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Astrology & Science. Bharat Bhushan Padmadeo. Astrology the functional tool of Spirituality. Astrology is not a belief driven discipline. It is not speculative either. It does not bind you to the limits of Destiny.
Astrology & Science Bharat Bhushan Padmadeo
Astrology the functional tool of Spirituality • Astrology is not a belief driven discipline. • It is not speculative either. • It does not bind you to the limits of Destiny. • It is a dynamic discipline operative at much deeper level than is usually perceived. • It serves as functional tool of Spirituality to sets the ground for corrective initiatives right from the base level, and build up the self, thus qualifying one to add value and quality to the collective worth and wisdom of our group existence.
What determines success or failure • Failure or Success is subject to the way we conduct ourselves and not simply because we would be born at bad or fortunate moments. • That is dependent on how our thought plane would be framed in correspondence with our elemental framework. • Imbalances if any at elemental level may cause disorientation of mind or physical ailments. • Astrology could identify these imbalances for necessary corrective initiatives to drive mind towards the right end.
Rationale based Indian wisdom • The best are always confused; while the worst are full of passionate intensity. • Wisdom, especially in Indian tradition evolved through continued debates. • Therefore our ancient wisdom emerged on proven rationale rather than being based on belief or faith.
Oriental tools & Perspective • Ancient Indians believed in realising the truth of life and applying them in practical terms. • The intuitive tool were based on the nondualistic philosophy where in God and Man are one and that every point in the space is intimately connected to each other. • Accordingly they explored their Mind at much higher and deeper level to tune up Individual Consciousness to Super Consciousness and thereby have access to the basic construct of life. • The concept is still incomprehensible by the modern world. • Hence the disconnect between Science and Astrology.
Scientific findings of today known to the Ancient India • Relation between Matter and Energy needs to be established for Science to proceed further. • That time frame at different planes were relative. • These two facts form the basis of Einstein’s theory of Relativity. • Fred Hoyle’s theory vindicated the Indian concept of “Yat Brahmande Tat Pindam” (As is the cosmos so is the body). • Ten dimensional space frame work is in day to day practice in India.
Consciousness as Material force • What determines average expectancy of lives of different species in existence. • Consciousness quantifies our life space. • Science shall be able to quantify the Material consciousness soon if not Super consciousness.
History of Astrology • The exercise begins with the quest for comprehending weather cycle. • It was realised that the Sun’s annular cycle read together with variations caused by other planetary bodies govern the weather cycle. • Numerals followed by Mathematics got conceived to formulate Astrology. • So, Astrology was the first evidence of logical thinking and structured approach to Life Matters. • In a way it laid the ground for Science to emerge.
The Energy Orchestra • Three modes of energies – Rajas (Action-the giver-the masculine); Tamas (Inertia-the taker-the feminine) and Sat (Neutral-the carrier) emerged out of saturated form of energy available at the Primordial source in course of intermittent agitation at that end. • The chain reaction of energy that followed progressively manifested itself as Energy providers in the form of Planets and Stars. • That followed formations of four elements Fire, Earth, Air & Water to form our physical frame. • It gets enlivened by Consciousness.
Manifestation of Energy at various levels • Life is made out of energy. • At one level, it forms our gross body. • At higher level it becomes Mind. • At still higher level it becomes Intelligence.
The basis of Astrology • Astrology is a graphical reflection energies in vogue at the time of one’s birth that excites the trend of life. • The emerging mind frame and life trends are comprehended in terms of progression of ever moving planetary bodies in the time frame. • The planets are important not merely as physical bodies but the energies they make available directly or through Moons around and the auxiliary bodies in vicinity. • The planets are read in the backdrop of Zodiacal signs, each sign meaning a cluster of distant stars to together present a picture of energy frame influencing our lives.
Impact of different planetary bodies • Energy available from every planetary body emits radiations identified with a particular wavelength and frequency. • Every particular energy excites a particular corresponding point in the brain. • Every point of the brain administers set function of the body, mind and psyche. • That is how these energies influence our day to day life.
The role of Astrology • The energies our available in equal proportion. • Our absorption level however varies depending on the basic fabric of our making that differentiates one from the other. • The imbalances at the energy level remain the cause for all mental and physical deficiencies. • Astrology could help identify the imbalances for corrective initiatives if necessary.
Structure of Planets • The distant planets -Uranus, Neptune and the Trans-Neptunians to the set the intellectual frame and psyche. • The outer circle planets - Saturn, Jupiter & Mars that sets the course of Karma, Wisdom, and our efforts level. • The inner circle planets – The Sun, Venus & Mercury to reflect upon our Will & Resolve; Intent & Purpose; & Intelligence. • The Reflector – The Moon that determines the culmination of planetary influence over the self to determine one’s personality. • The Nodes – The points of convergence of two planes, the Elliptic and the Equator that maintains continuum between our successive lives.
The time frame • Every time frame corresponds to some periodic cosmic movement. • Yuga corresponds to the Precession of Equinoxes cycle that reflects upon the general awareness and intelligence level of people. • Year corresponds to annular solar motion. • Months corresponds to relative 360 degrees displacement of Moon with respect to the Sun. • A day corresponds to 12 degrees relative displacement of the Moon with respect to the Sun. • A day is divided into 24 horas. • The day is also divided into multiples of 60.