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Course Title: Digital Electronics and Pulse techniques Course Code: CSE-223

Course Title: Digital Electronics and Pulse techniques Course Code: CSE-223. Today topics: Logic Families;. The People`s University of Bangladesh. Md. Hafizur Rahman. Logic Families. Logic Family : A collection of different IC’s that have similar circuit characteristics

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Course Title: Digital Electronics and Pulse techniques Course Code: CSE-223

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  1. Course Title: Digital Electronics and Pulse techniquesCourse Code: CSE-223 Today topics: Logic Families; The People`s University of Bangladesh Md. Hafizur Rahman

  2. Logic Families • Logic Family : A collection of different IC’s that have similar circuit characteristics • Bipolar Logic Families: • Two types of operations in bipolar Ics. • Saturated • Non-Saturated

  3. The Saturated bipolar logic families are: • Resistor-transistor logic(RTL) • Direct-coupled transistor logic(DCTL) • Integrated-injection logic(IIL) • Diode-transistor Logic(DTL) • High-threshold logic(HTL) • Transistor-transistor Logic(TTL) Non-Saturated bipolar logic families are:- • Schottky TTL • Emitter-coupled logic(ECL)

  4. Unipolar logic families: • PMOS(p-channel MOSFET) • NMOS(n-channel MOSFET) • CMOS(Both p and n channel MOSFET)

  5. Characteristics of Digital ICs • Speed of operation • Power dissipation • Figure of merit • Fan-out • Current and voltage parameters • Noise immunity • Operating temperature range • Power supply requirements • Flexibilities available

  6. Input 50% 0 Output 0 tPHL tPLH Speed of operation • A logic gate always takes some time to change states • tPLH is the delay time before output changes from low to high • tPHL is the delay time before output changes from high to low • both tPLH & tPHL are measured between the 50% points on the input and output transitions

  7. Power dissipation This is the amount of power dissipated in an IC. It is determined by the current,Icc, that it draws from the Vcc supply, and is given by Vcc X Icc. Icc is the average value of Icc(0) and Icc(1). This power is specified in milliwatts.

  8. Figure of merit • The figure of merit of digital IC is defined as the product of speed and power. The speed is specified in terms of propagation delay time expressed in nanoseconds. Figure of merit= propagation delay time(ns) x power(mW) It is specified in pico joules(ns x mW=pJ)

  9. Fan-out • This is the number of similar gates which can be driven by a gate. High fan-out is advantageous because it reduces the need for additional drivers to drive more gates.

  10. Current and voltage parameters The following currents and voltages are specified which are very useful in the design of digital systems. • High-level input voltage, VIH • Low-level input Voltage, VIL • High-level output voltage, VOH • Low-level output Voltage, VOL • High-level input current, IIH • Low-level input current, IIL • High-level output current, IOH • Low-level output current, IOL • High-level supply current, ICC(1) • Low-level supply current,ICC(0)

  11. Noise immunity • Noise immunity of a logic circuit refers to the circuit’s ability to tolerate noise voltages on its inputs. • A quantitative measure of noise immunity is called noise margin • High Level Noise Margin, VNH = VOH (min) - VIH (min) • Low Level Noise Margin, VNL = VIL (max) - VOL (max)

  12. Operating temperature range • The temperature range in which an IC functions properly must be known. The accepted temperature ranges are:0 to 700C for consumer and industrial applications and -550C to +1250C for military purposes.

  13. Power supply requirements • The supply voltage(s) and amount of power required by an IC are important characteristics required to choose the proper power supply.

  14. Flexibilities available • Various flexibilities are available in different IC logic families and these must be considered while selecting a logic family for a particular job. • The breadth of series • Popularity of the series • Wired-logic capability • Availability of complement outputs • Type of output

  15. Thanks

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