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Completing Definition of the ITDS Standard Data Set. Concerns of the Trade and CBP. Need to understand the basis for PGA data requests Need to understand the nature of the data required Need to understand who is responsible for what Need to have lead time to make changes in their systems.
Concerns of the Trade and CBP Need to understand the basis for PGA data requests Need to understand the nature of the data required Need to understand who is responsible for what Need to have lead time to make changes in their systems They want to be informed Task Order 31 – ITDS
Identified PGA-specific data for 27 agencies Associated data requirements from PGA forms to the SDS Started identifying the business rules from the Cargo Control and Release PGA workshops Recorded the legal authority at the data element level as provided by the PGA Identified PGA data elements with no documented source (i.e. no PGA form identified or insufficient definition of how the data will be filed) Identified whether or not a data element is collected by CBP Identified which chapter level HTS numbers are regulated by which PGAs (Jerry Leuters) Categorized data by business entities supporting business processes (e.g. Bill of Lading associated to the Manifest process) Identified which agencies need which data Drafted preliminary definition of some code lists and data format descriptions as related to individual agencies SDS Work Completed Task Order 31 – ITDS
Additional Data Analysis Activity • Document the conditions under which the data must be provided to each PGA • Identify data elements that may not need to be filed by the Trade through ACE • Identify additional PGA data elements that may need to be filed by the Trade through ACE • Identify what data will be included in which Trade messages based on • Commodity identification (e.g. HTS number or Product Identifier) • Other criteria as appropriate (e.g. MOT or Commodity Intended Use) • By doing this, we can eliminate duplicate data filing, consolidate and standardize data requirements across all PGAs 4 Task Order 31 – ITDS
End Goals for Further Definition Task Order 31 – ITDS Improve Trade and CBP understanding of the SDS Provide the Trade with details of the PGAs’ data filing requirements Provide CBP with details of the PGA related processing requirements
Provide the Trade with Details Identify who will provide the data (Carrier, Entry Filer, Importer) by agency Define what the PGAs’ data filing requirements are Document the conditions under which the data must be provided to each PGA (based on HTS, product code, MOT, port of entry, country of origin), and in which process Document business rules at the data element level, including code lists Confirm when the data is required by the PGAs – pre-arrival, arrival, post arrival Define the Trade-to-ACE data message structures Ask PGAs to document why they are collecting the new data elements (provide legal authority) This is only for data filed by the Trade – we will work separately with the PGAs on their data and CBP data Task Order 31 – ITDS
Provide CBP with Details Define PGA data specifications for the ACE System– how ACE will use the data Provide Business Rules at a data element level Identify valid values, code lists, dependencies Define ACE actions required by the PGAs, e.g. Validate LPC number Check quantity against allowed amount Check for authorized importer Identify non-system validation or verification required Identify message structures by CBP business process such as pre-arrival, arrival, post arrival Task Order 31 – ITDS
Tasks for Data Harmonization Team 8 Task Order 31 – ITDS • Prepare enhanced SDS report for the Trade • Document the conditions under which the data must be provided to each PGA • Review Deep Dive documentation to get initial business rules and conditionality • Meet with agencies, individually or in groups, to refine the business rules • Complete definition of detailed business rules at a data element level • Defining business rules at a business process level is not part of this effort • Document conditional statements, code lists and reference tables • Identify data elements that may not need to be filed by the Trade through ACE • Identify what data will be included in which Trade messages based on commodity identification (e.g. HTS number or Product Code)
Restructuring the SDS Report New Format – Additional Content Task Order 31 – ITDS
Trade Report Enhancements Additional content Shows which agencies are collecting which data elements during which CBP process Shows agencies’ names or synonyms for the data elements Connects the data elements to the business rules that will be used to process the data New format Provides a view of data by type of Goods Declaration (e.g. Certified Entry Summary, FTZ Admission), Cargo Declaration (by mode), Transit, Vessel Management, or Security Filing information Provides for “drilling down” into the details for each PGA, with identification of the HTS numbers and in some cases a reference to the form the Trade is currently required to file Structure is in alignment with the WCO reporting structure (e.g. IM1, IM2, IM22, CRI – details on slide 12) Still a work in progress Task Order 31 – ITDS
Navigating through the Trade Report Begin your review with the introductory tabs (Intro – Standard Data Set, Intro – Level 2 etc.) Level 1 is the high level view of the SDS data By drilling down through Levels 2, 3, and 4, you can view additional detail, getting to the data that a specific agency requires The last report shows the actual code values to be used by the agency in validating the data submitted by the Trade Task Order 31 – ITDS
Standard Data Set Level 1 Report Task Order 31 – ITDS
Standard Data Level 2 Report Task Order 31 – ITDS
Standard Data Set Level 3 Report Task Order 31 – ITDS
Standard Data Set Level 4 Report continues Task Order 31 – ITDS
Standard Data Set – Code List Code list showing valid values Task Order 31 – ITDS
Plan of Action Building on the HTS Codes Task Order 31 – ITDS
Work Required of PGAs Identify HTS Code filing requirements Identify Conditionality Rules at the data element level related to the HTS codes Identify Business Rules at a data element level associated with the HTS Codes Define code lists and reference tables Task Order 31 – ITDS
Work Will Be Done In Three Phases Phase 1: Work with the agencies identified by the Import Safety Working Group Phase 2: Concentrate on the agencies that have a need for international trade data, primarily for statistical analysis Phase 3: Work with agencies that are new to ITDS They require further analysis as to their data needs Based on initial analysis, these agencies are not expected to add new data elements Task Order 31 – ITDS
Proposed First Phase - the Sweet 16 plus USCG Task Order 31 – ITDS
Phase Two Agencies for Detailed Analysis Bureau of Labor Statistics, Labor Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Transportation U.S. Census Bureau, Commerce Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Federal Maritime Commission Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Transportation Foreign Trade Zones Board, Commerce Internal Revenue Service, Treasury International Trade Administration, Import Administration, Commerce International Trade Commission Maritime Administration, Transportation Office of Foreign Assets Control, Treasury U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Defense Task Order 31 – ITDS
Last Phase – Agency Data not yet Harmonized with the SDS Bureau of Administration, Office of Logistics Management, State Bureau of Industry and Security, Commerce Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, State Federal Highway Administration, Transportation Foreign Agricultural Service, Agriculture Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration, Agriculture Office of Fossil Energy, Energy Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Transportation Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, State Transportation Security Administration, DHS US Agency for International Development, State Additional agencies are considering participation Task Order 31 – ITDS