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TESDA PEG-PMS. Making People Accountable for Results. A CAO-PMIS Presentation to the MoNet Conference, 20 February 2009. Human Asset Profiles. Career Development Plans. Performance Management. Coaching & Mentoring. Human Capital Strategy. Selection. Core Values.
TESDA PEG-PMS Making People Accountable for Results A CAO-PMIS Presentation to the MoNet Conference, 20 February 2009
Human Asset Profiles Career Development Plans Performance Management Coaching & Mentoring Human Capital Strategy Selection Core Values Imputed Revenue per Employed TVET Graduate Recruitment Core Competencies Cost per employee Value-added per employee Performance Improvement
To keep TESDA people accountable for results in 2009, SURGE TESDA will- S I M P L E Set expectations Invite commitments Measure & Monitor performance Provide feedback Link to consequences Evaluate, . . . through an integrated TESDA Performance Management System anchored on the CSC PMS-OPES Model.
CO-EO/RO : PMS Form 1A EO/RO – DIV/VSA/PO: PMS Form 1B Superior– Subordinate employee : IPAF in support of CESPES /PES PAR
Integrated Performance Management from Organization Level to Job Level through the OPES Goal/Objectives Organization Level Customer (Strategic) CO Organization (Relationship Map) Process Level Goal/ Objectives S1 Sub Process Goals S2 Organizational Diagnosis Customer (Operational) Function A Function B EO-RO Function C (Process Map) Process Analysis Worksheet Criteria Setting Worksheet Div/ PO/TI Job Level Goal/Objectives Role / Responsibility Matrix Job Analysis Worksheet (Individual) INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEE Deploy OM/OD/HRD
Career Executive Service – Performance Evaluation System (CESPES) Office Performance Evaluation System for Units and Division Chiefs Performance Evaluation System (PES) for Individual Staff Introduction of OFFICE Performance Evaluation System OPES CSC – Performance Management System
Planning Structure for TESDA’sCore Business NTESDP TESDA’s immediate priorities Corporate Plan National Strategic Themes COROPOTI Work Plans Budget Performance Agreement Project Plans National Strategy (Biannual Reporting) Work Management Plans (Biannual Report to DG) Project Plans (Monthly Report to DG) Staff Development Performance Monitoring and Reporting Annual National Report Annual Performance Report
Performance Management at TESDA Organizational Level TESDA Organizational Performance Indicators (ANNEX “A” ) Mission Internal Appraisal Critical Success Factors Visionary Leadership Strategies Objectives Plans Action Values External Appraisal Review Feedback
Performance Management at Individual TESDA Employee Level Corporate and Unit Objectives OPES Output Reference Table and Points TESDA Organizational Performance Indicators (ANNEX “A”) Individual Objectives Action Plans Feedback Result Core Values
PERFORMANCE CONTRACT PMS Form No. 1A-ED/RD I, ___________, ED/RD, head of (EO/RO), agree to be rated based on the attainment of targets and commitments specified in the WFP for the period Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2009. I, ___________, Cluster DDG, as immediate superior, will provide the necessary support, guidance and mentoring in the performance of ratee’s functions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, parties herein sign this Performance Contract, this 6th of January, 2009. _____________________ ED/RD ____________________ DG/Cluster DDG 2009 TESDA WORK AND FINANCIAL PLAN No. of Personnel____
PERFORMANCE CONTRACT PMS Form No. 1B-DC/VSA/PD I, ___________, DC/VSA/PD, head of (EDIV/TTI/PO), agree to be rated based on the attainment of targets and commitments specified in the WFP for the period Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2009. I, ___________, ED/RD, as immediate superior, will provide the necessary support, guidance and mentoring in the performance of ratee’s functions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, parties herein sign this Performance Contract, this 6th of January, 2009. _____________________ DC/VSA/PD ____________________ ED/RD 2009 DIVISIONAL WORK AND FINANCIAL PLAN No. of Personnel____
TESDA PEG PMS Templates PMS OUTPUT REFERENCE TABLE Regional Office: _____________________ No. of Personnel: ____ WORK AND FINANCIAL PLAN 2009 TOTAL NO WFP POINTS = # of Staff x 972 = _____ ? # 1: Have all the staffs’ outputs been accounted for? #2: Have all the office outputs been accounted for?
ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT PMS Form No. 3 OFFICE/DIVISION: ____________ NUMBER OF PERSONNEL: ____ 1st Semester 2nd ACCOMPLISHMENT BUDGET TOTAL Prepared by: __________________ Approved by: ___________________ Head of Office
PMS PERFORMANCE CONTINUUM PMS Form No. 4 RATING SCALE PERCENTAGE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT NUMERICAL RATING ADJECTIVAL RATING Exceeds Expectations 161% and more 8.94 – 10.004 Exceptional 146% - 160% 8.11 – 8.93 Commendable 131% - 145% 7.28 – 8.10 Above Average Meets Expectations 90% - 130% 5.00 – 7.27 Good Solid Performance Below Expectations 75% - 89% 4.17 – 4.99 Below Average 0% - 74% 0 – 4.16 Unacceptable FORMULA to get the exact numerical rating: Numerical Rating + Accomplishment Points/ Target Points
RATING SCALE for Managerial Competency NUMERICAL RATING ADJECTIVAL RATING Exceeds Expectations 104 Exceptional 9 Commendable 8 Above Average Meets Expectations 6 Good Solid Performance Below Expectations 4 Below Average 2 Unacceptable
TESDA PEG PMS Individual Performance Appraisal Form (IPAF) Part 1 (To be completed at the beginning of the appraisal period)
IPAF Part 2 (To be completed at the end of the appraisal period)
IPAF Part 3 (To be completed at the end of the appraisal period) 1 copy sent to HRMD, to be filed in personnel record. 1 copy to employee.
Optional TESDA Self-Assessment Worksheet • This optional Self-Assessment Worksheet is designed to help you review and report to your supervisor on your own performance and contributions for this review period. • Employee Name: _____________________ Position: ______________ Work Group: _____________ • List the goals, performance standards, and/or professional development goals that you and your supervisor established for this review period and specify the results you achieved. • What were your most significant accomplishments during this review period? • How did your performance during this period contribute to the success of your department and/or the Authority? Provide specific examples. • What barriers did you have to overcome to obtain your results? • If you did not meet some of your goals, what factors kept you from meeting them? • What have you done during this review period to improve your skills or reinforce your strengths? Where have you made the greatest progress? • How have you used your skills to add value to TESD services during this review period? Provide specific examples. • What other professional accomplishments (courses completed, certificates earned, community or social service, etc.) during this review period would you like your supervisor to consider in documenting your performance? • What three to five goals for the upcoming performance period would you like to discuss with your supervisor? These may be related to new responsibilities/projects, improvement of ongoing responsibilities, and professional development goals for your career growth. What resources will you need from your supervisor in order to accomplish these goals? • Are there any new projects or job assignments you would like to attempt? • What training or other activities could your supervisor provide that would contribute to your professional growth? • What else regarding your job, your career progress or your experiences at TESDA should your supervisor know in order to support you in the coming performance year?
TESDA’s Journey to Excellence Begins with . . January 2009 December 2009 . . 2009 WFP EXCECUTION