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Am Lit DO NOW 5-5-14. 1.What is a “hotel de Ville in Normandy”? Who’s house is described this way? 2. It also has a “thin beard of raw ivy.” Where else have you heard of ivy covering buildings/ schools? Does the image of ivy covered walls mean anything to you?
Am Lit DO NOW 5-5-14 1.What is a “hotel de Ville in Normandy”? Who’s house is described this way? 2. It also has a “thin beard of raw ivy.” Where else have you heard of ivy covering buildings/ schools? Does the image of ivy covered walls mean anything to you? ELITE: what could giant eyes hovering above you symbolize? Where do we have something like that in The Great Gatsby? Absent Friday? Grab a poster project handout
Success Today Means • Students will gather textual evidence about the setting and characters of The Great Gatsby and will use that evidence to design a visual representation of those elements. • First, find and record pages numbers in your textual evidence chart (completely). • Then create a map with all 12 items or 3 houses ( or 3 characters) • Posters will be due in class on Tuesday. • READING CHECK chapters 4-5 WEDNESDAY
Before Designing the Poster • Must find quotes (textual evidence) and PAGE NUMBERS for each item you will include in your poster. • Make a list of each item and its corresponding description quote with page number. Get this approved, then design poster. One poster per group but EVERY MEMBER needs the quote list written out on their own paper.
Am Lit DO NOW 5/6/14 • Immediately get started on your poster project. First time here since Friday? Take a poster project prompt from the student center basket.
Success Today Means • Students will gather textual evidence about the setting and characters of The Great Gatsby and will use that evidence to design a visual representation of those elements. • First, find and record pages numbers in your textual evidence chart (completely). • Then create a map with all 12 items or design 3 houses ( or 3 characters) • Posters will be due in class TODAY. Staple all charts to poster • READING CHECK chapters 4-5 TOMORROW
Am Lit DO NOW 5/7/14 • Turn in your Poster w/ rubric stapled to the coffee table. • Gather (staple, de-teeth) your Do Nows since last week. Turn in to the US MAIL BOX. • At your desk, take out any notes you took over ch. 4-5. Look over your notes, I will answer any legitimate questions you have about the reading before the reading check today.
Success Today Means • You demonstrate your understanding of the novel through your answers on your reading check. • You take notes, ask questions, record insights as we discuss the chapters together. • HW: start reading ch. 6-7 Reading Check next TUESDAY
Am Lit DO NOW 5/8/14 • When is our next reading check? How much does the field trip cost? When should you have your slip/money in? • ELITE: what was the weather before Gatsby and Daisy reunite at Nick’s house? When did the weather change?
Success Today Means • Finding important passages from GG that help you identify the themes as well as understand characters:
Find these passages (pg #s) 1. Gatsby and Nick’s conversation about Gatsby’s past. 2. The cop pulling over Gatsby. 3. Daisy backstory/ her car 4. Jordan’s explanation of why Gatsby bought the house. 5. Gatsby’s attitude before meeting up with Daisy. • 5a. Where Gatsby’s attitude changes during lunch 6. The “things” Gatsby shows Daisy
Then Answer: • 1. What lie is obvious during this convo? • 2. How does the cop act? What color is the card? • 3. What type of person was Daisy? What color/type of car did she drive? • 4. Why did Gatsby buy the house? • 5. How was Gatsby acting before Daisy showed up? • How does he act after they start talking? • 6. What items does Gatsby show Daisy?
Am Lit DO NOW 5/9/14 1. What was the weather like during Gatsby/Nick/Daisy’s luncheon? 2. What item does Gatsby knock off the fireplace when he first tries talking to Daisy at Nick’s. 3. For those who started reading chapter 6, what is Gatsby’s real name? ELITE: What could creating a new name for yourself symbolize? (Didn’t have to read to answer this one)
Success Today Means • Students will explore the backstory of Gatsby, analyzing the symbolism in chapter 6.