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A review of the operating budget for October 24, 2007, including a comparison of unrestricted operating budgets and fund sources.
Appendix B Finance Committee October 24, 2007 Operating Budget Review
Unrestricted Operating Budget Comparison (In Millions of $) Fund Sources FY 2006-2007* FY 2007-2008 Difference % Difference** $1,256.0 $1,412.1 $156.1 12.4% State General Fund $161.7 $163.8 $2.1 1.3% Statutory Dedicated Funds $1,417.7 $1,575.9 $158.2 11.2% Total State Funds $752.3 $742.8 $-9.5 -1.3% Self-Generated Funds $378.8 $418.2 $39.4 10.4% Interagency Transfer Funds $151.4 $142.6 $-8.8 -5.8% Federal Funds Total Unrestricted $2,700.2 $2,879.5 $179.3 6.6% Operating Budget *Includes Supplemental Funding in the 2007 Legislative Session. **Percentage Differences Excluding Supplemental Funding in the 2007 Legislative Session – > GF = 20%, SD = -4.7%, IAT = 8.9%, Federal = -4.9%, and total = 9.3%.
Statutory Dedicated Funds (In Millions of $) Dedicated Funds Support Education in LA First Fund (SELF) $ 49.36 Higher Education Initiatives Fund $ 40.06 Tobacco Tax Health Care Fund $ 28.08 Fireman Training Fund $ 2.33 2% Fire Insurance Fund $ 0.21 Equine Health Fund $ 0.75 Pari-mutuel Racing Fund $ 0.05 Southern University Agricultural Program Fund $ 0.75 Calcasieu Parish Fund $ 0.73 Over Collections Fund $ 1.50 Louisiana Education Quality Support Fund $ 39.61 Proprietary School Fund $ 0.40 Total $ 163.83
Unrestricted Operating Budget By Means of Financing – All Units (In Millions)
Unrestricted Operating Budget By Means of Financing – Enrollment Producing Units (In Millions) FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 Excludes BOR, System Offices, LUMCON, LSU HSCs, Ag Centers, and Pennington
Unrestricted Operating Budget Vs Restricted “Off-Budget” Funds All Units (In Millions) Total Postsecondary Funding = $4,387.5
Unrestricted Operating Budget Vs Restricted “Off-Budget” Funds Enrollment Producing Units (In Millions) Total Postsecondary Funding = $2,677.0 Excludes BOR, System Offices, LUMCON, LSU HSCs, Ag Centers, and Pennington
Unrestricted Operating Budget Self-Generated Funds By Source Enrollment Producing Units (In Millions) Total = $663.9 Excludes BOR, System Offices, LSU HSCs, Ag Centers, LUMCON & Pennington.
Restricted “Off-Budget” Self-Generated Funds By Source Enrollment Producing Units (In Millions) Total = $843.6 Excludes BOR, System Offices, LSU HSCs, Ag Centers, LUMCON & Pennington.
Unrestricted Operating Budget and Restricted “Off-Budget” Self-Generated Funds By Source Enrollment Producing Units (In Millions) Total = $1,507.5 Excludes BOR, System Offices, LSU HSCs, Ag Centers, LUMCON & Pennington.