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Supplemental Figure S1

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  1. Supplemental Figure S1 Supplemental Figure S1. MALDI-TOF/TOF MS analysis of mouse serum glycans. MS/MS spectra were annotated using GlycoWorkbench software which calculates the percentage of experimental fragments that match with the theoretical fragments generated in silico. For each m/z value, the shown structure is the one which presented the largest number of fragments that match with the theoretical fragments. Only the B-, C-, Y- and Z-type ions are shown. The B- and C-type ions resulting from terminal reductive fragmentation are not systematically illustrated by the software. Most of the observed ions were sodiated. However, the sodiated ion with m/z 428 (NeuGc) has given rise to the ion with m/z 406, which is a desodiated and protonated form of the ion with m/z 428, and to the ion with m/z 374, which is a decarboxylated form of the ion with m/z 406. The ions with m/z 374 and 406 were frequently observed on the MS/MS spectra.

  2. 1580 Parent ion with m/z

  3. 1784 Parent ion with m/z *877 d1389 *953 d1795 d472 *428 *1807 * The methodology for the extraction of N-glycans can introduce free O-glycans from serum. Therefore, ions 428, 877 and 953 likely are fragments of the parent ion 1807 that matches with a O-glycan ( ). d Ions 472 and 1389 are fragments of the parent ion 1795.

  4. 1795 Parent ion with m/z d1784 d1506 *877 d1565 *1807 *428 * Ions 428 and 877 are fragments of the parent ion 1807. d Ions 1506 and 1565 are fragments of the parent ion 1784.

  5. 1836 Parent ion with m/z *953 *877 *1807 * Ions 877 and 953 are fragments of the parent ion 1807 wich is likely a O-Glycan (see parent ion 1784). Remark: more fragments match with a structure showing a fucose on the terminal GlcNAc rather than a structure with a fucose on the reductive terminal GlcNAc.

  6. 1988 Parent ion with m/z *877 d1999 d1593 *1606 *2012 *472 *406 d1576 *1795 *374 * Ions 374, 406, 472, 877, 1606 and 1795 are fragments of the parent ion 2012. d Ions 1576 and 1593 are fragments of the parent ion 1999.

  7. 1999 Parent ion with m/z *877 *1606 *2012 * Ions 877 and 1606 are fragments of the parent ion 2012

  8. 2012 Parent ion with m/z *1592 *1999 * Ion 1592 is a fragment of ion 1999.

  9. 2040 Parent ion with m/z *1157 *2012 *877 *428 * Ions 428, 877 and 1157 are fragments of the parent ion 2012

  10. 2192 Parent ion with m/z *877 *1780 *428 *2186 *1998 *406 *472 *374 * 374, 406, 428, 472, 877, 1780 and 1998 are fragments of the parent ion 2186, a monoantennary fucosylated and sialylated (NeuGc) glycan.

  11. 2216 Parent ion with m/z *1781 *2244 406 *1837 *1317 374 * 1317, 1781 and 1837 are fragments of the parent ion 2244.

  12. 2244 Parent ion with m/z *1999 *877 *1852 d1361 *1980 *406 *2257 *374 *650 * 374, 406, 650, 877, 1852, 1980 and 1999 are fragments of the parent ion 2257. d 1361 can be attributed to the protonated Z-type ion that comes from ion 2257 (see parent ion with m/z 2257).

  13. 2257 Parent ion with m/z *2244 *1837 d1361 406 374 * Ion 1837 is a fragment of the parent ion 2244. d Ion 1361 can be attributed to the protonated Z-type ion:

  14. 2396 Parent ion with m/z *877 *1565 *2014 *428 *472 *1995 *1592 *1984 *406 *2420 *374 *2144 d 1268 * Ions 374, 406, 428, 472, 877, 1565,1592, 1984, 1995, 2014,2144 are fragments of the parent ion 2420. d Ion 1268 was not able to be attributed.

  15. 2420 Parent ion with m/z BY CZ *2042 *2448 406 374 * Ion 2042 is a fragment of the parent ion 2448.

  16. 2448 Parent ion with m/z *2461 *877 *650 * Ions 650 and 877 can be attributed to ion 2461. Remark: more fragments matched with a structure displaying a fucose on antennae with Gal-Gal motif.

  17. 2461 Parent ion with m/z *2042 *2448 406 374 * Ion 2042 is a fragment of the parent ion 2448.

  18. 2607 Parent ion with m/z *374 *877 *406 d 855 *2173 *472 *2230 *1317 *1081 *2635 * Ions 374, 406, 472, 855, 877, 1081, 1317, 2173 and 2230 are fragments of the parent ion 2635. d Ion 855 is a protonated and desodiated form of the ion 877. Remark: More ions match with a structure showing a substituted LacNAc antennae instead of a polysialylated structure.

  19. 2635 Parent ion with m/z *406 *374 d1752 d196 *855 d1998 * Ions 374, 406 and 855 are fragments of the parent ion 2635. d Ions 196, 1752 and 1998 were not able to be attributed to a parent ion.

  20. 2796 Parent ion with m/z d1998 *877 *406 *374 *1983 *2433 *428 d2448 *855 § 196 *2809 d1143 d2822 *1720 d1593 § 819 *650 * Ions 374, 406, 650, 855, 877, 1720, 1983 and 2433 are fragments of the parent ion 2809. d Ions 1143, 1593, 1998 and 2448 are fragments of the parent ion 2822. § Ions196 and 819 were not able to be attributed to a parent ion.

  21. 2809 Parent ion with m/z *1998 *2448 *2244 *1143 d 406 *2822 *1592 d 374 *1793 *939 * Ions 939, 1143, 1592, 1793, 2244 and 2448 are fragments of the parent ion 2822. d Ions 374 and 406 are fragments of the parent ion 2809.

  22. 2822 Parent ion with m/z 2837 2852

  23. 2837 Parent ion with m/z *1998 *2447 *877 *2852 *2576 *1081 *428 *1793 *1143 *1592 *2242 * Ions 428, 877, 1081, 1143, 1592, 1793, 1998, 2242, 2447 and 2576 are fragments of the parent ion 2852.

  24. Parent ion with m/z 2852

  25. 2867 Parent ion with m/z *2852 *1997 *877 *2447 *1143 * Ions 877, 1143, 1997 and 2447 are fragments of the parent ion 2852.

  26. 2895 Parent ion with m/z 2852 *2910 *2505 *2056 *877 *2448 *939 * Ions 877, 939, 2056, 2448 and 2505 are fragments of the parent ion 2910.

  27. 2910 Parent ion with m/z

  28. Parent ion with m/z 3026 406 374

  29. 3056 Parent ion with m/z *3026 *2173 *2622 406 d 855 *1967 374 * Ions 1967, 2173 and 2622 are fragments of the parent ion 3026. d Ion 855 is a protonated and desodiated form of ion 877.

  30. 3228 Parent ion with m/z *2839 *650 *406 *1998 *1268 *877 *374 *3244 * Ions 374, 406, 650, 877, 1268, 1998 and 2839 are fragments of the parent ion 3244.

  31. 3244 Parent ion with m/z

  32. 3259 Parent ion with m/z *3244 *2839 *1268 *1997 d 406 d 374 *1793 * Ions 1268, 1793, 1997 and 2839 are fragments of the parent ion 3244. d Ions 374 and 406 are fragments of the parent ion 3259.

  33. 3288 Parent ion with m/z *2839 *3244 d 406 *1997 d 374 *1268 * Ions 1268, 1997 and 2839 are fragments of the parent ion 3244. d Ions 374 and 406 are fragments of the parent ion 3288.

  34. 3302 Parent ion with m/z *3244 *2839 *1997 *1268 * Ions 1268, 1997 and 2839 are fragments of the parent ion 3244.

  35. 3635 Parent ion with m/z *2839 *877 *650 *428 *406 *374 *3663 * Ions 374, 406, 428, 650, 877 and 2839 are fragments of the parent ion 3663.

  36. 3663 Parent ion with m/z 1 2 * 2839 d 406 * 3288 d 374 Two potential structures (1 and 2) were observed, but more fragments matched with the structure 1 than the structure 2. * Ions 2839 and 3288 are fragments of the parent ion n°2. d Ions 374 and 406 are related to NeuGc sialic acid

  37. 3678 Parent ion with m/z *2839 *3288 *3693 d 406 *1983 *1268 * Ions 1268, 1983, 2839 and 3288 are fragments of the parent ion 3693. d Ion 406 is related to NeuGc sialic acid.

  38. 3693 Parent ion with m/z 406

  39. 3708 Parent ion with m/z *3693 *3288 406 *1268 *1984 374 *2433 * Ions 1268, 1984, 2433 and 3288 are fragments of the parent ion 3693.

  40. 4084 Parent ion with m/z *3230 *4128 *2837 *406 * Ions 374, 406, 650, 877, 2837, 3230 are fragments of the parent ion 4128 ( ) *877 *650 *374

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