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Welcome to Synod. Opening Devotions. Welcome Dispensations/Welcomes/Letters etc. Apologies for absence Appointment of scrutinisers Directory & Amendments Authorised persons. Nomination of District Chair. REASONED STATEMENT The Revd. Dr Andrew Lunn.
Welcome Dispensations/Welcomes/Letters etc. Apologies for absence Appointment of scrutinisers Directory & Amendments Authorised persons
Nomination of District Chair REASONED STATEMENT The Revd. Dr Andrew Lunn
Andrew Lunn is an experienced minister and theological educator. He has been a Methodist presbyter for over 25 years, serving in Circuits in London, Leicester, Birmingham and Durham, including an appointment as a Superintendent. In 2003 he moved to the Wesley Study Centre in Durham as Pastoral Studies Tutor. He was Director of Undergraduate Studies there from 2010 until moving to be Ministries Development Officer for the North-West and Mann Region of the Discipleship and Ministries Learning Network in 2014.
He has combined his academic role at Durham with a part-time appointment in the local Circuit and therefore has strong, continuing and contemporary practical experience of both ministerial formation and the local church context. His scholarship is matched with a pastoral heart, which cares deeply about the well-being and flourishing of others. For Andrew , worship and mission are intimately related. He has a keen understanding of the contemporary world and the challenges it brings to the Church as well as the opportunities for exploring faith.
He sees leadership as collaborative; a servant ministry which helps others to grow into leadership and which shares the tasks and responsibilities. He is used to working in partnership within and between churches and is sensitive to the diversity found there. His role at Durham was an ecumenical one and he was also responsible for overseeing student placements, including an increasing number of overseas placements.
Andrew is an encourager and an enabler and will bring considerable gifts to the role of Chair of the Manchester and Stockport District. Ends
Elections Election of Conference Representatives Election of Synod elected members
Items for discussion from Conference Overview Conference highlights
Conference overview • Major debates • General Secretary’s report • Boycotts, divestment and sanctions campaign • Working Party on same sex marriages • Full report with several long and complex resolutions available on conference web site
Other issues of significance • Mission alongside the poor fund • Connexional Budget
Ecumenical (JIC) • Launch of Churches Mutual Credit Union • Review of Secretary of Conference and General Secretary posts • Review of current buildings and societies • 3generate and youth assembly • Synods encourage that where there are four or more synod reps to conference at least one should be under the age of thirty. • Statistics for mission
Ethical issues • Items referred to circuits and churches • CTBI report Good Society • Prayers urged for: • Israel/Palestine, Nigeria, North and South Korea, Pakistan • Items for action as appropriate • Methodist people urged to support medical and food aid to Syria and write to MPs to urge the government to express concern at the delays in implementing caste discrimination as a form of race discrimination.
Greater Manchester Methodist Church Synod September 2014
Partners the church in outreach “8 years ago a lad was playing football outside the Church. He came in and had a great time. About 3 years ago he gave his life to Jesus. Since then, his brother and his Mum have both come into the Church as well” Phil (Leader) The Boys’ Brigade: Partners, supports, engages Reaching children, young people and families
“55,000 members and 1400 groups in the UK” Partners the church in outreach Boys’ Brigade is A safe place that parents can trust flexible to the needs of your church
Supports the leaders “I never thought I could workwith young people, but thetraining and support the BB has provided has given me the confidence I need”Karen (Leader) The Boys’ Brigade provides: Training Safeguarding & insurance Resources Local and national support networks
Engages young people Activities and resources for all ages "Do you want 16 year olds in church? We start with 5 year olds" Donald (Minister)
Engages young people Boys’ Brigade is: Open and available to all children & young people Relationship focused “BB’s been great for me, it’s given me opportunities to do things I never thought I could do” Charlie (16)
“Being part of a big organisation is great. We can join in with other groups for activities, competitions and residentials. We just couldn’t do all this on our own” Chris (Leader) Manchester & District Battalion Locally we provide: Training Development Activities Social events
What next ? “Be an example to everyone with your words, your actions, your love, your faith and your life”1 Timothy 4:12 the adventure begins here . . .
The District Development Plan New DDP needed for 2015 -20
DDP priorities for 2014/15 SRE review day August 16th 10th Sept SRE approves for submission to District Council Budget to be allocated October 9th District Council
DDP priorities for 2014/15 What can the District do uniquely or best?
Resourcing mission Resourcing Mission Enabler A Grand Day Out
Managing the deployment and oversight of ministries Ministry not ministers
Inspiring confidence Reframing the conversation
Turnips! Or ‘Larger than circuit’ District response to be submitted by 30th September On-line consultation on the role of the District Chair closes 15.00 on 18th September and can be found here: http://dotmailer-surveys.com/09bvi0c-4fx6y91
An overarching question: In order to fulfil your role in God’s mission what resources are uniquely or best provided from beyond the Circuit ?
The resources that you need might best be provided by one or more of: · Circuits working together in groups smaller than current Districts; · Groupings of Circuits of approximately the size as current Districts; · Groupings of Circuits based on the Region or Regions of the DMLN · The Connexional Team; · Other groupings that you may suggest.
As you reflect on the question above, please take account of conversations that may have already happened in the areas in which your mission and ministry are exercised, as well as any thoughts that arise now from the prompts presented here:
7 circuits have responded so far Three circuits felt that they were unable to respond to the consultation in the form that it was expressed. In two cases this was because they felt that the current structure of Districts was working effectively as far as they were concerned and they saw no need for change; in the other the circuit felt that this was too large an issue for them to be able to complete in the available time.
1. What might continue to be gained by having something ‘Larger than Circuit’?
2. What might be lost if there was nothing ‘Larger than Circuit’ except for the Connexional Team and the Conference?
3. If there were to be nothing between Circuits and the Conference, how might the current functions of the Districts be carried out?
4. What might be the necessary functions of a ‘Larger than Circuit’ entity or entities?
5. What might be lost by having a smaller number of ‘Larger than Circuit’ groupings (currently Districts) than at present?
6. What might the relationship be between larger Circuits and ‘Larger than Circuit’ entities or smaller Circuits and ‘Larger than Circuit’ entities?