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Send electronic disclosures, track status, and obtain electronic signatures for loan applicants. Optional and free when using P&P's Initial Disclosure ordering system.
peirsonpatterson,llp eDisclosure Solution only @ ppdocs.com
When using P&P’s Initial Disclosure ordering system, you have the option to send the disclosures electronically. This is optional and free if you are using our disclosures.
Send to multiple email addresses by comma separating Pick the level of service you would like. Complete the delivery and security questions and click the “Send Disclosures” button
You may track the status of the disclosures at any time by viewing the “Package Information” screen.
On the “Package Information” screen you will be able to see the date and time that each stage of the eDisclosure process occurred.
The loan applicant will immediately receive an e-mail with a link back to a secure website for them to retrieve their eDisclosures.
The loan applicant will need to know the answer to the security questions to obtain access to their disclosures.
Once they have entered the appropriate responses to the security questions the loan applicant will click the ‘”Continue” button.
In preparation for the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures, all borrowers do not have to be present to e-sign their documents. Simply select which borrower is present at that time. When the same link is accessed, only the remaining borrower(s) will appear. Please note: We do not sign/tamper seal until all borrowers have signed. The loan applicant(s) will then need to consent to accepting and signing the disclosures electronically. If the loan applicant DOES NOT agree with electronically signing their disclosures, the lender will have to physically provide them and add additional time to their waiting period.
If the loan applicant DOES NOT accept the electronic disclosures, an e-mail notification is sent to the lender alerting them that a physical copy will need to be provided.
If the loan applicant DOES consent to accepting the disclosures electronically, they will need to demonstrate that they have the appropriate software installed (Adobe Acrobat) to view the disclosures. They will have to enter the access code and click “Submit” to continue. If they fail to enter the right code after 4 attempts, they will be locked out and the lender will be notified.
The loan applicant may choose a font, and then check the box to consent to the use of the image as their signature.
Once they have successfully entered the access code and selected font, they will be able to view, print, and save their disclosures.
Each loan applicant will need to check the acknowledgement box to indicate that they have received their disclosures. Once both boxes are checked, the button is enabled for the Borrowers to electronically sign their documents.
Notice is sent to the lender when the eDisclosures have been signed.
The loan applicants can then view their signed copies if they choose.
The documents get a date and time stamp coversheet when the disclosures are electronically signed by the loan applicant. The loan applicant will have access to these documents online for 90 days after they have signed them.
People using a third-party to produce their initial disclosures can get the same signature and tracking utility out of our system by uploading their disclosure package in PDF format and following the same steps.
Upload your PDF disclosure package. There is a service fee if you are using a third-party to produce disclosures.
Users of third-party disclosures will need to complete some information before sending.
Our tracking tool allows lenders to see the status of their recent eDisclosure deliveries.