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HEALTH BENEFITS OF KEEPING FIT TO PROFESSIONAL. Presented by Dr Omede Idris, 1 st Deputy Ptresident, APBN during APBN retreat @ Tinapa Hotels & Suite, Calabar Cross River state on 29 th January, 2016. Presentation Outline. Introduction Background Evolution of Health benefits

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  1. HEALTH BENEFITS OF KEEPING FIT TO PROFESSIONAL Presented by Dr Omede Idris, 1st Deputy Ptresident, APBN during APBN retreat @ Tinapa Hotels & Suite, Calabar Cross River state on 29th January, 2016

  2. Presentation Outline • Introduction • Background • Evolution of Health benefits • Health Promotion & environmental factors. • Lifestyle & Impediment to Health Benefits • Recommendations • Conclusion

  3. Introduction • WHO (1946) defined health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity • It is a state of general well beung and also a process that is dynamic at different times, depending on the interplay of different factors and circumstances

  4. Introduction... • The dynamic nature of health makes it everyone’ s , every community and every government responsibility to work towards achieving acceptable optimal health at all times with emphasis on prevention. • By this, improvement in health is a continuum with a spectrum of no ill health to perfect health. • In reality however, achieving these two extreme is rare or not sustainable for a long while

  5. Introduction.... • Health as a science and as an art, particularly public health focuses on: • preventing disease, prolonging life, treating ailments, promoting health and by extension rehabilitating persons who recuperate from moderate to severe debilitating disease. • We shall be looking more on the areas of prevention and promotion which invariably affect the quality of life and life expectancy or longevity.

  6. Background • Most current disease control strategies are focused on communicable infectious diseases, but there is now an increasing burden of chronic Non Communicable Diseases(NCDs)- • NCDs include Hypertension, obesity, tobacco smoking, diabetes mellitus, alcohol, disasters/emergencies /trauma among others, and constitute rising pressure on the health system.

  7. Background ..... WHO • These formed a major discourse at the 66th WHA in Geneva, Switzerland between 20-28th May 2013. • Other Non Communicable Diseases-(NCDS)-Including Sickle Cell Disease, Haemoglobinopathy, Cardiovascular Disease etc

  8. Background....WHO • The Director General of WHO Margaret Chan, speaking on NCD, during the 66th WHA stated that” the World Health Organisation WILL NEVER BE ON SPEAKING TERMS WITH TOBACCO INDUSTRY AS THERE ARE NO SAFE TOBACCO PRODUCTS”. This is a clear reflection of the havoc tobacco has caused to the people over time and thus poor health.

  9. Background... Barriers • Changes in urban design, • food consumption, • lifestyle and • work patterns have created barrier to a healthy lifestyle.

  10. Background- barriers More hours at work and meetings Stress at work and home

  11. Backgroud • Genetic and biological • Lifestyle- smoking, alcohol etc • Environmental • Social & Economic, • cultural, • physical • Organization of health system

  12. Health Promotion • empowerment of individual, community in improving their health through • health education (knowledge and understanding), preventive health services, positive behavioral change, improvement of physical, social and economic environment and political advocacy.

  13. Urbanization • Stress in the morning and in the evening • Air pollution and free radicals • Disconnection with family support systems • Compulsory outings and associations

  14. Impediments..... • Distortion of Epidemiological triad consisting of the Environment, Host and Agent,create impediment to healthy living. These include: • Climatic change • Globalization and international travels • Wars and terrorism • Reemergence of disease • Population Issues • Lifestyle changes

  15. Global Warming/Climatic Change • Defined as measurable increases in the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and landmasses • The Earth is currently facing a period of rapid warming brought on by rising levels of heat-trapping gases, known as greenhouse gases (GHGs), in the atmosphere.

  16. Greenhouse gases • Greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2), and ozone (O3), nitrous oxide(N2O),methane(CH4),chlorofluorocarbon • Greenhouse gases occur naturally, and without them the planet would be too cold to sustain life.

  17. Climatic Change- health effects • Age, level of hygiene, socioeconomic status, skin pigmentation, and health status are determinants of the net effects of climatic change. • Climatic changes will develop gradually over several decades. • Some of them, such as heat waves, will have a direct effect on human health (causing heat illness, for example

  18. Climatic change- health effects... • Many of the changes will have mainly indirect effects: • by changing natural ecosystems • affecting such aspects as food production, • vector-borne diseases, and a number of other infectious and non-infectious diseases

  19. Examples of health effects • Temperature-related illness and death, as well as Extreme weather –related diseases • Air pollution-related health effects • Water and food-borne diseases. • Vector-borne and rodent-borne diseases • Effects on food and water shortages as well as on mental, nutritional, infectious conditions.

  20. Environmental contamination • Herbicides are in general use with out strict regulation • All manner of insecticides are in use for preservation • Household detergents • No one know the longer time implication

  21. Health effects of globalization.... • With increased access to media information both on the internet and cable network televisions, • armed conflicts and uprising has apparently become a ‘contagious disease’ • necessitating regular deployment of troupes with huge impact on the risk of exposure to combatants, their families and countries.

  22. Lifestyle changes & FEEDING PATTERN • Automation processes and remote control of electronic control of electronic gadgets • has heightened sedentary lifestyle at home and in the office environment. • Several hours are spent on the computer and watching movies without body movement. • Feeding pattern is now significantly altered since people don’t have time to prepare fast or eat food in their natural forms. • Fast foods restaurants are readily available with meals that may not be appropriate in terms of high salt

  23. Portion sizes

  24. Lifestyle changes • In addition: physical exercise, body size, rest or sleep pattern • substance abuse, tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption in large quantities is a common finding in both rural and urban communities with huge implication on the health of individuals, families and communities. • This has a particular reference amongst the armed forces.

  25. Smoking and alcohol consumption • It is a social norm that armed forces indulge in • alcohol consumption, Smoking • sexual escapades for many obvious reasons of socialization, • dislocation from family, with one act leading to the other. • Wife battering or violence against women • While Officers are very protective of their spouses, the converse is the case for the Men. • consequences of these is an unimpressive health promotion.

  26. Population Issues • The population of the world has reached 7 billion. • Nigeria population of 167million is a major contributor to this world population. • In Nigeria, the population rise is not commensurate with financial and managerial resources for expansion of social amenities like water, sewerage facilities, functional health facilities and garbage collection to keep with the pace..

  27. Population Issues.... • Health facilities and health work force are overwhelmed and overloaded. • Overcrowding in slums and poverty, limit household access to potable and safe water and sanitary waste disposal. • Garbage in most instances are dumped or burned in the open with all the attendant consequences of air, water and soil pollution and affection of quality of life and healthy living

  28. Healthy Living • Healthy living entails the: • steps, actions and strategies put in place to achieve optimum health. • It is about taking responsibilities and • making good and smart choices for today and for the future

  29. Tips for Health benefit • Control a situation rather than reacting to the events etc. • Stock taking • Avoid what will result to health challenges and manage the challenges when they eventually rear the heads.

  30. Taking stock • Individual: • keeping routine appointments for check up in first instance • follow up for chronic disease condition, • regular and periodic screening, • self body mass index assessment and breast examination, • daily physical activities/exercise and aerobic, food pattern or food diary based on awareness, choice and moderation

  31. Taking stock... • Mood and energy, • Social network with family, work place and contacts. • With respect to sleep, it is important not to have any form of distraction such as visual- TV, or Audio(radio) and exercise close to bedtime. • Bathe could be of good assistance for good sleep. • Good sleep is very necessary for healthy living

  32. Exercise • Exercise is not only for weight control, but • on regular basis can reduce the risk for several diseases such as • heart diseases, • obesity and • control of noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus and • other health conditions and thus improve quality of life.

  33. Exercise.... • Exercise reduces joint aches and backache and blood pressure • it is confirmed by experts that indulging in exercise will not pose additional problems. • Exercise therefore, as one obligatory aspect of the armed forces, is beneficial to both the men and officers whom can attest to this.

  34. Stress • Stress is aspects of life that we have to contend with daily. • Prolonged psychological stress negatively impact health with cognitive impairment and depressive illness. • Stress is defined as any change in our ever changing world, bordering on demands of force, pressure, strain that is placed on the body and the body reaction to it.

  35. Stress management • stress management is the application of methods to either reduce it or increase tolerance to it. • Some of the methods to achieve these are relaxation techniques, psychological-Cognitive therapy, meditation, positive thinking, breathing exercise all aimed at reducing response to stress and also appropriate medication. • This applies to mental disorder that can significantly affect health.

  36. Keeping Healthy • good for oneself, family and community include but not limited to: • Avoidance of overcrowding • regular check up and screening, • hand washing, • avoid or quit smoking and alcohol, wear helmet & use seat belts, • use insect repellants and insecticides, • build a safe and healthy relationship and family.

  37. Proactive approaches ... • Prevention and early detection of diseases in active population • positive behavioral changes, • Health promotion to provide care and control

  38. Benefits/Prospects- Healthy Living • To the citizens -Good and economic prosperity • To health professional: • Passing Information on benefit of healthy living. • Referral for rehabilitation programs • Reduction of the current burden of Communicable and Non Communicable diseases.

  39. Recommendations • Appropriate and adequate policies are required to address barriers to healthy living at the governance level • The complexity and inter- relationships of the pillars of healthy living must be acknowledged • Addressing this requires multi-sectoral, sustainable, and implementation through coordinated and sustained efforts

  40. Recommendations... • Joint efforts of the Federal, State and Local Government, along with important contributions from academia, the private sector, non-governmental organizations, the media, and – most importantly – citizens themselves are required • Raising awareness and education to improve health literacy and promote healthy lifestyles

  41. Let’s Get Healthy campaign • A national “Let’s Get Healthy” campaign, involving all levels of government to engage Nigerians • coordinated health promotions in print and electronic media. • Improving access to healthy foods

  42. Healthy Living Component... • All Government-Funded Projects to Include a Healthy Living component: • Recognizing the impacts of environment on our health, • all Government infrastructure spending for roads and bridges could be required to include alternative transport lanes e.g. bicycle tracks and public transit or walks

  43. Improving Health • Government could earmark a set percentage of infrastructure funding to go to projects which increase physical activity similar to the 10 % of infrastructure funding currently designated by the US federal government • All new or renovated government office spaces should have bicycle racks, showers, and exercise facilities

  44. Improving Health • Health investment through Private Public Partnership to improve infrastructure, service delivery and business climate. • Implementation of National Health Act, and Release of consolidated funds provided under the fund for Primary Health care and Health Insurance

  45. Workplace Wellness initiatives • To provide training and opportunities for employees to increase physical activity and healthy eating, and to manage stress • Senior officials and Top executives to ‘Lead by example’ to: • Encourage employees to be physically fit by adopting healthy living lifestyles. • Encouraging healthy activity through the use of tax system to offset the costs of physical activity, reduce the cost of participation for vulnerable people at the source

  46. Conclusion • Healthy employees are : • More productive, with less absences from work, • Happier, wealthier and have fewer mental health problems. • Have better attitudes, better able to manage stress, • model good health behaviors to their families

  47. Conclusion... • In all, the health of one has a bearing to the person’s approach to it: • take the right decision now • so that Nigeria will have a healthy combatant force and • the nation and your family will be happier and proud of you.

  48. Thank you for Listening

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