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Navigating the New AP Biology Curriculum: A Comprehensive Resource for Educators

This resource provides a summary of the revisions in the AP Biology curriculum framework, guiding educators on incorporating essential knowledge, big ideas, and learning objectives. It offers strategies for designing engaging activities, labs, and exam questions, and suggests links to additional resources for further support in teaching under the new framework.

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Navigating the New AP Biology Curriculum: A Comprehensive Resource for Educators

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  1. AP Biology:Making the Transition to the New Curriculum Framework Fred and Theresa Holtzclaw Webb School of Knoxville Fred_Holtzclaw@webbschool.org Theresa_Holtzclaw@webbschool.org

  2. I. How will this change . . .WHAT you teach? The BIG IDEAS From AP Biology: A Summary of Course Revisions

  3. Enduring Understandings From AP Biology: A Summary of Course Revisions

  4. Essential Knowledge From AP Biology: A Summary of Course Revisions

  5. From AP Biology: A Summary of Course Revisions

  6. Getting to the LEARNING OBJECTIVES 155 Learning Objectives . . . From AP Biology: A Summary of Course Revisions

  7. How will this change . . .WHAT you teach? From AP Biology: A Summary of Course Revisions

  8. Where do you find information?Go to “Advances in AP” advancesinap.collegeboard.org (Google “Advances in AP”) Can connect to Campbell Resources from here

  9. From AP Biology: Textbook Correlations

  10. Illustrative examples will draw from many sections of the textbook.

  11. Ideas for developing your own new course . . . • 4 Big Ideas • 92 page Curriculum Framework • 155 Learning Objectives Don’t forget the Illustrative Examples for richness! See our Summary Outline. Organizes the C.F. topics into a 4-page outline (in your packet today) Shows where they are found in Campbell Biology Do this for your textbook

  12. Highlight your Table of Contents Packet includes first 4 pages as a sample—see Campbell website for entire TOC

  13. Packet includes first 4 pages as a sample—see Campbell website for entire TOC

  14. Add your selection of Illustrative Examples • Now, you are ready to see what you will teach in the new course • Can continue to use current sequence of topics • You will still teach much the same content: cell biology, respiration/photosynthesis, DNA/RNA, genetics • Incorporate science practices in your activities

  15. D. Incorporating Science Practices into your course Figure 41.4 Richard Smithells “Possible prevention of neural-tube defects by periconceptional vitamin supplementation, Lancet 1980

  16. How will this change . . .LABS?

  17. Help for the new labs . . . Your own ideas • Take existing labs to Guided Inquiry • Select a system • Teach a technique for gathering data • Give a limited number of testable options • Present results with MiniPosters (Brad Williamson)

  18. Enzyme Lab Suggestion • Reaction Chamber • Ideas Effect of Concentration of Enzyme on Catalase Activity Devise a plan to prepare 4 concentrations of enzyme. Include a control. Discuss your plan with your teacher. Prepare a data chart. Hypothesis: Effect of Concentration of substrate on Catalase Activity Devise a plan to prepare 4 concentrations of substrate. Include a control. The stock solution of hydrogen peroxide is 3%. Discuss your plan with your teacher. Prepare a data chart. Hypothesis: Effect of Temperature on Catalase Activity Devise a plan to prepare look at the action of catalase at 4 temperatures. The room temperature reaction will serve as your control. Discuss your plan with your teacher. Prepare a data chart. Hypothesis: Effect of pH on Catalase Activity Devise a plan to prepare look at the action of catalase at pH 6, 7, 8 and 12. Test the pH of the original experiment. This will serve as your control. Discuss your plan with your teacher. Prepare a data chart. Hypothesis:

  19. Help for the new labs . . . from College Board • The student and teacher editions of our new, innovative lab manual, AP Biology Investigative Labs: An Inquiry-Based Approach, will be available online January 2012. • To implement inquiry-based investigation, teachers can choose to either update their existing labs or use our manual. • It is unlikely that schools will need to make significant investments in new equipment for this purpose. • To preview the labs in our new manual, download AP Biology Investigative Labs: An Overview.

  20. Help for the new labs . . . from Carolina Biological See their website for kits designed just for the new Curriculum Framework. We have used and like: Photosynthesis, Respiration, and Transpiration. These are Guided Inquiry variations on the “old” labs. Heather.Ferguson@carolina.com

  21. How will this change . . .the Exam? 63 MC + 6 Grid-in 2 multi-part questions 6 short questions

  22. Go to the 9e Campbell Biology test bank for data sets that you can use to develop questions appropriate for the new course. Here are some ideas for cladograms.

  23. The Mastering Biology site is being revised so that you will be able to pull down any of the 155 objectives, and see what activities you might use to teach and reinforce these concepts.

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