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The End of Salutary Neglect and the development of "America"

Explore how the French and Indian War set in motion events that led to the end of British rule over the colonies and the establishment of the United States. This includes examining the concept of salutary neglect, the Proclamation of 1763, the Stamp Act, the Sons and Daughters of Liberty, and the Intolerable Acts.

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The End of Salutary Neglect and the development of "America"

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  1. The End of Salutary Neglect and the development of "America" Describe how the events that followed the French and Indian war led to the end of the British Colonies and the creation of the United states

  2. Review: What is salutary neglect • England ignored the daily routine and governance of the colonies • England was concerned with making money through trade • England did not care about colonial government or freedoms • "hands off"

  3. Proclamation of 1763 • Ended the French & Indian war • The French quit – they can just go home • The native Americans – will not quit this is their home • France gave up its claim to North American colonies • The Native Americans agreed to stop fighting if The Colonies stopped expansion into the Ohio River Valley (don’t cross the appalachian mountains) • Colonies – angry because they see the boundary as a restriction of the rights and freedoms

  4. The Stamp Act • The French & Indian war was expensive • The stamp Act was created to get England's money back • Every piece of paper had to have royal "stamp" on it. To get the stamp pay a tax. • Colonists Angry because this is an  unfair tax "Taxation without representation" - they feel like they should have a voice in decisions that impact them

  5. Sons & Daughters of Liberty • They are a resistance groups • Developed after the stamp act • They organized and communicated throughout the 13 Colonies • They wanted the Colonies to have a voice, to freely make decisions • They also - Threatened, intimidated, and sometimes assaulted British officials • They refused to pay taxes and would run the tax collectors out of town

  6. Intolerable acts • Response to the sons and daughters of liberty • Closed Boston Harbor • Housed more British soldiers in the colonies • Colonial governments were shut down and the colonies were now governed by the British Military

  7. Place in order of occurrence • Sons & daughters of liberty, proclamation of 1763, French & Indian war, stamp act, salutary neglect, intolerable acts

  8. Compare the two different views of Colonists and English English Colonists

  9. Compare the two different views of Colonists and English English Colonists • Just trying to get their money back • Want Colonies to follow basic rules and laws • Colonies need to know their place • We need to stop fighting with the Native Americans • Colonists are: traitors, treasonous • We should have a voice in the government • We have natural rights to pursue dreams, work and create wealth • If you don't listen to our complaints, we will act • England is a tyrant

  10. Assignment (choose one)you may work with one other person • a text rant by king of England to his friends with dialogue back • Create a wanted ad for the sons and daughters of liberty • A Native American journal talking about what you see going on • A recruitment letter or marketing ad for the sons and daughters of liberty

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