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MDM in SIKKIM ( Observation of Monitoring Institution). Name of the MI : University of North Bengal District : North District Dates of Visit : December, 2012 Period of Report : April 2012 to September2012. 1. Regularity in Serving Meals.
MDM in SIKKIM ( Observation of Monitoring Institution) • Name of the MI : University of North Bengal • District : North District • Dates of Visit : December, 2012 • Period of Report : April 2012 to September2012
1. Regularity in Serving Meals • Hot cooked meals are served in 100% of the schools visited by the MI • Two schools do not serve it on examination days though the state insists that meals should be served on all working days. • Quality and quantity is satisfactorily though students of 1 school is not satisfied with quality. Quantity, according to some teachers, inadequate for higher classes. • Students take their meals in class-rooms, corridors open fields, kitchen and dining halls (Only one school has dining shed )
2.Regularity (Food Grains & Cooking Delivery) • All schools receiving food grains regularly without much delay. Grains are delivered by Transporters at the nearest point on roads. Quality of rice is satisfactory. • Buffer stock of one month is not maintained. • Cooking cost is not disbursed in advance; there is 2 to 3 months delay in receiving cooking costs.Head-masters opine things have improved as it is now paid in instalments. • Head-masters/ Teacher/SMC members contribute to purchase materials .Credit from shops is also taken
3.Equity • No discernible pattern of gender, caste or community discrimination is found. • No exclusivism or discrimination could be found in sitting arrangements during the meals. • No Complaint regarding the social back-ground of cooks and helpers. • Children take their meals together
4.Menu • Menu is not displayed in majority schools. • Menu is decided by headmasters, teachers and SMC members. In two schools students are consulted. • Menu cannot be always adhered to because of non-availability of vegetables and prices of materials. • Items included in the menu are : rice pulses, vegetables, nutrella,eggs, khiechdi and kheer. Dal is not given daily.
5.Community Mobilization • SMC members are not familiar with State government’s notification. • There is no roaster of parents checking MDM. • SMC members do not have any training on MDM matters. • SMC members are not generally involved in cooking and serving of MDM. • Community contribution to MDM occurs in the forms of kitchen construction, utensils etc
6.Hygiene and Health • Health Card is maintained in all schools. • Health check-up is done once or twice a year by the Public Health Dept. • During check-up vitamin and iron tablets are given, IFA tablets and de-worming tablets are given as per necessity. • Students use spoons during meals.
7.Cooks and Infra-structure • Cooks are engaged mostly by Head-masters and SMC. • Majority of cooks belong to scheduled tribes (above 90% ). • Pucca Kitchen-cum-store is available in majority schools.In 3 schools pucca kitchen is not used after earthquake. • Supply of LPG is a source of problem– schools therefore, rely on fire-wood.
8.MIS and Finance • Registers and MDM accounts including vouchers/receipts are well-maintained in schools. • Head-masters/teachers did not receive training for maintaining MDM information. • Monthly information is sent to CRCs for on-ward transmission to districts. • Expenditure proposals and statements are shared with the community but social audit is not done.
9.Observations • Regularity of Meals is commendable. • Favourable social environment which helps implementation and equality. • Disbursement of cooking cost still remains an area of concern despite improvement. • Reconstruction of kitchens damaged by earthquake is the need of the hour.