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Gender Statistics in Myanmar Manila, Philippine (11.10.2010-13.10.2010 ) Marlar Aung Director, CSO ESA/STAT/AC.219/10. General Information. Area -676,578 sq.km, 261,228 sq.mile International boundaries - 6151 kilometers Coastal line - 2229 kilometers State /Division - 9/8
Gender Statistics in MyanmarManila, Philippine(11.10.2010-13.10.2010)Marlar AungDirector, CSOESA/STAT/AC.219/10
General Information • Area -676,578 sq.km, 261,228 sq.mile • International boundaries - 6151 kilometers • Coastal line - 2229 kilometers • State /Division - 9/8 • District/ Township/ Town - 67/330/378 • Ward/ Village Tract/ Village- 2930/13646/ 64658 • National race - >100
Total Population (in million) Total Urban Rural 58.38 17.90(30.6%) 40.48(69.4%) Male 29.03(49.7%) Female 29.35(50.3%) Broad Age Group Age Group 0-14 years 15-59 years 60 years and above (%) 32.32 58.89 8.79 Youth Population (%) (Youth Survey, 2004) Total Urban Rural (15-19)Age Group Male 54.9 54.1 55.2 Female 53.5 51.5 54.2 (20-24)Age Group Male 45.1 45.9 44.8 Female 46.5 48.5 45.8
Population Pyramid of Myanmar, 2008 Age group 75 & + 70-74 65&+ 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 Percent Male Female
Population Indicator Population Density (per sq km) 86.0 Population Growth Rate 1.52 Total Dependency Ratio (%) Year Total Male Female (2008-2009) 69.79 69.12 70.47 Household size(%) Fertility and Reproductive Health Survey Year Union Urban Rural 2007 4.9 5.0 4.9
General Gender Statistics • Sex ratio - 98.89 ( male per 100 females) • Sex ratio at birth - between 102 and 105 Household head by sex(%) Union Urban Rural Male 2007 (FRHS) 78.8 72.9 80.9 Female 21.2 27.1 19.1 Singulate mean Age at Marriage Male 2007 (FRHS) 27.6 28.8 27.3 Female 26.1 26.7 26.0 Total fertility Rate (per women) (2008) - 2.05
National Mortality Statistics • To obtain by Two ways such as: (1) National Mortality Survey (2) Vital Registration System
(1)National Mortality Survey(1999) • Sample size 105,600 households • Sample design Two-stage Stratified cluster sampling Result National figure CDR 5.44(per 1000 popn) CMR 18.00(per 1000 popn) IMR 59.77(per 1000 livebirths) U5MR 77.77(per 1000 livebirths) MMR 2.55(per 1000 livebiths)
(2) Vital Registration System • The system began since 1962 >> gradually expanded >> in collaboration with CSO and DOH since 1964 >> DOH - Registration work, CSO – Statistics work • Modified vital registration system >> It was introduced within the year (2001-2005) by the UNICEF- Myanmar Country Programme (Reduced Form, Form Quality)
Places of registration • In Rural area >> Sub-Rural Health Centers >> Rural Health Centers >> Station Hospital • In Urban area >> Township Health Department >> Hospital • Reporting Period >> within one year >> 88% of death are occurring in the community >> 12% in Hospital
Vital Registration and Statistics (2008) (Union) • MVRS (2001-2005) • Coverage (100%) • 313 reporting towns out of 325 urban towns • 280 reporting townships out of 292 rural townships • 58.37 million population (17.89 urban and 40.48 rural) • The under- reporting and non- reporting is still existence in urban and rural as well as birth and death
Vital Rate(2008) Vital Rate/ Ratio Union Urban Rural CBR 15.4 14.0 16.1 per 1000 popn CDR 8.4 7.6 8.7 -do- LFDR 12.1 10.5 12.7 per 1000 livebirths IMR 29.5 28.2 30.0 -do- U5MR 40.73 39.82 41.08 -do- MMR 148 123 157 per 100,000 livebirths Life expectancy at birth, 2007 Male 64.0 63.2 Female 69.0 67.1
Infant Mortality Rate by age group and sex by Urban and Rural
Percentage distribution of Single Leading Causes of Mortality by Gender, 2007(Public Hospital)
Evaluation of the VRS 1995 – Evaluation of the Completeness of VRS Obj - Non reporting - Delay in reporting - Completeness Result- 60% completeness Especially in death events Rural < Urban Why? – cemetery ( no compound, no guard, easy to burry, less of public awareness)
To Improved the VRS IAWG - Inter Agency Working Group Formed –To strength the VRS Member – DOH, GAD, CSO, UNICEF (3)groups of IAWG members went tour to all states and Divisions to monitor and supervisor Having rapidly assessed and -operational gaps analyzed the -weakness and constraints Support -gave immediate feedback and immediate action to reduce them
Current and future activities IAWG meeting- monthly, quarterly, yearly Discuss - return forms - vital rates - coordination and cooperation between agencies - to fulfill the gaps and solve the problems