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Marketing Promotional Calendar

http://acegolfmarketing.com - If you struggle with promotional ideas, this may be the most coveted calendar you’ll ever own.You can immediately take these ides and use them for promotions at your golf course using Facebook, email, website, and other media. Tie these ideas into your Facebook promotions. But remember the 15% promotion, and 85% entertainment rule.

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Marketing Promotional Calendar

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MarketingPromotionalCalendar Swipe. Deploy.Profit. Ifyoustrugglewithpromotionalideas,thismay bethemost covetedcalendaryou’lleverown. Youcanimmediatelytaketheseides and use themforpromotions atyour golfcourseusingFacebook,email,website,and other media.TietheseideasintoyourFacebookpromotions.But rememberthe15%promotion, and 85%entertainmentrule. Jan:NewYear's Ideas:''New Years-NewYear,NewStart",''GetridofLastyear's inventory" Feb:Valentine'sDay Ideas:"Giveyourselfthegiftyou'll love","Weloveyouand wantto dosomethingspecialforyou" Feb:MardiGras Ideas:Mardi-Grasthemepromotion Feb:ChineseNewYear Ideas:Yearoftherooster"Wake upyourfinancialgenius" Feb:GroundHog'sDay Ideas:"You'llgetanextra6weekstopaybecausethegroundhog saw hisshadow" March:St.Patrick'sDay Idea: "Make YourFriendsGreenWithEnvy with""Yourlucky day" March:SpringBreak Idea: “Springbreaksavings”,“SpringGetawaycontest”

  2. April:MastersTournament Idea: “PickthewinneronFacebookand getafreefoursome…like, commentand sharetoplay!” April:AprilFoolsDay Idea: "Thesediscountsare solowmyaccountantthoughtthiswan anApril'sfoolsdayjoke" April:TaxDay Idea: "Ineed topaymytaxes,sowe’rediscountingdeep" May:Mother'sDay Idea: "Motheralwayssaid youshould"“Amemorymadewith Mom” May:CincodeMayo Idea: “ June: U.S.Open Idea: “PickthewinneronFacebookand getafreefoursome…like, commentand sharetoplay!” June: Graduation Idea: Graduatetoanew…” June:Father'sDay Idea: Spendsome qualitytimewith Dad… July:TheOpen Championship Idea: “PickthewinneronFacebookand getafreefoursome…like, commentand sharetoplay!” July:4th ofJuly Ideas:"WatchFireworksexplodewhenyou","celebrateyour independence"

  3. August:PGAChampionship Idea: “PickthewinneronFacebookand getafreefoursome…like, commentand sharetoplay!” August:Back toschool Idea: "kids aren'ttheonlytheones thatcangetanewlookfor back toschool" Sept: Fall Idea: "Fall Special","HarvestingBigsavings" October:Halloween Idea: "Giveyourselfatreatthismonth" November:ElectionDay Idea: "Elect anew" November:Thanksgiving Idea: "thankyoutoour best customers" Dec:Holidays Idea: "Happyholidays-wintersale", "Hohoho-Can'tbeatthefat mansowe'rehavingasale"

  4. Ihope youtakethispromotionalcalendarand putittoworkfor you. Ifyouwould liketoputtogetherapromotionyoucanuse tosell moreteetimesONDEMAND,letstalk. Yoursformoreprofits,  Jordan  Hansen   jordan@acegolfmarketing.com 1-­‐855-­‐480-­‐GOLF  (4653) www.AceGolfMarketing.com

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