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Local / Regional Economic Development Promotion. Aim: information on new product development get your inputs / feedback motivate your future contributions. Contents:. LRED as a product. Main ideas. Factors for implementation. Relationship to your work. LRED and product development.
Local / Regional Economic Development Promotion • Aim: • information on new product development • get your inputs / feedback • motivate your future contributions Contents: LRED as a product Main ideas Factors for implementation Relationship to your work SV WiRAM - Anja Gomm - March 2002
LRED and product development Dept. 41 and 45 Regional structures and clients Concept paper Product description SNs Asia Refer-ences Humanresour-ces Knowhow Various projects Training e.g.toolkit SV WiRAM - Anja Gomm - March 2002
LRED promotion, in order to ... • ... create an interlinked local economy • ... multiply impacts • ... support ownership with local development • ... create local competence to face change • ... build comparative advantages SV WiRAM - Anja Gomm - March 2002
So what is LRED? Competitiveness of the economic sector within a defined local setting SV WiRAM - Anja Gomm - March 2002
The main idea of LRED Promotion • LRED Promotion is locally driven • ... is essentially about networking • ... wants to initiate cooperation / synergies • ... involves actors from different sectors • ... can benefit many parts of society • ... wants to strengthen the economic competitiveness of the area SV WiRAM - Anja Gomm - March 2002
The main idea of LRED Promotion The elements of LRED Promotionare not new … ... but ... ... the mixture is, and the process! SV WiRAM - Anja Gomm - March 2002
LRED Policy? LRED brings together key insights from different policy areas: Industrial policy – technological focus Regional or spatial development policy – network focus SMME policy – firm-specific focus SV WiRAM - Anja Gomm - March 2002
What is new? The direction! Targeting measures on particular sectors Within a locality / region Strategic coordination of diverse measures With a common goal • Self-reinforcing business networks • Influencing the factors of competitiveness SV WiRAM - Anja Gomm - March 2002
Who are the actors in LRED Promotion • Decentralised administration and Government, • Regional development agencies, • Chambers and professional associations, • Individual actors of the local and regional economy (enterprises), • Civil society SV WiRAM - Anja Gomm - March 2002
Who can benefit from LRED Promotion ... ? • SMEs and start-ups • Employees and unemployed • Decision makers and implementers in partner institutions ... and where? • Areas of structural change • Industrial or agricultural areas • Decentralised political entities SV WiRAM - Anja Gomm - March 2002
Needs to consider for LRED Promotion • Local interest in a 3-5 year process • Ability for local self-management and responsibility of the process • Local actors and their specific interests • Potential of the area: e.g. economic opportunities, skilled staff, training institutions, existing local initiatives SV WiRAM - Anja Gomm - March 2002
Decisivefactors I Actors Dynamic, initiative, commitment, taking of responsibility Political framework conditions Existing policies, decentralisation, budgets, measures Dimension Size of area, population, economic region / cluster Incentive system Commercialisation, competition, legitimisation Financial means Public + private investments SV WiRAM - Anja Gomm - March 2002
Decisivefactors II Potentials – Private sector activities Entrepreneurs, linkages – Markets Existing + potential, functionality – Resources Physical, technological, infrastructure, attitudes – Institutions Associations, BDS providers, research units – Skilled staff Training institutions, research Competitiveness through assistinga favourable conjuncture of factors SV WiRAM - Anja Gomm - March 2002
Steps in LRED Promotion Planning, initiating the process • Contactingexisting initiatives, lining out fields of intervention, agreeing on possible support • Identifying the potential • Identifying actors, jointly analysing comparative advantages, planning common activities, formulating visions for the areawith indicators of success Developing / strengthening the initiatives • Actors are implementing measures in their organisations / institutions, supporting the common objectives / vision • Anchoring and securing the initiatives • Initiatives running on their own accord,new initiatives developing, further specification of the local / regional development objective / vision toolkit tools SV WiRAM - Anja Gomm - March 2002
How does this relate to your work? Many sector specific tools are involved in LRED • Which tools can supplement your work? • For a more comprehensive impact in the regional context • Can you develop new, future perspectives for intervention? SV WiRAM - Anja Gomm - March 2002
How does your work relate to L/RED? Many sector specific tools are involved • They need specification for the regional demand • What are the changes needed in your sector specific approaches? • To incorporate a regional dimension e.g. partners involved, starting points SV WiRAM - Anja Gomm - March 2002
Round tables Creating a common objective/ vision Qualificationof decisionmakers Identi-ficationof locationalfactors Participatoryanalysis andplanning Manage-ment ofprocesses SWOTanalysis Analysis ofcompetitiveadvantages Analytical and Process Management Tools SV WiRAM - Anja Gomm - March 2002
Networking Tools PPP Initiatives Institutionalpartnerships Strategic alliances Exposurevisits Networkmanagement SV WiRAM - Anja Gomm - March 2002
SMMEpromotiontools Clusterpromotion Introduction ofnew financinginstruments forSMEs /FSE Development ofregional (local)“labels” for trade Setting up ofproduction chains-> value adding Technology transfer Private Sector Promotion Tools SV WiRAM - Anja Gomm - March 2002
Setting up of production chains Currentstakeholderanalysis Mapping of thevalue system(commodity chain) Facilitationof businesslinkages Analysis ofproductionprocess Linkage toBusinessdevelopmentservices Marketanalysis Valueadding Facilitationof furtherspecialisedassistance SV WiRAM - Anja Gomm - March 2002
Initiatives ofunemployed Qualification of job seekers etc. matching labour market supply and demand Employment promotion tools SV WiRAM - Anja Gomm - March 2002
Assistance and links www.wiram.defor background on the sector projectand the product description LRED www.wiram.de/toolkitfor the test version of the LRED toolkit Anja.gomm@gtz.defor any further questions, inputs or feedback SV WiRAM - Anja Gomm - March 2002
Your input and / or attendance is needed!! „Eigenmassnahme“ Rural employment promotion Aimed at: advancing the development of employment-promoting approaches in rural areas Working with: institutions from the public and private sectors and civil society in Southern Africa • Working on: • Analysis of effectiveness of current approaches • Development of new elements and best practices • Discussion at regional conference October 2002 with publication of findings Contact Josef Grimm: grimm@pixie.co.za