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Explore the methods of collecting data such as questionnaire, interview, and observation in research. Learn about sampling techniques, instrumentation, and data analysis for a comprehensive understanding of research methodology.
Components of a research methodology 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Research instruments 3.3 Respondents 3.4 Research procedure 3.5 Data analysis
Data Collection (the process) • Process of collecting data from different sources. Divided into two: • Primary data: Questionnaire, interview, observation, tests or experiment • Secondary data: previous readings already written
Sampling • Sample: group of individuals involved as respondents who provide information, facts or opinions that can be applied or generalized to the general population. • Random vs Non-random sampling
Target population Specific population Sample
Instrumentation: Primary Data Questionnaire • Tips on preparing: • Write the purpose on the first page • Provide clear instructions • Ask only relevant questions • Avoid leading questions • Avoid asking two things in one question • End with courtesy (thank you) • Two categories of questions: Open ended and closed-ended • After preparing your questionnaire, don’t forget to pilot it!
Interview • Conversation carried out with the purpose of obtaining specific information • Two-way communication between interviewer and respondent • Begin the interview by briefing about the purpose of your study general questions specific questions • End with courtesy (thank you)
Observation • A method of collecting data by observing the activity first hand. • Prepare an observation guide sheet to jot down what you want to observe and the duration • Take note of everything within the observation period
Observation no. Location: Date: Time: Duration: Figure 3.2 Students’ Focus in Class
Writing chapter 3 • 3.1 Introduction • Must include: • Purpose or objective of the research • Short description of the issue to be studied • Location of data collection • Population and sample respondents • Data collection methods
E.g: This section discusses the methodology of the research. The main purpose of the research is to investigate the need to own a cell phone among the first and second year students of Permata University. To assess and evaluate the need to own a cell phone among tertiary level students, a branch campus of Permata University situated in the Kinta Valley area with 9000 students’ population was chosen. Data for the research were collected through questionnaire, interview and observation.
3.2 research instrument • Explain in detail your instrument This research utilized both the quantitative and qualitative research methodology. The instruments used to collect the date were questionnaire, interview and observation. A set of questionnaire containing 10 questions were given……
3.3 respondents of the study • Explain in detail who are your respondents
3.4 research procedure • Explain about the pilot study here • How do you distribute the questionnaire
3.5 data analysis • What kind of software do you use (excel, SPS) • How do you make sure the data you collected is valid