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Chemical Synthesis

Chemical Synthesis. Lesson 4. Learning objective: To understand the stages involved and techniques used when planning a chemical synthesis. Must: Know the stages and techniques used during a chemical synthesis . Should: Be able to make a soluble salt.

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Chemical Synthesis

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  1. Chemical Synthesis Lesson 4

  2. Learning objective: To understand the stages involved and techniques used when planning a chemical synthesis. • Must: Know the stages and techniques used during a chemical synthesis. • Should: Be able to make a soluble salt. • Could: Explain all the stages and techniques used. • Keywords: Synthesis, techniques, plan reactant and product.

  3. Why do new medicines need to be developed?

  4. Combinational chemistry. • Discover: • Watch the following short clip about the development of a new drug. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oisCUrYbx2Q&safe=active • Pay particular attention to the stages involved in the development.

  5. What are the stages in a chemical synthesis? Rearrange these and note in your exercise book with a justification for each stage • 1. Separate product from reaction mixture. • 2. Work out quantities of reactants needed. • 3. Purify the product. • 4. Risk assessment. • 5. Choose suitable equipment and reaction conditions. • 6. Measure yield and check purity. • 7. Choose the reaction or series of reactions.

  6. Experimental techniques - NHT. • What do these techniques do? • 1. Dissolving. • 2. Filtration. • 3. Evaporation. • 4. Crystallisation. • 5. Drying in oven or dessicator.

  7. Testing understanding. • Complete the questions on slides five and six • Write a day (or two) in the life of a molecule involved in the synthesis of a new drug. You should be one of the starting reagents and still be present in the finished drug. Describe the whole process from slides 3-6 from the molecules point of view. Two sides of A4. All red words must be defined. • EXT- Describe in 100 words or less how this new drug will be tested. Spectroscopy and medical trials should feature.

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