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P.B.I.S. Panther Paw Program. I am respectful. I am responsible. I am safe. I am prepared. Panther Promise (Code of Conduct). The matrix is taught during the first week of school and is revisited quarterly.
I am respectful. I am responsible. I am safe. I am prepared. Panther Promise(Code of Conduct)
The matrix is taught during the first week of school and is revisited quarterly. The teachers use a bingo game to help review the appropriate school behaviors in the following areas: Classroom, Hallway, Cafeteria, Bathroom, Assembly, Playground/Outside Area, & On the Bus Matrix of Appropriate School Behaviors
Panther Paws • Students can receive Panther Paws for following the school rules that have been described in the Code of Conduct and The Matrix of Appropriate School Behaviors. • Students can receive Panther Paws by any staff member in the building, at any time of the day. • Panther Paws cannot be taken away for any reason.
Panther PawWeekly Incentive • Teachers determine an appropriate number of Panther Paws that students must earn to receive their weekly reward. A good number is around 10 Panther Paws a week. • Students that earn their weekly incentive will receive a large Panther Paw to display on their locker. • Grade level teams will determine a weekly reward. (lunch bunch, special treat, etc…)
Students that have earned their weekly panther paw incentive 80% of the weeks in the marking period will be invited to our P.B.I.S. Quarterly Celebration. Students can choose between 3 activities: * Panther Paw Dance * Arts & Crafts * Movie & Popcorn Panther PawQuarterly Incentive
The behavior chart is used as a visual of student behavior. Each student begins the day on Green (On Task). The students move their clips up and down based on their behavior. At the end of the day, students can fill out a chart to bring home to show their parents their behavior for the day. The behavior charts are taken to the Special Area classrooms & cafeteria. Classroom Behavior Chart
Monthly incentives were developed as smaller rewards between our P.B.I.S. Quarterly Celebrations. October: Rock-tober December: Jingle Bell Rock Students that end the day on green/purple for each month are invited to a hallway line dance. Behavior ChartMonthly Incentives
February- Panther Paw Ticket Program A program where students can earn raffle tickets for being on green/purple at the end of the school day. The students enter their ticket into a container that represents a particular prize. A drawing is made at the end of each week to determine the winners. The staff donates prizes. Behavior ChartMonthly Incentives
March Madness Students that end the day on green/purple will earn raffle tickets. The students can enter their ticket into a container to be chosen to shoot baskets with staff members one afternoon a week. The students selected to shoot baskets will automatically be entered into our PPES March Madness Tournament. Each student and their teacher is assigned to a college basketball team in the NCAA Tournament. A large bracket is displayed in the gym to track the winners. Prizes are given to each student in the tournament, students that make it to the Final Four, & the student/teacher that win the championship. Behavior ChartMonthly Incentives
Each class can earn 5 points each day for displaying the following behaviors: Enter the cafeteria quietly, walking in a single file line Use inside voices at all times Remain seated and use appropriate table manners Clean up after yourself Exit the cafeteria in a single file line Strive for FiveCafeteria Incentive Program
The classroom teacher will track the points on a monthly bar graph. The classes that earned 5 points will be read aloud during the afternoon announcements. At the end of the month, the teachers will turn in their bar graphs. If their class has met their monthly goal they will schedule a day to eat at our VIP Table. The goal is based on the number of school days that month. 1st time at the VIP Table- Eat at the table 2nd time at the VIP Table- Eat at the table and have materials to draw 3rd time at the VIP Table- Eat at the table and receive a snack 4th time at the VIP Table- Eat at the table and play games 5th time at the VIP Table- Eat at the table and the class chooses their activity Strive for FiveCafeteria Incentive Program
To be selected… Students must earn their large Panther Paw 4 times in a month. Students must not be sent to the office during that month. Students must stay on green/purple for the entire month. Student of the Month
Students are selected for the CICO Program based on office referral/suspensions in the previous school year as well as the current school year. The program is designed to provide the student with a more positive school experience. It is a preventative program to help the students make better choices and reduce office referrals. Check In, Check Out Program
Three Main Steps: Morning Check-In Class by class check-in with the teacher using a daily progress chart Afternoon Check- Out & Goal Attainment Review Students can earn daily, weekly, & monthly incentives based on their daily progress charts. Student data is collected and reviewed by our Student Support Team to determine the following: The student is doing well and no changes are needed. The student is having difficulty and a plan change needs to occur. CICO does not seem to be working for this student. Check In, Check Out Program
It is designed to serve students in grades K-5. The students are selected based on social-skill deficits, attendance concerns, and behavior or academic challenges that have impacted their ability to be successful in the school setting. This program asks staff members to spend about 30 minutes per week during the school day with one student throughout the year. Mentors will work on one or two goals throughout the school year with their student. The program also offers an after school Mentor Celebration for the students and adults. We engage the students in a cooperative group activity, help with homework, and celebrate with a pizza dinner. Mentor Program
Objectives: To describe the P.B.I.S. process and how it’s designed and implemented at Pleasant Plains Elementary School. To identify ways parents can shape behavior at home using the P.B.I.S. process. P.B.I.S. Parent Informational Night
Positive Behavior support does not mean changing the child; rather, it means creating a new environment that supports the positive behavior you want to achieve. It means creating a plan that determines who will help and what you will do differently.
Pleasant Plains ES Trish Voegtlin, School Counselor 410-887-3549 tvoegtlin@bcps.org Contact Information