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Final Project Presentation. Project Title. Name of the Student Roll No, Year, Sem B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering. Industrial Guide : Name Designation, Department, Place. Supervisor ‘s : Name Designation, Department, . Aim and Objectives of the Project. Aim :.
Final Project Presentation Project Title Name of the Student Roll No, Year, Sem B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering Industrial Guide : Name Designation, Department, Place Supervisor ‘s : Name Designation, Department,
Aim and Objectives of the Project Aim : To investigate the total pressure distortion pattern downstream of the distortion screen and to identify the Aerodynamic Inlet Plane ahead of the compressor. Objectives : • To study the total pressure distortion decay pattern in the intake. • To study the variation of distortion index downstream of distortion screen. • To identify the Aerodynamic Inlet Plane. • To study the effect of scaling on distortion index.
Methodology • The geometric details of the experimental facility and the distortion screen developed at the National Aerospace Laboratories was obtained. • The fluid domain was meshed using GAMBIT. • The boundary conditions were imposed from experimental conditions. • The flow solution was obtained by FLUENT. • The results will be validated with the experiments to be conducted at the National Aerospace Laboratories.
Introduction Give a brief introduction to the topic chosen for the project highlighting its significance (One slide Only)
Summary of Literature Review Briefly describe the essence of literature review, highlighting the salient points observed (1 or 2 slides only) • It was concluded from the existing literature that a fundamental fluid dynamic understanding of the distorted flow-field in intakes is lacking. • The literature reveals the need for improved flow-field analysis in improving the design of distortion screens to generate required distortion pattern. • The flow-field analysis in distorted intakes have been limited so far to experimental methods. The limitations of the experiments lies in the fact that obtaining intricate flow features is rather complex, and if so desired requires exhaustive instrumentation.
Validation Studies Include this slide only if it is applicable Validation studies were conducted on a square grill whose geometry is shown below. Distortion indices and loss coefficients were evaluated at various planes downstream of the grill for various inlet Mach numbers.
Design/Simulation In case of experimentation, include its details here instead of information about computational modeling.
Solution Procedure Describe the solution procedure in one or two slides
Results and Discussions Discuss all the results in detail highlighting the significant outcome of your project. (5 to 10 slides)
Conclusions Bring out the summary and conclusions drawn from your work. (1 or 2 slides)
Suggestions for future work One Slide Plan the presentation to get over within 20 mins and include the just-sufficient number of slides.
References continued . . . [5] Norby, W. P., Ladd, J. A. and Yuhas, A. J., “Dynamic Inlet Distortion Prediction with a Combined Computational Fluid Dynamics and Distortion Synthesis Approach”, NASA CR – 198053, September 1996. [6] Yuhas, A. J., Ray, R. J., Burley, R. R., Steenken, W. G., Lechtenberg, L., and Thornton, D., “Design and Development of an F/A-18 Inlet Distortion Rake: A Cost and Time Saving Solution”, NASA TM-4722, October 1995. [7] “Gas-Turbine Engine Inlet Flow Distortion Guidelines”, Society of Automotive Engineers Aerospace Recommended Practice, ARP 1420, March 1978, Revised ****. [8] “Inlet Total-Pressure-Distortion Considerations for Gas-Turbine Engines”, Society of Automotive Engineers Aerospace Information Report, AIR 1419, May 1983, Revised ****.