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Iceland. Iceland – Volcanic Island. North-east Iceland. Akureyri, North Iceland. Akureyri, North Iceland. Akureyri, North Iceland. Akureyri, North Iceland. Akureyri, North Iceland. M.Sc. Degree Program in Renewable Energy Resources. The School of Renewable Energy Resources
M.Sc. Degree Program in Renewable Energy Resources The School of Renewable Energy Resources at the University of Akureyri Þórleifur Stefán Björnsson
M.Sc. Degree in Renewable Energy Resources • The School of Renewable Energy Resources - a new private institution affiliated with the Faculty of Natural Resource Sciences at the University of Akureyri. • The new School will offer a 1-year (11 months; 90 ECTS) intensive M.Sc. program in renewable energy resources, starting in the fall 2007. • In this new M.Sc. program, which will be one of a kind in the world, all instruction and correspondence will be in English. • Teaching staff will be researchers and professors from the School of Renewable Energy Resources, energy experts from engineering and energy consulting firms in Iceland, and international experts from other research universities.
M.Sc. Degree in Renewable Energy Resources • All types of renewable energy will be covered - geothermal energy (high- and low temperature; the use of Kalina technology), hydropower, wind energy, tidal power, solar power, biomass, and etc., including emphasis on fuel cells, and in particular the use of hydrogen as future energy carrier in the transportation sector. • The program will put strong emphasis on technical and practical aspects of energy utilization, but also on environmental matters as it relates to energy use, sustainable energy development, energy economics, and energy and environmental policies. • All teaching modules will be of 2-3 week duration. Students will attend lectures for 2-4 hours each day, in addition to daily lab-exercises and frequent site visits.
M.Sc. Degree in Renewable Energy Resources • Currently 72% of total energy needs in Iceland are met by renewable energy resources; 28% fossil fuels (fishing fleet, land transportation). • Iceland is on a mission to eliminate the use of fossil fuels over the next 30 years – Project: Towards a Sustainable Hydrogen Economy. • 90% of all buildings in Iceland are heated up by geothermal waters. • Icelandic scientists are world-leading consultants in the use of geothermal resources (e.g. Enex). • The United Nations University Geothermal Training Program, which has been operating since 1979, is located in Iceland.
First Semester (30 ECTS Credits) An introduction to the main physical/chemical properties of various energy sources, i.e., fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, and coal), nuclear power, and different forms of renewable energy.
First Semester (30 ECTS Credits) Remaining teaching modules will cover the methodology of energy research; methods of exploration, exploitation, and technical aspects regarding utilization of different forms of renewable energy; environmental impact assessments of renewable energy use; and energy economics.
First Semester (30 ECTS Credits) Site visits as part of the first semester will be to various geothermal fields (low-temperature and high-temperature fields) in Iceland, to geothermal power plants, geothermal district heating systems, to a Kalina power plant, hydropower plants, a methane production plant, hydrogen fueling station, and visits to energy and engineering firms.
The Second Semester (30 ECTS Credits) Emphasis will be on a more detailed analysis of renewable energy production and energy use, as well as on feasibility studies of various renewable energy sources. During this semester students can also choose to specialize in one particular type of renewable energy source, for example in low-temperature district heating systems, or in Kalina technology. A series of special teaching modules will be offered.
1st Semester Renewable Energy Resources 2nd Semester Geothermal Energy Resources Hydropower Fuel Cell Systems and Technologies Energy Systems and Policies 3rd Semester Research Project Research Project Research Project Research Project
1st Semester Renewable Energy Resources 2nd Semester Solar Power Wind and Wave (Tidal) Power Bioenergy Biofuels 3rd Semester 3rd Semester Research Project Research Project Research Project
The Third Semester (30 ECTS credits) During the third and last semester students will complete their master thesis, under the supervision of professors from the School of Renewable Energy Resources, specialists from energy and engineering firms, and/or professors from other domestic or foreign research universities.
The EFTA Development Fund • One way to finance a group of students from Baltic States to come to Iceland and enroll in this new masters program, is to seek supporting funds covering tuition, travel and living costs in Iceland for a year, to the EFTA Development Fund. • This new fund (established by financial support from primarily Norway and Iceland) has been allocated to support 13 countries in Central and South-Europe during the time-period 2004-2009, in fields including utilization of renewable energy resources, higher education, and sustainable development. • The EFTA Development Fund is open to the ten new EEA members (Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia) and to Greece, Portugal and Spain.
The EFTA Development Fund • Organizations in the Baltic States, universities or research institutions, would have to send in an application to the EFTA Fund to support a group of students to enroll in the Icelandic masters program. • Contacts from the School of Renewable Energy Resources in Iceland, members from the Icelandic Ministry of Foreign Affairs would assist organizations with the application process. • The EFTA Development Fund could provide a golden opportunity to get financial support for a small group of students (e.g. 5-10 students) to come to Iceland and take part in a very exiting new M.Sc. Program. • The deadline for formal application is later this summer.
The EFTA Development Fund • Baltic universities/organizations and their faculty members would benefit directly from cooperating with the new School of Renewable Energy Resources in Iceland. • Other benefits would include EFTA Development Fund support for networking in the field of renewable energy solutions with Icelandic partners. • Initiation of faculty exchange programs, collaboration on research projects, education of future Baltic leaders in renewable energy development, as well as a general knowledge transfer in sustainable energy development.
Universities in Central and Eastern Europe • Warsaw University of Technology, Poland; • AGH University of Technology, Cracow, Poland; • Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland; • University of Warmia & Mazury, Olstyn, Poland; • University of Rzeszow, Poland; • Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic; • Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czech Republic; • Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia; • Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia; • Technical University in Kosice, Slovakia; • Budapest University of Technology & Economics, Hungary; • Eötvös Lorand University, Budapest Hungary; • University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; • Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia. • Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal; • Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa (School of Engineering, IST), Portugal; • Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal; • Universidade do Porto, Portugal; • Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal; • NTNU - Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Trondheim, Norge; • Boston University, Boston, USA; • University of California, Berkeley.