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Sumerian Myth

Sumerian Myth. The Sumerians developed one of the earliest civilizations on earth (3500-1750 B.C.E.) However, their lost civilization was not rediscovered until the 19 th century. The world of the Babylonians was well known.

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Sumerian Myth

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  1. Sumerian Myth • The Sumerians developed one of the earliest civilizations on earth (3500-1750 B.C.E.) • However, their lost civilization was not rediscovered until the 19th century.

  2. The world of the Babylonians was well known. • The ancient Egyptians, Hebrews, and Greeks had all had contact and written about this civilization. • No one knew that the Sumerians had come before the Babylonians, • And had adapted and modified their writing, religious, and agricultural systems.

  3. British, German, and French archeologists in the early 19th century began to excavate the • Earthen mounds that are the remains of cities that existed thousands of years ago in the • Tigris and Euphrates river valleys. The region was called Mesopotamia (between the rivers).

  4. The Gods • There are several ways to examine Sumerian mythology. The culture was: • Polytheistic • Anthropomorphic • Animist

  5. Polytheism • The belief in or worship of many gods, or more than one god. • It is the direct opposite of monotheism, the major belief system of the • Judeo-Christian tradition.

  6. Greek Gods of Olympus

  7. Anthropomorphic • The attributing of human shape or characteristics to gods, objects, animals, etc. Anthropomorphic cabinet-Salvador Dali

  8. Animism • 1. The belief that all life is produced by a spiritual force separate from matter. • 2. The belief that natural phenomena and objects such as rocks, trees, rivers, oceans, the wind, etc., are alive and have souls.

  9. Mother of all things • Indeed, the ancients believed that the earth itself is alive. • Ki in the Sumerian. Gaia (earth mother) in the Greek.

  10. There is a Modern day Biological Theory (Gaia hypothesis) That examines This ancient idea From a present Day scientific Perspective.

  11. Gilgamesh: Major Gods and Goddesses • Antum • Aya • Ea/Enki • Enlil • Lugulbanda • Ninsun • Samuqan • Shamash • Adad • Anunnaki • Anu • Aruru • Ishtar/Inanna • Ninurta • Nisaba

  12. Like the Greek gods and many other cultures, the Sumerian gods • Comprise a pantheon, the gods • Of a people taken collectively, • Or a treatise on them.

  13. ADAD • In Sumerian mythology, Adad is a storm god, son of Anu. He holds a • Lightning bolt in his right hand and an axe in his left. • Partially responsible for the flood, he relates to the Canaanite god Hadad.

  14. ADAD

  15. Flood Tablet Gilgamesh Epic

  16. ANNUNNAKI • In Sumerian mythology the Annunnaki are the underworld gods. • Gilgamesh cries out lament over the death of Enkidu that these beings have fastened onto Enkidu • and seized him, taking him to the land of death.

  17. In the Sumerian cosmology Enkidu was taken to Sheol, the underworld.


  19. ANTUM • Babylonian consort of Anu, the god of the sky. • In Sumerian mythology she is a colorless female being. • Antum and Anu produced the Anunnaki. • She was replaced by Ishtar who is sometimes her daughter.

  20. ANU • In Sumerian and Babylonian mythology, Anu is the god of the sky. • He is also the creator god of the Sumerian pantheon. • He is the father of the gods. • He is the first and most powerful god.

  21. ANU

  22. ARURU • Aruru is the creator goddess of Sumerian mythology. • She is the mother goddess of the earth and birth. • She is the one who first created humanity from clay. • She also created Enkidu.

  23. ARURU

  24. Aruru Creating Enkidu

  25. AA/AYA • In Babylonian mythology, Aa is the Great-Mother. She is the Mother of all things. • She is the Goddess of dawn and inspired the invention of letters. • Consort of Shamash, the sun god.

  26. Aya Goddess of the Dawn

  27. EA/ENKI • In Babylonian and Sumerian mythology, Ea/Enki was the god of wisdom, magic, and water. • He supplies clear drinking water to the town of Dilmun.

  28. Enki is the god of the watery depths of the Abzu who betrayed the pantheon by revealing to • Utnapishtim that Enlil was about to destroy humanity by a great flood.

  29. The Sumerians believed that the oceans on the surface of the world were paralled by hidden, cthonic seas located in vast chambers deep within the earth. • Abzu is the primordial Lord of these Inner Waters. His name is the root behind the modern word "abyss".

  30. EA/ENKI God of Water and Magic

  31. ENLIL • In Sumerian mythology Enlil was the first born son of Ki (earth) and Anu (heaven). He is the god of the sky. • He separated the earth from the heavens. • He guards the tablets of destiny, power that allows him to determine the fate of all things animate or inanimate.

  32. ENLIL

  33. ERESHKIGAL • Ereshkigal is the Sumerian and Babylonian Queen of the Underworld. • She is a death goddess and sister of Ishtar. Together with her consort Nergal she rules the underworld.

  34. No one returns from her domain

  35. This terra cotta figure, thousands ofyears old, is interpreted to be either Ishtar or Ereshkigal.

  36. LUGULBANDA • A hero of two Sumerian poems, third on the post-diluvian King-List, and ruler of Uruk for 1200 years. • He is occasionally referred to by Gilgamesh as his semi-divine 'father'. • He is a demigod and the protector of Gilgamesh.

  37. ISHTAR/INANNA • The Sumerian goddess of love and sexuality who attempts to seduce Gilgamesh. • Knowing her history of sordid and failed love affairs, Gilgamesh refuses her advances causing much strife for himself and the people of Uruk.

  38. Ishtar was personified as the legendaryqueen Semiramis.

  39. NINSUN • The mother of Gilgamesh and priestess of the temple of Uruk. • She helps Gilgamesh interpret his dream about a falling star, and makes • Utu/Shamash protect Gilgamesh on his journey to the Cedar Mountains.

  40. NINURTA • Ninurta is chamberlain of the Annunnaki. • The child of Enlil and Mami, he is also god of rain, fertility, war, thunderstorms, wells, canals, floods, the plough and the South Wind. • His name means "lord of the earth" and mankind owed to him the fertile fields and the healthy live-stock.

  41. Ninurta (890-884 B.C.E.)

  42. SAMUQAN • The Mesopotamian god of cattle. • He is connected to the earth, fertility, livestock.

  43. SHAMASH • The sun god, and since he could see everything on earth, he also represented the god of justice.

  44. Worship of Shamash

  45. SIN • The Sumerian moon god. • The Moon god had several different names that referred to different phases of the Moon. The name Sin indicated the crescent Moon, Nanna the full Moon, and Asimbabbar the beginning of each lunar cycle.

  46. SIN

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