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Welcome NCLTG/SCSF Training Presented by NCSEAA September 2011. State Aid Programs for Students Attending Private Colleges. North Carolina Legislative Tuition Grant State Contractual Scholarship Fund. Basic Concept.
Welcome NCLTG/SCSF Training Presented by NCSEAA September 2011
State Aid Programs for Students Attending Private Colleges North Carolina Legislative Tuition Grant State Contractual Scholarship Fund
Basic Concept • The North Carolina General Assembly has provided funding to support students at the North Carolina Independent and Private Colleges and Universities • Institution is responsible for determining residency
NCLTG Residency Applicationhttps://www.northcarolina.edu/legal/residence/committee/manual/index.htm • NCTLG application asks basic questions • what is your permanent residential address? • where and when did you go to high school? • how long have you lived in NC? • asks information about parents’ residency • where and when did family pay state tax? • where and when did family vote? • where and when did family obtain drivers license? http://www.ncseaa.edu/pdf/2011-12NCLTGRApplication.pdf
Clues that you might need more information: • Information on NCLTG application in conflict with other school records • Graduated from high school in another state • Student is dependent and parents live out of state • Resolution: • Ask student to complete the “long” form • How does student pay bills…dependent on parents? • Did student claim to be resident on NC tax return? • Where did student serve on jury duty? • Where does student spend vacations? http://www.ncseaa.edu/pdf/NCResidencyLongForm.pdf
Rules Governingthe North Carolina Legislative Tuition Grant Program
Purpose • Created in 1975 to provide tuition assistance to certain NC residents attending eligible nonprofit private colleges located in NC. • SEAA administers the Program as directed by the General Assembly. • Institutional role is to administer the program for and on behalf of Eligible Students and Licensure Students. • Funds are contingent upon appropriations from General Assembly.
Definitions • Eligible student • Matriculated Student (student is enrolled and attending class) in an Approved Institution and meets the requirements for in-state residency • does not have bachelor’s degree • if in associate degree program, does not already have associate degree • Licensure Student • has a bachelor’s degree, • enrolled in an Approved Institution in a licensure program for teachers or nurses, • enrolled in undergraduate classes on a full or part-time basis and • meets in-state residency requirements for tuition purposes.
Definitions Full-time Status An Eligible or Licensure Student who is enrolled for twelve (12) or more credit hours. Part-time Student An Eligible or Licensure Student who is enrolled for at least nine (9) credit hours but less than twelve (12) credit hours. This student shall receive an award on a pro-rata basis at nine (9) credit hours.
Definitions 140 (110%) Credit Hours A student’s total number of completed credit hours including all regular session degree creditable courses taken at the Approved Institution, including repeated courses, failed courses, courses dropped after the official last drop day and all transfer credit hours accepted by the Approved Institution. Certification Date The date on which an Approved Institution certifies Eligible Students and Licensure Students as qualifying for Tuition Grants for the applicable School Term. The Certification Date for the fall School Term is October 1st and the Certification Date for the subsequent School Term(s) is the Tenth Classroom Day of that School Term.
Requirements for Eligible Students to Receive Grants • General Rule for an Eligible Student • Matriculated status as an undergraduate student; • Cannot be in program in which the objective is a degree in theology, divinity, or religious education OR the program is designed primarily for career preparation in a religious vocation; • Enrolled in a Full-time Status or Part-time Status; • Selective service registration, if required; and • Certified by the Approved Institution as eligible.
Requirements for Eligible Students to Receive Grants • General Rule for a Licensure Student Returning to school to get Teacher or Nurse Licensure • Has a bachelor’s degree; • Is enrolled in a program intended to result in licensure as a teacher or nurse; • Enrolled in a Full-time Status or Part-time Status; • Selective service registration, if required; and • Certified by the Approved Institution as eligible.
Remedial/Developmental Courses • Limited to no more than 25% of minimum full-time academic load (3 hours) • Example: Student is provisionally admitted to the University with the condition to take a particular 3 hour course, which is required by the program. The remaining 6 - 9 credit hours are regular courses for the instructional program.
Effects of Military Personnel Tuition Assistance on NCLTG Awards • Military personnel abiding in NC incident to active military duty assignment, who do not qualify for in-state residency, may receive the NCLTG. • Grant cannot exceed amount of tuition less any tuition assistance paid by employer. • NCLTG can only be used toward tuition only - not other costs of attendance items. • http://www.ncseaa.edu/documents/NCLTG_SCSF_ActiveMilitary.pdf
General Assembly of North CarolinaSession 2003Session Law 2004-130 Senate Bill 1058 • Clarified sections pertaining to military members and their dependents. • If an active duty member of the military is enrolled in a degree seeking program and is reassigned outside of NC, the member is still eligible for NCLTG as long as the member is continuously enrolled in the degree program. • If an active duty member of the military is reassigned outside of NC, the dependent relative will continue to be eligible for the NCLTG as long as the dependent relative is continuously enrolled in the degree program at the time of the member’s reassignment. • This will apply to NC National Guard members called to active duty by a competent authority
Off Campus Degree Programs • Campus must have been established before May 14, 1987 OR • President of institution must certify to the Authority that other institutions in the county or adjacent counties have agreed to the off-campus program OR • Degree program being offered is not available in the county or an adjacent county.
Institutional Requirements Participation Agreement signed by your institution’s president remains in effect until new one signed or terminated as outlined in Agreement a contract between the institution and the Authority institution agrees to comply with Act and Program Rules, instructions, and requests of the Authority
Amount of Tuition Grant Payable • The NC General Assembly determines the appropriation amount and the maximum Tuition Grant for each year. For 2011-2012 Academic Year the maximum Tuition Grant is $1,850 • Eligible Students in Full-time Status Eligible Students in Full-time Status will receive a maximum of $1,850 for the academic year or $925 fall and $925 spring semester. With completed hours ≥ 140 or 110%, award will be $1,387 or $694 fall & $693 spring. • Eligible Students in Part-time Status Eligible Students enrolled with 9-11 hours will receive a maximum of $1,387 for the academic year or $694 fall & $693 spring. With completed hours ≥ 140 or 110%, award will be $1,041 or $521/520 per semester.
Amount of Tuition Grant Payable Licensure Students in Full-time Status • Licensure Students in Full-time Status will receive a maximum of $1,850 for the academic year or $925/$925 per semester term. The 140 (110%) Credit Hours reduction does not apply to Licensure Students. • Only undergraduate credit hours will count for award. • Licensure Students in Part-time Status • Licensure Students enrolled with 9-11 hours will receive a maximum of $1,387 for the academic year or $694/$693 per semester term. • Only undergraduate credit hours will count for award.
Application and Certification Procedures • Method of Applying for Grant- • All students must apply using the ‘NCLTG Residency Application’ each academic year on or before October 1, 2011 for fall and 10th classroom day for subsequent semesters. All applications must be certified by the Approved Institution by the same dates. http://www.ncseaa.edu/pdf/2011-12NCLTGRApplication.pdf This year October 1 is a Saturday, so October 3rd (Monday) is too late. • School Terms Covered by an Application for the Grant • One School Term or • More consecutive school terms within the academic year (excluding summer)
Application and Certification Procedures • Approval of Grant Applications by Institutions • Authorized School Official designated by institution’s president • Determine eligibility • Sign each application to document eligibility OR submit statement that data is collected electronically with no signature (Approved Institutions with automated systems for tracking NCLTG are not required to sign each application.) • If student applies and is determined ineligible, school must notify student in writing. • Notify each student recipient of the Tuition Grant award.
Submission of Roster to the Authority • Submission Roster • Rosters are due by October 20th for fall or first term and • Twenty (20) days after Certification Date of the subsequent terms • Electronically transmitted via NCSEAA Secure Website (FUPLOAD). https://www3.ncseaa.edu/fuploadp/fupload.cgi • Determination of Sufficient Appropriation • Authority collects all rosters to verify sufficient funds available to disburse maximum grant • No disbursement until all rosters are received and verified. • Certification Form (NCLTG) http://www.ncseaa.edu/documents/NCLTG_FallCertificationForm.pdf
Application and Certification Procedures • Locking the roster • Authorized School Official locks the NCLTG roster on the SEAA School Portal after all funds have been disbursed to the students’ accounts • Certification by the Authorized School Official:“By locking and returning this roster, I certify that all Students identified as eligible on this roster are eligible for the identified SEAA program in accordance with any applicable statutes and rules. I also certify that I have transferred the identified amount of funds to each Student'saccount within 10 days of the first day of class or the receipt of funds, whichever is less. I further certify that the identified amount of funds for transactions designated on the roster as ineligible shall be returned to SEAA within 30 days of the first day of class or of the receipt of funds, whichever is less.”
Application and Certification Procedures Enrollment in Mini-Terms Within Semesters (On or Off Campus) • An Eligible or Licensure Student enrolled in a mini-term, cohort, carousel or any non-traditional term may be eligible for the NCLTG. To be eligible, the student must first complete a document provided by the Approved Institution certifying that the student intends to enroll in additional mini-terms that will equal full-time enrollment within the corresponding traditional school term. If a grant is disbursed to this student and the student does not complete registration in all mini-terms intended, the full amount of the grant must be refunded to NCSEAA.
Disbursement of Tuition Grants by the Authority • Effect of Insufficient Appropriation • Pro rata reduction applied uniformly to all schools. • If any institution fails to submit rosters by deadlines and thus creates an unforeseen shortfall, those institutions alone will be subject to pro rata reduction. • Finality of Disbursements • Once payment is made upon a certified roster—payment is final. • Exception– a finding by the Authority or an auditor that payment was made in violation of the Act or the Program Rules. • Authority disburses by electronic funds transfer to a clearing account maintained by the Approved Institution. A disbursement roster is provided on the SEAA School Portal and within ten (10) business days of receipt of funds, institution credits amount of each grant to account of eligible student.
Refunds of Grants to the Authority • Error - if students are erroneously certified on the roster OR the Authority makes error in disbursement, funds must be returned within 30 days of determination of error • Refunds due to withdraw are made according to institutional refund policy. If student withdraws after October 1 or 10th classroom day, all NCLTG funds should be returned to the Authority before any funds are returned to student • Eligible Students (during refund period): • On October 1 or 10th classroom day: if an Eligible or Licensure Student was not enrolled, all NCLTG funds must be returned to the Authority • On October 1 or 10th classroom day: if an Eligible or Licensure Student is not enrolled in the certified undergraduate classes, NCLTG funds in excess of corresponding certified hours must be returned to the Authority. (i.e. certified full-time but enrolled part-time, return difference) • When returning full fall NCLTG awards, review your SCSF FTE roster to determine if there is a refund due the Authority for the SCSF FTE payment ($1,350) as well. http://www.ncseaa.edu/Portal_Files/SPReturnOfFunds.htm
Purpose • Created by General Assembly in 1971 to provide financial assistance to needy North Carolina resident students attending eligible private colleges • SEAA administers pursuant to Act and SCSF Program Rules • Institution’s role is to administer the program for and on behalf of eligible students • Funds are contingent upon appropriations from General Assembly
Selected Definitions • Eligible student: a person who is enrolled in an Approved Institution on a full-time or part-time basis and qualifies as a North Carolina resident for tuition purposes under G. S. §116-143.1 or § 116-143.3 and the Residency Manual • Licensure Student: a person who has a bachelor’s degree, is enrolled in an Approved Institution in a program that will result in Licensure as a teacher or a nurse, is enrolled in an undergraduate class and qualifies as a North Carolina resident for tuition purposes under G. S. §116-143.1 or § 116-143.3 and the Residence Manual. • Needy student: eligible student who has need as determined by CSS Institutional Methodology (PROFILE) or federal methodology (FAFSA). FAFSA or PROFILE acts as application
Requirements for Eligible Students to Receive Grants • Eligible Student • Matriculated status as undergraduate student with financial need • Cannot be in program in which the objective is a degree in theology, divinity, or religious education OR program designed primarily for career preparation in religious vocation. • Is a Needy Student • Selective service registration, if required • Not defaulted on student loan and does not owe refund under Title IV • Meeting the Approved Institution’s policy for Satisfactory Academic Progress for Title IV aid programs • Certified by institution as eligible
Requirements for Eligible Students to Receive Grants • Licensure Student • Has a bachelor’s degree • Is a Needy Student • Is enrolled in an Approved Institution in a Full-time Status or in a Part-time Status • Is enrolled in a program intended to result in licensure as a teacher or nurse • Selective service registration, if required • Not defaulted on student loan and does not owe refund under Title IV and • Meeting the Approved Institution’s policy for Satisfactory Academic Progress for Title IV aid programs • Certified by the Approved Institution as eligible
Institutional Requirements • Participation Agreement • signed by your institution’s president • remains in effect until new one signed or terminated as outlined in Agreement • a contract between the institution and the Authority • institution agrees to comply with Act and regulations, instructions, and requests of the Authority
Computation of FTE • Include both full and part-time NCLTG Eligible and Licensure Students as of October 1st. • Add all full-time and part-time NC resident students and calculate the FTE as shown in Rules. • NOTE: if you are using students from an off-campus site for FTE computation — be sure to consider that population when awarding SCSF funds.
Example of FTE Calculation # of Eligible & Licensure NCLTG Students 500 # of Eligible Full Time Students 25.00 # of Eligible ¾ Time Students 187.50 # of students X .75 (250 X .75 = 187.5) # of Eligible ½ Time Students 94.00 # of students X .5 (188 X .5 = 94) # of Eligible ¼ Time Students 9.25 #of students X .25 (37 X .25 = 9.25) ______ Total FTE 315.75
Certification and Allocation of Funds • Allocation = FTE x legislative-approved figure [($1,350 for 10-11) $1,350 X 315.75 = $ 425,250 • Funds will be rounded to the nearest whole dollar • Submit NCLTG roster (electronically) with total FTE as of Oct 1st. • While the NCLTG and SCSF programs are completely separate, the NCLTG roster is used to collect the FTE for the fall semester, which is used to base your SCSF funding for the year
SCSF Fund Management • Authority will disburse entire year’s funds by electronic funds transfer to the Approved Institution’s bank account • The Approved Institution will deposit funds into a separate ledger account identified as “State Contractual Scholarship Fund” within the institution’s accounting system • Award made to student by debiting SCSF account and crediting recipient’s account • Institution must notify student in writing of the source and amount of SCSF award
SCSF Application and Certification Procedures • Requirement for scholarship applications - Must complete the FAFSA, CSS Profile, or a comparable needs analysis form as required by institution to determine need • Awards can be given in multiple terms within the same academic year and must not exceed demonstrated need • Designation and Role of Authorized School Official • Must notify students when eligibility changes from eligible to ineligible • Certification of Scholarship Recipients • SCSF Payment Roster due Aug 1st (sooner is recommended)
Refund of Scholarship Funds to the Authority • Students erroneously included on FTE roster OR Authority makes error in disbursement • Funds must be returned upon determination of error • According to institutional refund policy... • After October 1: if determined that student has refund due, all SCSF funds should be returned to Approved Institution’s SCSF Account for re-disbursement. • SCSF funds not expended prior to the end of SEAA’s fiscal year must be returned to the Authority. The SEAA fiscal year ends June 30. http://www.ncseaa.edu/Portal_Files/SPReturnOfFunds.htm
Audit Requirements for Approved Institutions • Audit Compliance Supplement • Make available to your independent auditor in order to comply with state regulations. • Audit must be submitted annually immediately following audit completion. • Deadline: Nine months after close of fiscal year • Grant funds must be reconciled by June 30. The audit must be reconciled following close of fiscal year. • Funds will be withheld for fall semester if reconciliation not completed. • Participate in exit interview with your independent auditor.
Audit Results • Review audit before uploading to NCGrants • Example of errors: • All disbursements made by the Authority to institution not reflected in audit • All funds/refunds returned to the Authority not included in audit • If you discover error in audit, audit must be corrected before you submit to the Authority. • If audit reflects balance in accounts, return remaining balance to the Authority immediately.
Audit Compliance Copy of audit report must be uploaded within NC Grants “No Overdue Tax Debts” form to be sent directly to SEAA http://www.ncseaa.edu/pdf/2011-12NCLTGRApplication.pdf Due to NC Grants as soon after the end of the fiscal year (no later than March 30 for June fiscal year end) NC Grants staff will automatically forward a copy of your audit to NCSEAA http://www.ncseaa.edu/documents/NCLTG_AuditCompliance.pdf http://www.ncseaa.edu/documents/SCSF_AuditCompliance.pdf
Inspection of Records • Retain records for five years from the close of the grant year OR until all audit/inspection exceptions have been resolved and in accordance with the Approved Institution’s document retention policies. • Records must be maintained until on-site review by the Authority, which will occur at least every three years.
Interpretive Guidance and Adjudication of Disputes • Interpretive Guidance • Policy memoranda • Question and Answers • Adjudication of Disputes • North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities adjudicates disputes between and among the participating institutions pertaining to the eligibility of an Off-Campus Degree Program
The NCLTG/SCSF Spreadsheet Headings must be exactly as the sample roster List your four digit school code in column one (Institution) Follow the code listing on the sample roster for ethnicity and special comments Do not use “cents” – whole dollars only Round up for fall and down for spring when student is only one semester
NCLTG/SCSF Resources Page http://www.ncseaa.edu/NCLTG-SCSF.htm
NC Grants Online ReportingStep 1:Establish access to NC Grantshttps://ncid.nc.gov/login/Create your own NC Identity (NCID) user ID and password.
Step 2: • Log in with NCID ID and password. • You will be directed to a form to request access • Enter data and click ‘submit’. • Access is provided via email confirmation • You can now log in to NCGrants and complete forms • User’s Guide is provided for help https://www.ncgrants.gov
State of North Carolina NCGrants Online Reporting https://www.ncgrants.gov/NCGrants/logon.jsp