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Literature Focus Unit: Bridge to Terabithia 6th Grade

Books Used in this unit:Wilma Unlimited: How Wilma Rudolph Became the World's Fastest Woman By: Kathleen KrullStargirl By: Jerry SpinelliCrossing the New Bridge By: Emily Arnold McCully. Literature Sele

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Literature Focus Unit: Bridge to Terabithia 6th Grade

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    1. Literature Focus Unit: Bridge to Terabithia 6th Grade By: Carly Feiler

    2. Books Used in this unit: Wilma Unlimited: How Wilma Rudolph Became the World’s Fastest Woman By: Kathleen Krull Stargirl By: Jerry Spinelli Crossing the New Bridge By: Emily Arnold McCully Literature Selection

    3. Literature Selection Other Novels by Katherine Paterson Angels & Other Strangers Lyddie The Smallest Cow In the World Flip-Flop Girl Gates of Excellence The Spying Heart Who Am I?

    4. Unit Plan Language Arts Web Cross-Curricular Ideas Lesson Plan Lesson plan handout Inquiry Project

    5. Language Arts Strategies Organizing Ideas Journaling Using the Venn diagram Creating bar graphs Visualizing Drawing pictures in their journals Making Connections Connecting concepts from the book with other pieces of literature Journaling about their own experiences Connecting to other subject areas

    6. Language Arts Strategies Revising Meaning Literature discussion groups Creating the bridge project Monitoring Bridge project presentation Class discussions Playing With Language Journal writing Bridge project presentation

    7. Language Arts Strategies Summarizing Bridge Project Journaling Evaluating Class reflection on the unit

    8. Language Arts Skills Print students will apply spelling rules, sound out word using phonics, and capitalize proper nouns and adjectives. Comprehension students will separate facts and opinions, identify cause and effect, and notice organizational patterns.

    9. Language Arts Skills Language Students will appreciate rhyme and other poetic devices, use punctuation marks, and use simple, compound, and complex sentences. Reference Students will locate information in an encyclopedia and read and make graphs, tables, and diagrams.

    10. Language Arts Skill Study Students will skim, preview portions of text as well as follow directions

    11. Technology Computers: Use the internet to explore the Terabitha website. Use the internet to explore Flash Floods CD: Listen to the book on CD Video: Watch the movie “Bridge to Terabithia”

    12. Language Arts Modes Reading: Reading “Bridge to Terabithia” (the teacher reads aloud, partner reading, independent reading) Reading the other books in the unit Writing: Literature Journal Poem Listening: Listening to the other groups present Listening to the story on tape

    13. Language Arts Modes Talking: Class discussions Small group discussion Presenting group project Viewing: Watching the “Bridge to Terabithia” movie Internet websites Visually Representing: Making group poster/brochure Making a bridge Making a Venn Diagram

    14. Grouping Patterns Reading: Whole Group: teacher reads aloud Small group: partner reading Independent: reading independently Writing: Independent: writing in literature journal Small Group: friendship poem Talking: Whole Group: class grand conversations, group presentations Small Group: literature discussions

    15. Grouping Patterns Viewing: Whole Group: watching video, watching group presentations Small Group: looking at websites Visually Representing: Small Group: making poster board/brochure, making a bridge

    16. Time Schedule 12 Day Unit Schedule

    17. Assessment Observing student participation Unit Checklist Inquiry Project Rubric 6 + 1 writing traits

    18. Resources Web Quest Unit http://firstclass.plainfield.k12.in.us/~Kara_Montgomery/student.htm http://www.terabithia.com/ http://weathereye.kgan.com/cadet/flood/

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