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Barack Obama. By : Makayla Bacon. About Barack Obama. Obama was born on August 4,1979 He went to school in Honolulu,Hawii He was a lawyer and senate. He graduted from high school in 1979. Timeline of Life. In 1990, he became the first African-American editor of Harvard Law.
BarackObama By :MakaylaBacon
About Barack Obama • Obama was born on August 4,1979 • He went to school in Honolulu,Hawii • He was a lawyer and senate. • He graduted from high school in 1979.
Timeline of Life • In 1990, he became the first African-American editor of Harvard Law. • In 1992, he got married to Michelle Robinson • In 2004 he was elected to the U.S senate as a Democrat, representative • 2005, he was the fifth African American Senator. • 2008, he ran for president, and won
THE 44th PRESIDENT • In 1979, he went to college in Los,Angeles • In 1982, he finished college. • In 1988, he takes a trip to his dad birthplace Kenya. • In 1991, he graduates from Harvard Law. • In 1999, he runs for congress.
Accomplishments • He became a lawyer • He was the Illinois state senator • He became the first Harvard Law editor • He got married to Michelle • He became President
Facts • He collect spider-man and Conan the barbarian comics • He was known as “o’ Bamer”at high-school for basketball. • His name means the “one who is blessed” in swahili.
BarackObama • Barack Obama dad died when he was 10. • When he was attending Columbia University, he found that New York had a racial tension inescapable. • A lot of people gave Barack Obama a hard time in election and now. • Racial tension is surrounding his every move. • When going to middle school he felt left out.
Sources • Early Life,2-16-12-www.biography.com • Barack Obmama,2-27-12-www.imdb.com • Barack Obama Timeline,3-2-12-www.barackobamatimeline.com • Barack Obama's life,3-2-12-www.biography.com • Barack’s biographical timeline,3-2-12-www.about.com