Full-Time Student (Over 16 hours classroom study) Housing Benefit (HB)You can get HB if:You have Income Support, Income Based Jobseekers or Income Related Employment Support AllowanceYou are under 21 and in non-advanced education, if over 19 you must have been accepted on or started the course before age 19You and your partner are both full time student and you have at least one childYou are a lone parent or a lone foster carer
You meet the conditions for the disability premium (See Income Support Chart)You have been sick for over 28 weeksYou qualify for a disabled student allowance due to deafnessYou or your partner have reached the age to qualify for Pension CreditAny award is subject to the normal HB means test and any LHA restrictions apply to the amount of HB payable.NOTES:If a couple make sure the person who is not a Full-Time student claims any HB due