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Community Source Procurement System

Community Source Procurement System. Jennifer Foutty Director of Purchasing Operations, Indiana University Barry Walsh Senior Director, eBusiness Services, Indiana University. JF. Objective. To share with you some details of what, for us, was a unique implementation of a new system. JF.

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Community Source Procurement System

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  1. Community Source Procurement System Jennifer Foutty Director of Purchasing Operations, Indiana University Barry Walsh Senior Director, eBusiness Services, Indiana University JF

  2. Objective • To share with you some details of what, for us, was a unique implementation of a new system JF

  3. Some Background • Two projects converging: • Development of a new Procurement system at Indiana University • Replacing a mainframe system • That system in production since 1988 • We called this new system “EPIC” • Electronic Procurement & Invoicing Center • The Kuali Financial Systems Project JF

  4. Kuali Financial System • Functional/Technical leads met Dec 2004 • Scope and the data that was to be contained in the system (based primarily on existing IU FIS) • Person-years estimated to be somewhere around 60 • Time allotted for project was 2.5 years • March 18, 2005…$2,500,000 from Andrew W. Mellon Foundation • Development began in June, 2005

  5. Started with Six Institutional Founding Partners NACUBO and The rSmart Group are Founding Partners KFS Founding Partners On 7/8/06, a new Investing Partner joined

  6. Kuali Financial System • Scope • Over 700 distinct tables • Over 100 distinct routable business transactions…’eDocs’ • Over 400 distinct maintenance transactions • Hundreds of inquiries, lookups, and mandatory reports to support real-time and analytical decision making

  7. First Module of Kuali Financial Systems Actually scheduled now for 10/13  BW

  8. Convergence • Kuali Functional Council met in April 2005 • KFC reviewed all functionality in EPIC • KFC voted to include EPIC in the Kuali Financial System • Some enhancements were identified JF

  9. The EPIC Story • Two key themes: • Exceptional response from users to EPIC • First module of Kuali Financial System implemented JF

  10. Exceptional Response • Minimal Costs • Very few bugs • We felt the love JF

  11. Minimal Costs • Approximately 2 year implementation • Approximately 6 developers • All procurement staff spent hours • Design • Testing • Training & Implementation • No external funding required JF

  12. Very few bugs • We piloted in June 2005 • Catalog shopping only • Brought departments on a few at a time • Defined needed workflow and set up that workflow in the system • Fully live in November 2005 • No parallel activity • Only major bug was in our Fax software integration (which users didn’t see) JF

  13. Felt the Love • Training • Mentoring • Usability JF

  14. Training • Step-by-step documentation • Town Hall meetings • Hands on training JF

  15. Mentoring • An individual Purchasing staff member met one-on-one with each of 102 departments on the Bloomington campus • What this accomplished • Probably the best “training” possible, because it was so individualized • We learned so much more about our users • Our users really felt the love JF

  16. Usability at IU • Usability eXperience Group • 5 years • Early Connection with Development Teams • Accessibility issues • Cross-Application Learning • Purchasing/AP; HR; Kuali BW

  17. Quick Demo JF

  18. First Module of Kuali Financial Systems • What we learned -- • Best practices • Vendor data structures • Reporting of diversity spend • Use of Commodity Codes • Having partners we can ask “how do you do this?” • How to collaborate and compromise • We pooled resources rather than competing for them JF

  19. Q&A Jennifer – jfoutty@indiana.edu Barry – walsh@indiana.edu

  20. Kuali Financial System • Phase I Deliverables (Oct 2006) • Chart of Accounts • Financial Transactions/General Ledger • Kuali Nervous System (KNS) • Kuali Enterprise Workflow (KEW) • Phase IIA Deliverables (July 2007) • Accounts Payable/Purchasing…..’Kualification’  • Budget Construction • Labor Ledger • Research Administration/Grants & Contracts • Phase IIB Deliverables (Mar 2008) • Accounts Receivable • Capital Assets Management System

  21. Kuali Financial System • Phase I Deliverables (Oct 2006) • Chart of Accounts • Financial Transactions/General Ledger • Kuali Nervous System (KNS) • Kuali Enterprise Workflow (KEW) • Phase IIA Deliverables (July 2007) • Accounts Payable/Purchasing…..’Kualification’  • Budget Construction • Labor Ledger • Research Administration/Grants & Contracts • Phase IIB Deliverables (Mar 2008) • Accounts Receivable • Capital Assets Management System

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