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A Tool for Growth-Oriented Supervision, Evaluation and Professional Development

Peer Coaching. A Tool for Growth-Oriented Supervision, Evaluation and Professional Development. Avon Grove School District October 2009. Workshop Goals. Essential Questions What are the expectations and requirements for me, as a participant in the Peer Coaching Program?

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A Tool for Growth-Oriented Supervision, Evaluation and Professional Development

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  1. Peer Coaching A Tool for Growth-Oriented Supervision, Evaluation and Professional Development Avon Grove School District October 2009

  2. Workshop Goals • Essential Questions • What are the expectations and requirements for me, as a participant in the Peer Coaching Program? • How will I improve my teaching and student learning in my classroom by crafting and focusing on a specific goal?

  3. Please Read… Peer Coaching: A Tool for Growth-Oriented Supervision, Evaluation, and Professional Development, August 2009 http://avongrove.pbwiki.com/ or… www.avongrove.org For Staff Resources Avon Grove Wiki Peer Coaching

  4. What do I know about Peer Coaching?

  5. After three consecutive years of participating in the Peer Coaching Program, I must revert to the traditional teacher observation model for a minimum of one year. X Peer coaching is a form of professional development designed to improve my teaching practice. X Principals cannot observe me formally if I am participating in the Peer Coaching Program. X X Only tenured teachers can participate in the Peer Coaching Program. X I must complete the peer coaching process a minimum of three times during the school year. X The peer coaching process involves a pre-observation conference, an observation, and a post-observation conference. Peer coaching increases opportunities for collaboration and professional growth. X

  6. What is Peer Coaching? …a process in which two or more professional colleagues work together for a specific, predetermined purpose in order that teaching performance can be improved as well as validated. …a method to reflect on current practices or to expand, to refine, and build new skills.

  7. What is Peer Coaching? ...a mechanism for sharing new ideas; to teach one another; to conduct classroom observations; and to provide feedback on teaching practices. …it is non judgmental, and non-evaluative. …it focuses on the collaborative development, refinement and sharing of professional knowledge and skills.

  8. Why Peer Coach? Joyce & Showers, 1997 Description of new technique 10 % Modeling of new technique Up to 13 % Opportunity to practice using new technique Up to 19 % Provision of feedback on the use of the new technique Up to 22 % Coaching on the technique Up to 95%

  9. How Will Peer Coaching Help Teachers? Research indicates that Peer Coaching: • Enhances collaboration and communication skills • Allows professionals to function at varying levels of expertise • Affords teachers an active role in their own professional development • Improves teaching and learning

  10. Goal Setting • Identify individual goal • Remember, this goal is for YOUR professional growth • Connect individual goal to AGSD Strategic Plan • Identify the Danielson teaching behavior that aligns with your goal

  11. Goal Setting: Questions to Ask Yourself Is my goal SMART? • Specific - focused on improving my own teaching behavior or practices? • Measureable– how will I measure achievement of my goal? • Attainable-can I attain this goal? • Realistic– can I accomplish this goal? • Timely– can I achieve this goal during this school year?

  12. Goal Example • Individual Goal: I am working to improve my delivery of focus lessons in reading comprehension instruction to include (1) modeling, (2) metacognitive awareness, and (3) think alouds as evidenced by my daily lesson plans that include planning elements for a focus lesson. • Strategic Plan Goal: Academic Achievement: Reading • Danielson Framework: 1E – Designing Coherent Instruction

  13. What do you think of these goals? • Sample #1: To utilize the gradual release of responsibility in science instruction • Sample #2: Successfully implement Collins Writing Program • Sample #3: Engaging students in learning

  14. Review Your Goal • Take a look at your own goal and ask • “Is my goal a SMART goal?” • Specific - focused on improving my own teaching behavior or practices? • Measureable– how will I measure achievement of my goal? • Attainable-can I attain this goal? • Realistic– can I accomplish this goal? • Timely– can I achieve this goal during this school year? • 2. Revise your goal as needed • 3. Share your goal with your neighbor

  15. Pre-observation Conference Share your goal with one another Select possible dates & times for the observation Use the Pre-Observation Conference Sheet to guide planning for the observation Determine tool for gathering data Make arrangements for coverage

  16. The Observation Use selected data collection tool for recording information Stay focused on area identified for feedback Be unobtrusive

  17. Post-observation Conference Partners meet to discuss the points observed using the interview protocol for post-observations Discuss specific evidence observed related to the focus Formulate an action plan Implement your action plan prior to the second observation.

  18. Repeat the Cycle • Pre-Observation • Observation • Post-Observation

  19. What are Peer Coaching Teams required to do? • October • Attend workshop • Identify personal peer coaching goal • Conduct planning meeting to finalize goals • October – January • Schedule pre-conference, observation, and post-conference • February • Complete survey on observation cycle • February-May • Schedule pre-conference, observation, and post-conference • May • Complete survey on observation cycle • Complete program survey

  20. What Happens After Today’s Meeting? • Peer Coaching pairs hold a planning meeting to finalize and review goals • Select a teaching behavior from Danielson’s A Framework for Teaching to become focus of the peer coaching experience. • Identify which of the Strategic Planning goals the teaching behavior falls within. • Be prepared to share goals with your principal

  21. Pairs schedule a pre-observation conference Discuss how data will be collected Complete a pre-observation form Pairs schedule observations of each other Schedule in coordination with the principal Two observations for each teacher

  22. Pairs conduct a post -conference following each observation Share findings Use the Observer Forms Each teacher develops a brief action plan based upon feedback and repeats the process

  23. Important Reminder Participating in Peer Coaching does NOT interfere with your principal’s right to observe in your classroom.

  24. Peer Coaching Resources… • Peer Coaching Wiki • http://avongrove.pbworks.com/Peer-Coaching • Instructional Coaches • Administrators • Peers/Colleagues

  25. Questions

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