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ECVET - the basics. Heidi Leskinen | 06.11.2013. ECVET – WHAT IS IT?. The European Credit system of Vocational Education and Training = (ECVET ), promoted by European Union
ECVET - the basics Heidi Leskinen | 06.11.2013
ECVET – WHAT IS IT? • The European Credit system of Vocational Education and Training = (ECVET), promoted by European Union • The development of ECVET began in 2002 after the Copenhagen Process emphasized the need for a credit transfer system for VET. National governments and the European Parliament gave their final approval to legislation in June 2009. • The profounding aims of ECVET (and EU) are to • Promote transnational mobility in EU (workers, students) • Facilitate lifelong learning in Europe (acknowledgment of prior learning) • Raise the quality of vocational education and training (knowledge, skills, competence)
ECVET – what’sthat in practice? • EU is giving only recommendations – all the changes (and a lot of work) are done on national level • For example in Finland: years of work in National Board of Education & Ministry of Education and Culture (also Finnish Parliament & Government) →changes and adjustment in laws and regulationsconcerning VET → NBE makeschanges in National QualificationRequirements for VocationalEducation and Training
ECVET – what’sthat in practice? → VET providers (collegeslikeEsedu) start to implementthese new qualificationrequirement in alltheirtraining and education • In Finland thislegislationcomes in to effect 1.8.2014, when the new schoolyearstarts(or 2015?) • Afterthatwewillhaveallourqualificationsand learningmodulesdefinedas ECVET-points
What new comeswith ECVET? • For Finland – actually not many things (our VET system is already “ECVET-friendly”) • For most of European countries: • Competence-based training (credits are not measured with work-time, but the competence it leads into) • Recognising prior learning and informal learning (giving credits) • Use of study units/modules – qualifications can be divided in many units – part of the qualification can be done in other institution →This should lead to flexibility in VET (individual learning paths) → international studies/placements can be used as part of a qualification (based on agreed documents)
International mobility • In the coming ECVET –system international studies/placements have more value: learning outcomes should be used as part of a student’s qualification • and in the future: qualifications acquired abroad should be recognized in all EU-countries as valid qualifications → affects to salary → workers’ mobility in EU etc • Because of this it is important to carefully plan international mobility and base it to on agreed documents (→validation and recognition is easier)
MOBILITY - DOCUMENTS • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) • Learning Agreement (LA) • Learning Outcomes (described as: knowledge, skills, competence) / or Learning Units • Assessment Form / EuropassMobility Certificate • Part of these documents used also earlier, e.g. MoU contains similar parts than Letter of Intent
Memorandum of Understanding • It is essential for the sending and hosting institutions to discuss and agree in advance all the necessary matters concerning the students’ mobility according the ECVET principles. • Through this process, they make informed judgements about the conditions under which they can recognise(transfer) credit achieved in otherEuropeancountry/school. • In this long-term agreement competent institutions acknowledgethattheytrusttheirpartners’ approaches to designing units, assessment, validation, recognition as well as quality assurance. • In LLP (Erasmus+) projects no need for Letter of Intents if one has a MoUwith partner institution
LearningAgreement • Earlier: TrainingAgreement, TrainingContractetc – containssimilarthings, butmorespecificattention to student’slearning • LA is an individualised document which sets out the conditions for a specific mobility period. It specifies, for a particular learner, which learning outcomes and units should be achieved. • LA willalsocontain ECVET -points
LearningAgreement • Learningoutcomesshouldbedescribed as knowledge, skills and competence (KSC) and ECVET-points • In thiswayit’spossible to compare the acquiredlearning to the learningobjectives in home school (curricula) • If the mobilitybetweeninstitutes on certainstudyfield/qualification is on permanentbasis, the sending and hostinginstitutescanagree on specificLearningUnit • LearningUnit = a fix set of learningoutcomes (for example: ForkliftCourse in Odense)
EuropassMobilityCertificate / AssessmentForm • Sending and hostinginstituteshave to agree on how to assess the mobilityperiod • In ECVET the idea is to assess the student’slearningoutcomeduringmobilitywith the hostcountry/school’scriteria → in somecountriesthisis stillnotpossibleaccording to the legislation (Finnishstudentsshouldbeassessedaccording to Finnishcriteriaetc) → it is important to useEuropassMobilityCertificateor/andAssessmentform to describein wichextense the studenthasacquired the plannedlearningoutcomes → validation and recognisation at home institute
Summa summarum • Wait for the instructionsfromnational level (ECVET-points) → changes in VET • New morespecificdocuments in studentmobilitycan and shouldalreadybeusedalwayswhenit’spossible (alsorequired in LLP and Erasmus+ etc)