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Does anybody have honey or chocolate allergies?. Bible 10: Jesus. Jan 13 2014 - Day 1: Jesus’ Early Years Reflective Writing #2 (may use half sheet): Does God learn? If so, how? If not, why not? Defend your answer in 4-8 sentences. Luke 2:39-40.
Does anybody have honey or chocolate allergies? Bible 10: Jesus Jan 13 2014 - Day 1: Jesus’ Early Years Reflective Writing #2 (may use half sheet): Does God learn? If so, how? If not, why not? Defend your answer in 4-8 sentences.
Luke 2:39-40 39 When they had performed everything according to the Law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their own city of Nazareth. 40 The Child continued to grow and become strong, increasing in wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him. NIV “Filled with wisdom” NASB “Increasing in wisdom” Literally “Became full of wisdom.”
Luke 2:39-40 What does it mean for Jesus to grow in wisdom? (How that worked… the text doesn’t say.) 39When they had performed everything according to the Law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their own city of Nazareth. 40 The Child continued to grow and become strong, increasing in wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him.
Jesus’ Education- 1: Bet Sefer • Bet Sefer – House of the Book • 6-10 years old • Ps 119:103: How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” • Memorize Torah • Most kids only completed this level • Graduates go on to fishing or carpentry or other family trade
Jesus’ Education- 2: Bet Talmud • Bet Talmud – House of Learning • 10-14 years old • Best of the best from Bet Sefer • Memorized all of the Tanak (Hebrew Bible/Old Testament) • Learned the Jewish art of questions and answers - Taught to always be curious about Scrpt. • Read Luke 2:26-47
Jesus’ Education- 2: Bet Midrash • Bet Midrash – House of Study • Only the best of the best of the best make it here. • Students go to a rabbi to seek further education. • Rabbi grills them with tough questions: Most would be rejected and told to pursue family business. Few would be admitted to be students of a Rabbi. • Accepted students would try to be exactly like their Rabbi. • They would take on his “yoke” or his teachings/beliefs. • f. Lech Acharai
Read Luke 2:41-52 • Discuss where Jesus was in his educational process.
Homework • Read pp33-34 of “Jesus” (section: Responses to His Mission) & answer prompts on separate paper. • Read Luke 4:1-13 a couple of times in preparation for Block Day Scripture Quiz.
Bible 10: Jesus Jan 14 2014 - Day 2: Jesus’ Baptism Pass in homework Silent Reading: Matthew 3:1-17
Jesus’ Baptism & John the Baptist • What questions does this text raise for you?
Metanarrative Recap: • Presence Metanarrative? • Salvation History Metanarrative? • How is Jesus the pinnacle of each?
Salvation History: Jewish Worldview The present age Satan rules Evil Abounds Sa’aq Empire The age to come Realized by Messiah God rules “In that day…” Kingdom of God
Luke 2 and Matthew 2 According to these two texts… it seems like the “Age to come” is just about here!
Matthew 3:1-12 • 3:1 “In those days” – Messianic vocab • 3:2-4 - John’s role and eccentricity • Locust & Honey (“Clean”); Camel Hair & Leather Belt (Clothes of Elijah) • Essene Similarities (Amish?); Simplicity = Rejection of self-indulgence • 3:5-6 - The Historical purpose of baptism • Admittance to the Jewish faith/A symbol of repentance • 3:5-10 – John offends the religious people • Tells the religious to be baptized • Vipers & Broods of Vipers • Children of Abraham?!?! Who Cares!?
Matthew 3:11-14 • 3:11-12 – Judgment and warnings • A Messiah is coming… He will judge • “Whose sandals I am not worthy to carry” (less than slave status) • Threshing floors and winnowing forks • 3:13-14 – Why would Jesus need to be baptized? Discuss • 3:15 – Jesus’ answer: It is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness
Bible 10: Jesus Jan 15-16 2014 - Day 3: Jesus’ Temptation Silent Reading: Luke 4:1-13 Scripture Quiz
Scripture Quiz: • Who led Jesus into the wilderness? • For how many days was he in the wilderness? • What was the devil’s first temptation? • What was Jesus’ response to the first temptation? • What did the devil show Jesus before his second temptation? • According to the devil, what would Jesus have to do to get authority and splendor? • Where did the devil take Jesus for the third temptation? • In the scripture that the devil quoted for the 3rd temptation what would God’s angels prevent? • What was Jesus’ response to the third temptation? • What did the devil do when he had finished all the tempting?
Why would Jesus be Baptized? • Baptism consecrates (sets apart) Jesus for ministry for God • Baptism gives Jesus publicity (Read John 1:29) • In Baptism, Jesus identifies with humanity in it’s state of brokenness (Hostages) • Jesus sets a standard for his later followers.
Matthew 3:16-17 • Many believed the Holy Spirit has been absent since the last prophets (400 years ago) • The coming of the Spirit points to the dawn of a new age (Messianic Kingdom) • This story is mentioned in all 4 gospels
What can we learn from this? • If the Kingdom of God is now available among us… • Build Highways (“make straight paths”) w/ confession and repentance • Produce fruit in keeping with repentance • Put on camel skins and eat locusts & honey • Translation: come out of Empire… Reject self indulgence • Be the voice in the wilderness
In groups of 2-4: Discuss which you most need to do in your life… • If the Kingdom of God is now available among us… • Build Highways (“make straight paths”) w/ confession and repentance • Produce fruit in keeping with repentance • Put on camel skins and eat locusts & honey • Translation: come out of Empire… Reject self indulgence • Be the voice in the wilderness
Temptations of Christ: • T#1: Stone to bread – Why is this a temptation? • Using his talents/gifts selfishly • T#2: Worship for authority – Why is this a temptation? • Worship success – the Kingdom NOW – microwave style. • Kingdoms of earth belong to the devil? • T#3: Throw JC off the temple – Why is this a temptation? • Showing off or creating a spectacle – Success… • Proving oneself for validation
Jesus’ Responses to Temptation: • Jesus’ verbal responses: all from Deuteronomy 8 or 6. • T#1-Deut 8:3 – Context: The lesson of the manna • T#2-Deut 6:13 – Context: Don’t follow the other gods of the nations • T#3-Deut 6:16 – Context: Remember testing God at Massah • Large chunk meditation • New Exodus theology • Jesus’ life responses to the temptations: • 1. Luke 9:12-17 – Is bread a problem for Jesus? • 2. Luke 17:20-21 – Does Jesus seem preoccupied with success? • 3. Luke 4:28-30 – Is safety an issue for Jesus?
Small group discussion • How do you see these temptations play out in your life? 1. Letting your gifts/talents be used only selfishly 2. Doing God’s work with questionable means. The medium is the message. 3. Taking unnecessary risks or not enough risks in doing God’s work.
Jesus’ Disciples • Lech Acharai and disciple review from Tuesday • Jesus’ disciples… what kind of movement is this?!
Homework: Mini-Assessment Friday • Jewish Educational System: names, requirements, and ages of each level • Baptism of Jesus: • John’s food and clothing • Messianic expectation • John’s harsh words for Jews and Pharisees • Why baptize Jesus? • Temptation of Jesus • Why the 3 temptations were temptations at all? • Jesus’ responses: verbal and life responses