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SAFER Seismic Early Warning For Europe - WP1 Progress Report

This is the progress report for the 1st year's meeting and project management of the SAFER Seismic Early Warning For Europe project. It includes an introduction to the meeting agenda and progress reports for each work package. The report covers topics such as project coordination, meetings, major decisions, synergies with other EU projects, and completed deliverables.

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SAFER Seismic Early Warning For Europe - WP1 Progress Report

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  1. SAFER Seismic EArly Warning For EuRope Introduction to the 1st year`s meeting and project management (WP1) progress report Athens, 27 June Jochen Zschau, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam

  2. 1st Year`s SAFER Meeting Agenda Wednesday, 27th Electra Hotel 9:00 Registration 9:30 Welcome Gerassimos Papadopoulos 9:40 Introduction, WP1 progress report Jochen Zschau 10:00 SEW progress in California Richard Allen 10:30 Coffee Break 10:45 WP2 progress report Aldo Zollo 11:45 WP3 progress report Gaetano Manfredi 12:05 WP4 progress report Claus Milkereit 13:05 WP5 progress report Jochen Woessner 13:30 Lunch 14:30 WP6 progress report Gerassimos Papadopoulos/Paolo Trautteur 14:50 WP parallel meetings 17:30 Steering Committee meeting

  3. 1st Year`s SAFER Meeting Agenda Thursday, 28th Electra Palace Hotel 9:00 Continuation of WP parallel meetings 11:00 Coffee Break 11:30 SeaHellArc presentation Joanna Papoulia 12:00 NERIES presentation Alberto Michelini 12:30 TRANSFER presentation Alberto Armigliato 13:00 Discussion of possible synergies between EU projects 13:30 Lunch 14:30 Results of WP meetings and plans for next period 17:30 Executive Committee meeting Friday, 29th Electra Palace Hotel 9:30 Round table discussions with end users 11:30 Conclusions 12:30 End of meeting

  4. WP1: Project Management Steering Committee Jochen Zschau Coordinator (GFZ) Paolo Gasparini Co-coordinator (AMRA) Gerassimos Papadopoulos Co-coordinator (NOA) SAFER Office Alfonso Rossi Filangieri (AMRA) Kevin Fleming (GFZ) Executive Committee Jochen Zschau Paolo Gasparini Gerassimos Papadopoulos George Marmureanu (NIEP) Mustafa Erdik (KOERI) Aldo Zollo, WP2 leader (AMRA) Gaetano Manfredi, WP3 leader (AMRA) Claus Milkereit, WP4 leader (GFZ) Stefan Wiemer, WP5 leader (ETHZ) WP1 WP2 WPn

  5. WP1-Activity General Coordination Project Begin: 15 June 2006 Project End: 15 Dec. 2008 • Core Contract with EC: 14 August 06 GFZ-signature 23 October 06 All signed accession forms with the EC Mid Dec. 06 Contract signed by EC End of Dec. 06 Payment by EC • Consortium Agreement:Finalized by Nov. 06 • First Payment to the Partners:End of Jan. 07 • First Year`s Scientific and Financial Report:31 July 07 • First Year`s Scientific Audit:31 July 07 • First Year`s Financial Audit:???

  6. WP1-Activity Meetings • General: • 2-4 July 2006, Capri: Kick-off meeting 27-29 June 2007, Athens: First year`s general meeting • Steering Committee: 6 Dec. 2006, Potsdam 19 April 2007, Vienna 27 June 2007, Athens • Executive Committee:28 June 2007, Athens • Special:5-9 June 2007, Cairo Jochen Zschau (general coordination) Kevin Fleming (shake map) Max Wyss (real-time damage assessment) Klaus Winkenwerder (decision support system)

  7. WP1-Activity Major Decisions and Clerifications • Scientific Advisory Board: Nomination of candidates • Raul Madariaga (seismologist, France) Kyriazis Pitilakis (civil engineer, Greece) Scientific advice and external scientific audit! • Amount of First Payment: 100% of the first year`s budget (1.5 million Euros) from 85% of the first 18 months` budget (1.9 million Euros)! Problem of the 70% rule! • Interim Management Report:Necessary and possible! • Deliverables and Milestones: Time can be shifted within the 30 months project duration! But indicate new deadlines and explain! • Shift Between Financial Categories: person., travel, consum., .. Is possible, but you have to explain!

  8. WP1-Activity Website (in Association with WP6) • General Project Information • Management Circulars • Minutes of Meetings • Available Deliverables, Reports, Presentations • Handbook of Administrative Management • Publications • PR-Activities • Participant Coordinates (…Photos?...) • Communication?

  9. WP1-Activity Synergies with other EU-Projects • Special SAFER-Organized Meeting: 19 April 2007, Vienna • SAFER participants: Steering Committee, Office EC:Denis Peter NERIES: Torild van Eck TRANSFER: Stefano Tinti SeaHellArc: Joanna Papoulia, Jannis Makris • First Year`s NERIES-Meeting: 11-13 June 2007, Zürich SAFER-representative: Bogdan Enescu • First Year`s SeaHellArc-Meeting:26 June 2007, Athens SAFER-representatives: Jochen Zschau, Gerassimos Papadopoulos • Special Session at SAFER Meeting: 28 June 2007, Athens with NERIES, TRANSFER and SeaHellArc • Joint “SAFER WP3/WP4“-“NERIES JRA3“- Meeting: 30-31 August 2007, Oslo

  10. WP1-Activity After One Year: Where Are We? • The Bad News: On average ½ year delay! • Late payment! Hiring problems! • The Good News: 1/3 of the first year`s deliverables ready! 10% of the first year`s deliverables nearly ready! We have 30 months instead of 24 months!

  11. Completed Deliverables: 14/43 D1.1 Kick-off meeting –Report D6.1 Web page of the project (AMRA) D6.2 Initial report by EUG (NOA) D2.24 Evaluation of the existing tools on EEWS in Bucharest (NIEP) D5.3 Clustering properties for Italy (INGV) D2.1 Report and code on methodologies for earthquake location (AMRA) D2.14 Software packages for generating data consistent accelerograms (UNIKAR) D2.18 Evaluation scheme and results for optimizing seismic networks for early warning and rapid response (UNIKARL) D3.10 Report and publication demonstrating the developed method (NORSAR) D4.1 Generation of area-specific relationships between ground motion parameters (PGA, PGV) (GFZ) D4.2 Development of magnitude calibrated intensity attenuation relations for target areas (GFZ) D4.8 Report on local attenuation relations analysing real and simulated strong motion data (AMRA) D4.9 Report on methodologies for real-time adjusting of attenuation relations and shake map computation (AMRA) D6.5 Special report about the status of civil protection as regards seismic early warning (NOA)

  12. Almost Completed Deliverables: 5/43 D3.1 Report on the needs into development of an EWS from the perspective of infrastructural/structural control. (AMRA) D2.2 Report on analysis of high quality strong motion data base for exploring the optimal real-time observable for magnitude estimation (AMRA) D3.16 Critical review of the different solutions for an integrated safe transmission system for EWS in urban areas. (Selex) D3.2 Report on the development of control algorithms and control devices. (AMRA) D3.6 Report on the empirical model of landslide prediction and validation against case histories. (NGI)

  13. Delayed Deliverables: 24/43 D4.34 MMI(PGA) and MMI(PGV) relations valid for SW Iceland. (IMO) D5.1 Alpha Version of RAFT distributed (ETHZ) D2.8 Calibration of VS parameters for Switzerland (ETHZ) D2.10 Performance evaluation and code improvements ((ETHZ) D2.20 Demonstration of real-time processing algorithms. (NORSAR) D2.27 Results of the application of automatic fault mapping procedure (IMOR) D2.29 Implementation of real-time fault mapping at in Iceland. (IMOR) D2.31 Report on evaluation of the procedures for real time monitoring (INGV) D2.37 Prototype hybrid network design and implementation (NKUA) D2.9 First Installation of test VS system (ETHZ) D4.12 Selection of target area where to achieve the shake map (NIEP) D4.20 Sensor Node Prototype of Low Cost Sensor (UBER) D4.25 Network Optimisation simulator development and testing (UBER) D4.27 Operation of spare early warning network in the Istanbul area (KOERI) D4.32 An automated system for the evaluation a earthquake sequence (NOA) D4.35 Analysis of the applicability of using station alerts in SW Iceland. (IMO) D4.37 Development of software code for QUAKELOSS (WAPMERR) D4.39 Development of software modules for shake map generation (NRIAG) D4.4 Development of the seismological analysis software (with UBER) (GFZ) D4.5 Development of seismogram analysis of single station/network trigger (GFZ) D5.2 Improve PGA- and VGA-distance relations for SW Iceland (IMOR) D5.5 RAFT test system Italy online (INGV) D5.8 New tool for the calculation of shear and Coulomb stress changes (GFZ) D6.6 General software frame of a DDSM (cedim AG)

  14. WP1-Activity Some Future Actions • Vision Paper for EC: State of the art and future potential of SEW By the end of the year! As basis for possible post SAFER projects! Together with other EU-projects or separately? • AGU Special Session on SEW: 12-14 Dec, San Francisco Convenor: Richard Allen Co-Convenors: Paolo Gasparini Representative from Japan

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