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Learn about Amkeni Wakenya, PLEAD, and their efforts to enhance citizens' engagement in governance processes in Kenya. Discover how Amkeni supports Civil Society Organizations through grant-making and capacity-building initiatives.
Amkeni Wakenya Call for Proposals on Promoting Access To Legal Aid And Assistance For The Poor And Marginalised Public Information Session For CSOs and Members of the Public Aug- Sept 2018
In this presentation, we shall: • Give a brief background on Amkeni Wakenya- history, Vision, Mission and Strategic Objectives for 2008- to date • About PLEAD • Highlight the purpose of the recently-published Open Call for Proposals- Objectives, Result areas and priority issues, who is eligible etc. • Answer some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Part 1- About Amkeni Wakenya • Amkeni Wakenya is a UNDP-led Facility established in 2008 currently in Phase 2 of Project implementation • The objective of Amkeni Wakenya is to provide technical and financial support to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) that work in the democratic governance sector in Kenya to enhance citizens’ participation in governance and reforms. • The primary target groups of Amkeni Wakenya are CSOs- NGOs,CBOs, FBOs,Academia trusts, research institutions etc. • The final beneficiaries are Kenyan citizens at large. In other words, CSOs are supported so that they can facilitate citizens to participate in governance processes and reforms.
Amkeni Wakenya phase 2 focuses on four (4) strategic outcomes: • 1: Access to justice and realization of Human rights • 2: Entrenching human rights - centered and accountable devolved governance • 3: Promoting an enabling environment for CSOs • 4: Building the capacity of civil society to effectively respond to contemporary governance issues To achieve these, Amkeni Wakenya utilizes three (3) programme delivery methodologies: • Grant Making • Capacity Building, and • Learning and Knowledge Management.
Grant making • From 2008 to date Amkeni Wakenya has provided grants to over 370 CSOs based in urban and rural Kenya • Financial support has been provided through: • Multi year grant (ranging from USD50,000-100,00) for project and core grantees • Rolling Grant – to Support Emerging governance issues ranging from USD 10,000- 50,0000 Under Amkeni Phase 2: 2 Calls for proposals has been published and currently there is a running rolling grant
Capacity Building • Amkeni WaKenya offers capacity building support to both national and grassroot organizations • It has capacity building unit that provides capacity building support to both funded and no funded partners • Before award of grants UNDP conducts capacity assessment of identified CSOs and develops a capacity building plan which is used to strengthen capacity of CSOs • Nonfunded CSOs can also seeks support form Amkeni WaKenya on various aspects of organizational development
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Amkeni 1. How different is Amkeni from other donor baskets? Amkeni works together with other donor baskets to promote citizens participation in governance in Kenya. It does not compete with, but complements the work of others. Amkeni, however, seeks to support smaller, rural-based CBOs to develop capacity. 2. Does Amkeni only fund CSOs through Calls for Proposals? No. There are other grant making windows. The Emerging Issues Fund is a rolling fund and CSOs can apply at any time. 3. Can Amkeni fund individuals and profit-making institutions? No. Amkeni does not fund individuals. Neither does Amkeni fund profit-making institutions. However, in exceptional cases, Amkeni can work with a profit-making institution on specific areas provided it is clear that Amkeni’s funds are not used to generate profits. 4. Can Amkeni build capacities of CSOs that it does not fund? Yes. Even though the bulk of its current capacity building activities target grantees, it also support non grantees on demand.
Part 2: PLEAD Programme • The Programme for Legal Empowerment and Aid Delivery in Kenya (PLEAD) is a EU- supported programme that aims at enhancing the Rule of Law • Its aligned to MTP2 and Vision 2030 under the political pillar on governance and rule of Law • The Programme runs from 2017-2021 and is funded by the European development Fund • Major partners include: Department of Justice, UNDP Amkeni, UNODC,National Council on the Administration of Justice • The programme focuses in 12 counties (5 Urban counties and 7 North Eastern Counties) to address socio- economic inequities and marginalization • The Programme seeks to reach out to National- level and county- level actors , state and non state actors as well formal and informal justice systems
GOAL: TO ENHANCE RULE OF LAW IN KENYA Support to implement the Legal Aid Act
AMKENI PLEAD COMPONENT • The prolonged absence of a formal Legal Aid Scheme has entrenched feeling exclusion, perpetuated poverty and marginalization and created conditions for resort to other means for seeking ‘justice’- including radicalization and violent extremism • Non- State Actors have been the source of legal aid in Kenya for many years- before, during and after NALEAP • The project is based on 3 pillars • Successful roll out of the National Legal Aid Scheme • Addressing shortcomings of existing Informal Justice Systems and ADR mechanisms to operate justly and effectively alongside the formal system • Removing systemic and social barriers to access to justice through Legal Education, building capabilities of communities and community structures, and fostering Partnership between legal aid providers and end users
UNDP AMKENI Component of PLEAD Programme • Amkeni Wakenya will contribute to Outcome 1 of PLEAD Programme: Enhanced access to legal aid, especially for the poor and vulnerable Specific objectives : • To enhance community awareness of existing or future legal aid schemes and support NSAs to provide legal aid • To strengthen community based alternative dispute resolution mechanism in 12 counties within the framework of the legal Aid Act 2016 • To support advocacy by Non- State legal aid providers for the full and effective implementation of the Legal Aid Act 2016; • To enhance the technical and institutional capacities of non-state legal aid providers such as CSOs, the Law Society of Kenya and paralegals to provide accessible legal aid and complement the State-backed legal aid scheme;
Affordable, Accessible, Sustainable, Credible and Accountable Legal Aid Scheme Strong Partnership and Coordination between Formal and Informal Justice Institutions ADR and Traditional Justice Systems in accordance with Constitution Informal justice systems and ADR mechanisms are effective, human rights compliant, gender responsive and fair Public institutions, NGOs, paralegals, Law Society and Universities partner on NLAS, IJS and ADR Effective National Legal Aid Scheme is established in the 12 cities and counties and serves poor and marginalized Support knowledge creation and transfer between state and non state Legal Aid providers Support to PIL Promote pro-bono work Build partnership with Lawyers( LSK, Academia) Support Para-legalism Capacity Building of CSOs, IJS Improve Informal Justice systems Community Mobilization, Awareness on new Legal Aid Act INFORMAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Improve accessibility, Address systemic barriers and Strengthen IJS FORMAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Increase public awareness of existence of LAS, Enhance access to formal justice systems, and Improve coordination with informal justice systems)
Part 3: About the Open Call for Proposals • This is the Third Call for Proposals published by Amkeni Wakenya Phase 2 • This is an Open Call for Proposals. This means that Applicants must submit both the Concept Note and Full Proposal together. • In the first instance, only the Concept Notes will be evaluated. Thereafter, for the applicants whose Concept Notes have been pre-selected, evaluation of the full proposal will be carried out. • The deadline for submission and receipt of proposals is 14th September 2018 at 4.30p.m • Proposals cab be received either in hard copy at Amkeni Wakenya c/o UNDP Strengthening Elections Processes In Kenya ( SEPK) offices, Anniversary Towers , 14th floor , P.O. Box 30218 00100 Nairobi .or by email at amkeniwakenya@undp.org
Geographic Focus • This Call for Proposals seeks to support CSOs to Promote access to Legal Aid and Assistance for the Poor and Marginalized in Kenya” • This Call targets CSOs based and working in the following 12 Counties: Garissa, Wajir, Mandera, Lamu, Tana River, Isiolo and Marsabit,Nairobi,Mombasa, Uasin Gishu, Kisumu and Nakuru
Thematic Focus • The Call aims to promote access to Legal aid and assistance for the poor and marginalized in Kenya by • Enhancing citizen awareness and engagement on access to/administration of justice • Enhancing access to legal Aid for the marginalized and vulnerable communities • Improving efficacy of community justice systems and alternative dispute resolution mechanism that comply with established human rights standards • Enhancing CSO engagement with county- and national- level duty bearers on policy and legislative development and enforcement on access to justice
Results and categories • This call for is for CSOs applying for funding to implement access to legal aid and assistance projects . • This is a Three (3) Year project -Time frame of 36 months • This Call is specifically for CSOs working in 12 Counties: 7 rural Garissa, Wajir, Mandera, Lamu, Tana River, Isiolo and Marsabit • and 5 Urban Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru, Uasin Gishu and Kisumu • The call will award grants to 2 CSOs per County • Allocations are for divided into 2 funding categories: • Rural Counties USD50,000 per year total of $150,000 in 3 yrs. . • Urban Counties USD100,000 per year total of $300,000 in 3yrs • The LOT has only one category • Projects that aim to enhance access to justice for the poor and marginalized in Kenya Amkeni reserves the right to allocate less than the amount applied for.
Focus intervention areas The Project will focus on interventions that promote • Legal empowerment through legal awareness and education on the Legal Aid Act 2016 • Establishment of innovative legal aid and information centres; • Innovative interventions that enhance access to legal aid to women and people with disabilities • Provision of legal aid services including through pro bono and paralegals services, facilitation of mobile legal aid clinics and trainings in self-representation for vulnerable and marginalised populations including women, PWDs, PLWHA etc. • Public and strategic interest litigation; • Capacity building of informal justice system providers to ensure the procedures and rulings are human rights- compliant • Promotion of formal and informal ADR mechanisms in the community through policy advocacy, trainings an awareness creation at the community level • Promotion of policy and legislative engagement between CSOs and duty bearers on access to justice issues
Who is Eligible to Apply? • In order to be eligible for a grant, applicants must: • Be a non-profit making Civil Society Organisation (CSO) registered under the relevant Laws of Kenya for a period of not less than two (2) years; • Have a physical presence in the county applied for . • Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the project with their partners, not acting as an intermediary • Demonstrate prior experience of at least two years or more, carrying out activities in the field of development of the kind covered under this programme; • Have a bank account.
Must have certified financial audit reports for the past 2 years • Must submit at least one Letter of Endorsement from a grant organization other than Amkeni Wakenya • Organizations may apply individually or with partner CSOs. • For purposes of this Call for Proposals, working with the Judicial Institutions and county government is highly recommended
How to Apply • Applications must be submitted in accordance with the instructions on the Concept Note and Full application form. Concept Note Application • There is no specific format for the Concept Note, but it must be submitted according to the sub-headings: • Project Summary • Relevance, • Project Effectiveness and Sustainability, • Organizational capacity, • Summary Budget . This is the first step-in the application process and only those concepts that are pre-qualified move to the next stage
Full Application • the Application Form (Annex B) must be used and all sections, including • Project summary ,relevance and justification, Project description and effectiveness, Project principles and approaches , Sustainability, M and E, Communication and Knowledge management, Risks and Mitigation, Project Management ,Annual Work Plan and Logical Framework completed. • The Budget must be submitted using Sample Budget format (Annex D). • All applications must be in English. Hand-written applications will not be accepted. • The complete application form (part A: concept note and part B: full application form), budget and logical framework must be submitted in one original and three (2) copies in A4 size. • If you submit by email all documents must be below 10MB
Evaluation process • Step 1: Opening Session and Administrative check- • This stages assesses whether the submission deadline has been respected; • if the Application satisfies all the criteria as per the checklist • All requested information has been provided and is correct. • All submission will be checked and those that do not satisfy the 3 criterion above will automatically be eliminated
Step 2:Evaluation of Concept Note • The submission that have passed administrative check then move to the next stage of concept note evaluation • Concept Notes will be assessed for relevance, effectiveness, sustainability and organizational ability . • Concept Notes will be given an overall score out of 50 points in accordance with the breakdown provided in the Evaluation Grid. • The pass mark is normally set at between 50-70%
Step 3: Evaluation of the Full Application • An evaluation of the quality of the applications, including the proposed budget, and capacity of the applicants will be carried out in accordance with the evaluation criteria set out in the Evaluation Grid. There applications will be evaluated using the following criterions • The award/ project criteria allow the quality of the applications submitted to be evaluated in relation to the set objectives and priorities, and grants to be awarded to projects which maximize the overall effectiveness of the call for proposals. They cover such aspects as the relevance of the project, its consistency with the objectives of the call for proposals, quality, expected impact, sustainability and cost-effectiveness. • The organizational criteria: intended to help evaluate the applicants' financial and operational capacity, the management capacity, professional competencies and qualifications required to successfully complete the proposed project • Pass mark is normally 70%
Step 5: Supporting documents for provisionally selected applications Applicants who have been provisionally selected or listed under the reserve list will be informed in writing by Amkeni Wakenya. The following documents that had been supplied will also be verified for their eligibility: 1. The statutes or constitution or articles of association. 2. Copy of the applicant’s latest accounts (e.g. balance sheet for the previous financial year). 3. Audit reports 4. Organogram and CVs The requested supporting documents must be supplied in the form of photocopies or scanned versions. If these documents are not provided before the deadline, the application may be rejected. Based on verification of the supporting documents, the Evaluation Committee will make a final recommendation to Amkeni Wakenya which will decide on the award of grants.
Step 6:. CapacityAssessments • Pre-qualified Applicants will then be taken through capacity assessment exercise. This exercise seeks to identify the risk levels to the organizations as well as the capacity needs for future capacity building initiatives . • This will be done once in UN project cycle which is 5yrs. Once assessed by other UN agencies there will be no further Capacity Assessment, The risk Levels will determine how you receive assistance either through Advance, Reimbursement or direct Implementation. • Step 7: Notification of the Decision Applicants will be informed in writing of Amkeni Wakenya’s decision concerning their application including, where reasonably possible, the reasons for any negative decision
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 1. Can I submit a proposal(s) if have a satellite office in the targeted YES: preference will however be given to CSOs Headquartered with functional offices in the targeted counties. You will need to provide evidence of existence of this offices 2. I am funded by Uraia/Act . Can I apply to Amkeni for funding to implement similar projects? YES. Amkeni, Uraia, Act, and others share information on potential grantees before funding decisions are made. Your proposal needs to be different from what you are doing with URAIA if they are the same you run the risk of losing both funding. 3. How does Amkeni ensure that CSOs working with marginalized groups are supported? Amkeni has a clear and deliberate policy on marginalized groups such as persons with disabilities, youth, women and minorities. Representation of these groups will be ensured during evaluation of both the Concept Notes and Full Application Forms
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs continued ) 4. Can I be funded if I have not done audit for the last 2 years NO: We encourage all CSOs applying to have audit reports. This proves the credibility of the organization in financial management 5. Can consortium be supported in their project YES: You can form consortia and choose one Lead CSOs who will sign the agreement with UNDP and manage the funds. The other CSOs will have to have MOU amongst themselves. 6. If a CSO has low capacity but have presented a good proposal can they be denied funding NO: Unless the financial capacity is weak or they have been implicated in financial mismanagement. Amkeni WaKenya builds capacity of CSOs hence will work with this organisations to ensure organizational capacity is enhanced.
For more information, please contact: The Programme Manager Amkeni Wakenya Civil Society Democratic Governance Facility P.O. Box 30218-00100 Nairobi, Kenya Telephone: (020) 7621187 Email: amkeniwakenya@undp.org Website: www.amkeniwakenya.org