKBOX INSTALLATION ON A W-208 CABRIOLET 2001 CLK430 I hope that this short presentation helps all of you as much as all of the other material that is available in MB Forums and MikBox’s website and helped me see that this is one great solution to the old Timeport replacement. Be sure that you read the phone wiring bulletin from www.mikbox.com so you will be comfortable with ordering this unit before taking your car apart. My total cost for this installation was $358.00 for the MikBox and docking station and $110.00 which included postage and handling for a brand new V710 form E-Bay. Good luck on your install and I hope it is as easy as mine was!