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Good practice in managing learning and assessment. In other words – unpacking training packages. Competency. To demonstrate that the process of judging competency was based on the requirements of the Training Package, documentation needs to link –
Good practice in managing learning and assessment In other words – unpacking training packages
Competency • To demonstrate that the process of judging competency was based on the requirements of the Training Package, documentation needs to link – • The qualification as outlined in the Training package to • The Training and Assessment Strategy to • The Learning and Assessment Plan to • The assessment instruments and underpinning documentation back to the • Decision to confer the qualification.
Why a Learning Program? Training Packages/Curriculum Documents Training Package qualifications consist of groupings of Units of Competency which identify the underpinning skills and knowledge required. The teacher/trainer needs to prepare documentation showing how training will be delivered to enable students to achieve competency.
AQTF 2010 requirements AQTF guidelines require that training delivery is documented to show how delivery and assessment meet the requirements of each unit, and how training hours are used: • Each training and assessment strategy is clearly articulated and based on data collected on industry/enterprise requirements and learners’ needs through effective consultation. • Each training and assessment strategy and training program specifies the resources, both human and physical, that will be used to meet the requirements of the Training Package qualification (or unit of competency) or accredited course (or module). • Each strategy is monitored and improved through effective consultation.
Role of the Learning Program A sequenced learning experience to achieve competency Supporting the “know how” and the “know why” aspects of competency
What Does a Learning Program Look Like? No prescribed format Based on learning requirements of the units of competency A summary of the delivery Details of assessment Documentation of delivery hours
Unit Analysis – identify knowledge and skills requirement • Analyse the knowledge and skills component and the critical aspects of evidence for each unit and the whole qualification • this helps to develop a picture of the unit of competency to identify: • Learning activities • Assessment activities
Develop a learning and assessment strategy for each unit or cluster • Structure learning requirements into subjects for class delivery • Identify workbased activities to support learning • Identify assessment strategies • Design subject topics • Design workbased learning activities • Design assessment tasks
ISSUES to be addressed Focus of unit - technical, behavioural or knowledge Opportunities and capacity to cluster units/elements/performance criteria Assess performance and underpinning knowledge Principles of assessment: valid, reliable, fair, flexible
Teaching and Learning Details • Document: • Delivery program – schedule of activities and supporting resources • Matrix linking unit cluster with assessment activities • Assessment record outlining activities; competencies addressed and results • Assessor overview with details of activities and exemplars of appropriate responses, behaviours and outcomes of assessments e.g. Practical placement observation checklists should provide guidelines for workplace supervisors about what the performance criteria might mean
Essential documentation for assessment of Training Package qualifications • Assessment tasks for the unit that are consistent with and meet the requirements of the unit of competency. • A mapping of elements of performance against assessment tasks. • A mapping of skills and knowledge and critical aspects of evidence against assessment tasks. • A mapping of Employability Skills against assessment tasks. • A clear set of assessment criteria/model answers/marking guide for each assessment task. • An assessment record sheet for each assessment task, • An overall assessment record sheet for the unit of competence to show achievement of the participant against each of the specified assessment tasks, signed by both assessor and student. • Clear advice to students as to how the unit will be assessed. • An information guide for assessors on the process of assessment used by the RTO including the model answers/marking guides.
Useful links • http://www.nqc.tvetaustralia.com.au/nqc_publications • Guide for developing assessment tools – 2009 • Validation and Moderation – Code of Practice 2009 • Validation and Moderation – Implementation Guide 2009 • http://www.tpatwork.com/back2basics/default_home.htm • www.training.com.au