1. The First Amendment Freedom of the mind
The First Amendment
Judicial theories
2. The reason for the freedom Search for Truth
The Enlightenment edition
Political Participation
Campaign and vote
Check on government
Social Stability
The safety valve effect
Individual Growth
The Enlightenment version
3. The First Amendment an artifact of freedom 1791
“Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
4. Parsing the Third Amendment Congress
The Civil War’s 14th amendment
Government action v. private action
shall make no law abridging
Prior restraint? Punishment after the fact?
What about enhancing free speech?
the freedom
of speech
conduct - gathering and distributing?
conspiracy? intimidation? threats?
entertainment, art, porn, obscenity?
or of the press
how is the role of the press related to freedom?
5. Supreme Court Theories make no law abridging freedom
Bad Tendency
Clear and Present Danger
Symbolic conduct
6. Bad tendency theory Some have thought, particularly in the 19th century that speech that tends to do harm should not be protected by the First Amendment.
This creates a very short range of protection and is a somewhat dated idea today. But you can see it working in cases where the court speculates about potential evils that might happen if the speech is tolerated.
7. Clear and present danger Freedom of speech and press extends to a point where there is the imminent danger of lawlessness that is likely to succeed and which government has a duty to prevent.
Suggested by Justice Holmes in 1919 as a way to expand the limited protection afforded by a bad tendency approach.
8. Balancing theory Free speech rights should be weighed against other values in the interest of justice.
Balancing gives rise to interesting problems:
How do you assign weights?
Should the First Amendment be in a preferred position?
How compelling should be the need?
How closely should you scrutinize?
9. Balancing Minimum scrutiny
The content of the speech is of no particular political or social value, such as obscenity,child pornography, “fighting words,” or conspiring to commit a crime. Some government interest.
Intermediate scrutiny
The government’s concern is primarily about conduct unrelated to the content of the speech and the speech is especially hardy (e.g. advertising) or the speech is diluted by action (e.g. marching in a demonstration). Government’s interest must be “substantial.”
Strict scrutiny
The content of the speech is central to the First Amendment’s concerns about democracy. See Cohen v. California. Government’s interest then must be “compelling.”
10. Symbolic speech theory Expressive conduct should be treated differently from expressive speech. Control of the conduct can be allowed, even if it abridges the speech, but only if the regulation controlling the conduct is limited to that which is necessary to further a substantial government interest unrelated to the expression.
11. Positive theory Free speech is a right that requires government to be energetically active in its efforts to get information to people and to make sure there is always a public forum for the exchange of ideas and controversy. For example:
Labeling on food and medicine
SEC rules on disclosure to investors
Freedom of Information requirements for government
Open government meetings and courtrooms
12. Location and forum theories The First Amendment protects only speech and press, it does not protect the time, manner and place of speech or press from reasonable restrictions.
Closely related are theories that make distinctions based on the function of the place, for example, schools, military bases and prisons cannot be absolutely free places.
Public, limited, non-public and private forums.
13. Speech category theory Not all speech is of equal value. Some types of speech are more important than other types of speech. At the core of the First Amendment is “political speech.” It gets the greatest amount of protection. Other forms of speech are protected to a lesser extent depending on their value to society.
Can some speech types be completely unprotected?
obscene speech
imminently dangerous speech
speech created by abusing children (child porn, for example)
blackmail, extortion, perjury, false advertising, conspiracy
fighting words
heckler’s veto
14. A First Amendment model
15. The First Amendment Freedom of the mind
The First Amendment
Disruptive Speech
And prior restraint
16. Getting down to cases The meaning of the First Amendment Near v. Minnesota (1931) - an injunction is a prior restraint
17. Near v. Minnesota (1931) Facts
Saturday Press was a newspaper largely devoted to publishing scandal - not all of it true. It was anti-Catholic, anti-Semitic and racist and in violation of a state statute.
Is a state statute providing for the permanent injunction of a newspaper consistent with the First Amendment?
18. Talking points The doctrine of prior restraint
William Blackstone
Attacking a state law on federal grounds
Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
Any person who shall be engaged in the business of regularly publishing a malicious, scandalous and defamatory newspaper is guilty of a nuisance, and all persons guilty of such nuisance may be enjoined.
Minnesota Statutes, 1927, 10123-1 to 10123-3.
19. Abridging speech Prior Restraint? What’s the alternative?
Sir William Blackstone and the meaning of freedom of the press:
“No Prior Restraint”
20. Alternatives to prior restraint Criminal liability for harms caused by words
Contempt of court
Criminal speech
fines, jail, forfeiture
Civil liability for harms caused by words
Breach of contact
21. A legal doctrine is generally not developed in a single case - but over time Schneck v. United States (1919)
Abrams v. United States (1919)
Gitlow v. New York (1925)
Whitney v. California (1927)
Dennis v. United States (1951)
Yates v. United States (1957)
Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969)
22. Clear and present dangeran ongoing conversation
23. Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969) Facts
Armed KKK organized a speech and rally on a farm
Burning cross, white hoods, calls for “revengence”
The episode was televised by local TV news
KKK leader, Clarence Brandenburg, was arrested for violating an Ohio statute forbidding the advocacy of terrorism
Does a statute forbidding or punishing as a crime the advocacy of terrorism conflict with the First Amendment guarantee of free speech?
24. Talking points Court reverses Brandenberg’s conviction and finds unconstitutional the Ohio Criminal Syndicalism Act.
Court adopts in this non-war context the Holmes/Brandeis view: Political/social speech - however hateful and offensive -is protected from punishment unless there is imminent danger of lawless action.
This is the Incitement Standard - where to draw the line. When the danger is clear and present.
25. Brandenberg v. Ohio (1969) “... constitutional guarantees to not permit a State to forbid or proscribe advocacy of the use of force or of law violation except where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such actions.”
26. A First Amendment model
27. National securityPersonal security Imminent and likely danger
Foreseeable danger
28. National Security clear and present danger New York Times v. The United Sates (1971)
The United States v. Progressive
29. New York Times v. U.S. Facts
Both the Times and the Washington Post publish parts of an official (but secret) history of U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Not a pretty picture for the U.S.
Government seeks to enjoin publication
Does the First Amendment protect the publication of a secret, embarrassing report leaked from the Pentagon?
30. Talking points The presumption is that a prior restraint is unconstitutional, see Near v. Minnesota, but
Some exceptions
No one would question but that a government might prevent actual obstruction to its recruiting service or the publication of the sailing dates of transports or the number and location of troops. On similar grounds, the primary requirements of decency may be enforced against obscene publications. The security of the community life may be protected against incitements to acts of violence and the overthrow by force of orderly government. The constitutional guaranty of free speech does not “protect a man from an injunction against uttering words that may have all the effect of force. These limitations are not applicable here.”
- Charles Evans Hughes
None of these apply here. So the issue is how clear and present is the danger? Is the danger sufficient to overpower a presumption against prior restraint?
No. The state has not proven imminent danger to the USA.
31. U.S. v. Progressive
32. U.S. v. Progressive magazine Facts
Progressive plans to publish about how easy it is to find information in the USA for building a hydrogen bomb.
Atomic Energy Commission objects, saying there are too many details in the article. Federal statute prohibits publication. AEC wants the courts to enjoin publication.
Is the risk so great that the speech should be prohibited?
33. Talking points Your are the judge
How do you want to be wrong?
Your mistake was to give too much protection to free speech and the world blows up
Your mistake was to give to little protection to free speech and the world is saved
What if you really get it wrong?
Your mistake was to overestimate the danger and sabotage the First Amendment when, as it turns out, nothing much would have happened anyway.
34. Personal security Rice v. Paladin Enterprises
Instructions to a killer
Soldier of Fortune
Advertising killers for hire
More than once
Olivia N. v. NBC
Imitation of a rape scene
no incitement
not foreseeable
35. Personal security Hateful speech
Fighting words
True Threats
Compelled Speech
36. The Weirum case Wrongful death case, but the issue is “negligence” (maybe even edging toward recklessness).
Arising from history, custom and practice, morals and justice
To act as a reasonably prudent person in avoiding foreseeable harm to others
Attributable to the breach
37. The Real Don Steele
38. Van Nuys to Thousand Oaks KHJ
39. end