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Trillium Learning Global Language and Culture Project. An Environmental Tour of Pascack Hills High School. Ms. Natalie Macke Environmental Studies Class 2011-2012 Pascack Hills High School, Montvale, New Jersey, USA. Built in 1965.
Trillium Learning Global Language and Culture Project An Environmental Tour of Pascack Hills High School Ms. Natalie Macke Environmental Studies Class 2011-2012 Pascack Hills High School, Montvale, New Jersey, USA
Built in 1965 Students of the Global Environmental Studies class decided to perform an environmental assessment of our school. Each student chose a different aspect to research. INRO – by Emily V Paper Use – Emily I Turf Field - Kyle G Recycling - Alex Wildlife – Justin N Recycling in Kitchen - Alicia Computer Use – Chrissy M Lighting - Billy Carpooling – Christine Stormwater – Jared Solid Waste – Anthony Water Use – Dylan Heating - Darren A Tour of Pascack Hills High School By Emily V.
Building Information • Two floors. • Three wings. • Main lobby. • Cafeteria. • Two gyms. • Theatre. • Turf Field. • Baseball Fields. • Tennis Courts. By Emily V.
Student Body Faculty/Administration • 62 teachers. • 13 “swing” teachers between Hills and Valley. • 3 administrators. • 13 Guidance Counselors • Librarian & Library Clerk • 1 nurse & 1 trainer • 7 instructional aides • 10 secretaries / 12 custodians • 808 Students: 417 male, 391 female • 9th- 199, 10th- 196, 11th- 211, 12th-202 • Ethnic Groups • Asian – 77 • Black – 10 • Hispanic – 40 • Multi-racial – 4 • White - 677
Future Students • 204 8th graders, most will attend Pascack Hills • A small number will go to private schools
Biannual Blood Drive Community Service Activities • December and April • Started in the 1970’s • 50-60 donors • Blood goes to the Blood Center and distributed to hospitals • Must be 16 years old and have parent permission. 17 and 18 year olds do not need parent permission.
Teens Against Cancer Community Service Activities • About 120 members • One of the largest clubs of our school • Relay for Life annual event • Event to raise money and awareness about cancer • Our team raised over $30,000
Our Turf Field Our manufacturer. Darren Gil VP of marketing at FieldTurf informed me that the installation process takes about 18 day. Turf is instead of dirt and grass the field is made with recycled shredded tires silica sand and synthetic fibers for grass. Our Field Is it environmentally friendly? Yes, By using this field our school saves about 56,000 gallons of water a year. We don’t need to use fertilizer or pesticides less gas is used because no mowing or seeding is needed Kyle
Hills WildLife Interview Mr Shields Biology Teacher Wildlife Survey Nov 31, 2011 Investigate if the school had an impact on the wildlife in the surrounding area. Information from Interview: We found out that there is an abundance of wildlife through out the back woods of Pascack Hills . Also that the tree’s in the courtyard that effect the bird population need to be dealt with either by eliminating them entirely or by switching them for a different type that won’t cause them to fly into windows. Justin
Survey Birds Killed By the cherry tree in the courtyard. 3 Blue-jays 16-18 Robins 2 Flickers 1 Red-headed Woodpeckers 1 Starling
Computer an Projector Energy Use Survey • The amount of electricity used when someone charges their laptop for a full period is 221.3 watts. This means that in period one, the school used 4,800 watts of power and in period eight they used 6,000 watts of power. • This can be fixed by students charging their laptops at home. Chrissy
Computer Survey Chrissy
Projector Survey Chrissy
Projector Survey • When a projector is on it uses 212 watts of energy. This means that during period one, teachers used 11,872 watts of energy and during period eight, teachers used 6,784 watts of energy. • When a projector is on sleep it uses 110 watts of energy. This means that during period one teachers used 1,320 watts of energy and during period eight, teachers used 880 swatts of energy. • This energy problem can be fixed by teachers turning off their projector completely or modifying the amount of time they use it. Chrissy
Less Cars = Cleaner Environment Christine
Carpools The questions I had before doing studies was how many students carpool to and from school everyday. By carpooling, you are helping the environment in various ways. Less gas will be used, less harmful fuel emissions will go into our atmosphere, and less traffic in the morning. This also creates less stress and a more safe environment.
PHHS Carpooling PHHS has implicated a senior carpool system that has reduced the amount of cars driving to and from school every day. Seniors who carpool were guaranteed a spot in the parking lot, while student who chose not to carpool had no guarantee for a spot.
Investigation of Solid Waste Myself and 5 other classmates during our last period class went outside with all the garbage from lunch and sorted through them. We wanted to see if students in our school were recycling. We made 5 different piles: Plastic, Paper, Cans, Styrofoam, and Garbage. Anthony
Percentage by mass Paper Plastic Garbage Cans
Paper Objective: Investigate the amount of copy paper used by faculty and administration at PHHS Emily I.
Why Recycle Paper • Conserves resources. • Prevents emissions of greenhouse gases/water pollutants. • Saves energy. • Supplies valuable raw materials to industries. • Reduces need for landfills and burning waste materials. • Completes cycle of reduce, reuse, recycle.
Counted Paper Data 1 box contains = 8 reams of paper
DataAnalysis • Between November 28th and December 2nd, the amount of paper and reams did not change that much. The only day that there was an increase in the number of reams was in the Teachers Lounge and the Guidance office. • The school used 85 reams of paper in two weeks. Since each ream contains 500 sheets. Therefore, the school used 42,500 pieces of paper in a two week period. Therefore, approximately 5 pieces of paper are used per student per day.
Our class recycled our newspaper Later Before After
Statistics • 2, 041 pounds. solid waste (trash thrown away by 444 people in a single day). • 6,981 pounds emissions (carbon sequestered by 81 tree saplings grown for 10 years). • 23 min BTU’s energy (enough to power average American household for 93 days). • 33, 622 gallons water (enough to take 1,955 eight-minute showers). • 23,025 pounds of wood (74 trees that supply oxygen for 37 people annually).
Recycling & Waste Management In Pascack Hills High School Alex
Objective: What are our recycling efforts in Pascack Hills High School?
What are our recycling efforts in our school? Each Classroom Has A Recycling Can for Paper Each Hallway, except for the Science wing, has a Recycling Can for bottles: (Plastic, Glass, Styrofoam)
Recycling Efforts… • At the end of each day the cans are emptied by the janitors. • The cans, paper, and anything else that can be recycled are put into a large bin. • The bin is then picked up by the waste management company the school has hired
Facts Gathered: The amount food made in our cafeteria depends on what the food is going to be for that day. Left overs can be reheated the next day. They are allowed to reheat the food ONE time only. After the food cannot be reheated the ladies working in the cafeteria just throw it out or give it to the custodians. Recycling in Our School Cafeteria In our cafeteria we use a lot of oil but we recycle it. We put all the oil in one bin and a guy comes to collect the oil and takes it to be recycled. Interview of one of the cafeteria ladies, Chris. Our Cafeteria recycles a lot of items and they do this by collecting all recyclables in a bin in the kitchen and then a lady takes it outside to the bigger recycling bin. Alicia
Lighting • Objective: To compare the different types of lights and see energy usage with the lights • T-12 Fluorescent Light Bulb • Diameter of 1 1/2 inches • Usually bi-pin • Doesn’t require a starter • Available in a variety of lengths such as 15 inch, 18 inch, 24 inch, 36 inch and 48 inch • By: Billy • T-8 Fluorescent Light Bulb • In process of replacing T-12 • 1 inch diameter • More energy efficient and gives off more light than T-12 • Available in variety of lengths such as 12 inch, 15 inch and 18 inch
Lighting in School Data Collected T-8 T-12 Fluorescent light bulbs
Storm Drain Issues At Pascack Hills High School Jared
Our Storm Drain Locations • Our storm drain locations are in great spots • We have around 5 storm drains throughout the school grounds • When it rains the water flows right to one of the drains • The only problem with our storm drains is that erosion is effecting where the water flows
Our Environment • We are located on a hill • We encounter 4 seasons • We have a couple big storms every year • Ex: rain/snow storms
Erosion • The erosion is causing the rain water to not lead to the storm drains • This will create problems for our school because the storm drains are not collecting water. • We have to take care of our environment or else we will have to spend a good amount of money to repair everything.
Why the school’s landscapingdoesn’t properly drain stormwater • During Football games many people don’t walk on paths. Therefore, this creates eroded areas for stormwater to drain improperly. • Storm drains become clogged with leaves and other debris. • We do not treat out school resources with respect Jared
Purpose For Data • Our class planned on discovering how much water is used in the school • Variables used in experiments included • Dripping sinks • Number of sinks and toilets • Empty water bottles in the trash In conclusion, our class wanted to discover if there was a way to conserve water usage. Dylan
New Bathrooms Average Flow Rate: 224.28 mL Old Bathrooms Average Flow Rate: 315 mL Dylan
Heating Devices • Hot water boilers - The heating ion the school comes from Hot water boilers that are heated by gas, the water is ran through a coil heating the air around it as it passes by being pushed throughout the school. By: Darren
Becoming an energy efficient school. • Replacing old Windows with new ones to prevent leaks through the windows. • Insulation of Rooms, to keep the heat in. • Replacing Air Filters, with new cleaner ones.
New Vs. Old Rooms * TEMPERATURE Measured using Infared Thermometer
AVERAGE Barometric Pressure= 30.14579841 • AVERAGE Wind Speed= 3.975757576 • We tested to see how well the new windows verse the old windows were with leakage of heat and energy.