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Section II The Professional Development Plan

Section II The Professional Development Plan . The Professional Development Plan: Who? What? When? Where? Why? But Most of All: How?. Slide Source: Dr. Pauline Popponi . Who is required to complete a PDP?.

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Section II The Professional Development Plan

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  1. Section II The Professional Development Plan

  2. The Professional Development Plan: Who? What? When? Where? Why? But Most of All: How?

  3. Slide Source: Dr. Pauline Popponi

  4. Who is required to complete a PDP? • Every licensed teacher in New Mexico must complete a PDP annually by the 40th day of school (PDP Form Provided) • The teacher and principal must collaborate in the development of the PDP (principal signs off)

  5. What is required? All PDP’s (Level I, Level II, Level III) must include • Goals with measurable objectives based on the 9 competencies and levels of licensure • Rationale for selecting the goal • Link to last year’s Annual Evaluation if appropriate • Resources required • A plan for collecting evidence to document completion of goals • Desired outcome(s)

  6. The PDP

  7. Sample Objectives & Sources of Evidence for each Level

  8. What else is required? • The teacher is required to submit a written reflection on the PDP by the end of the school year (Teacher Reflection Form Provided) • The teacher is required to submit evidence documenting completion of the PDP (Attached to the written reflection) • The principal is required to complete a Formative Evaluation of the PDP

  9. When is the PDP due? • Plan: By 40th day each year (Oct. 17, 2008) • Documentation of PDP Plan Completion (including written reflection and evidence): • Licensure advancement candidates: January 25, 2008 • Non-advancement candidates April 25, 2007

  10. Where will the PDP be located? • The teacher should maintain a copy • The principal should maintain a copy • The district Human Resources Department should maintain the original signed copy

  11. Why is the PDP required? • Research: Teachers who engage in reflective practice, who participate as part of the larger school community, and who continue to grow professionally throughout their careers have students who achieve at higher levels • Ethics: Every child deserves to have a quality teacher • The Law: It is required (HB 212) in the state of New Mexico

  12. How? Principal Follow Up • Review of individual PDP’s (careful attention to “resources required”) • Meet individually or with the whole group to return plans for teachers to sign. • Collect and sign final PDP’s • Distribute and file copies of the PDP

  13. How? Follow Up • Teachers collect evidence to document PDP progress • Principal meets with teachers, at their request, to discuss PDP progress • Suggestion: Staff and principal discuss PDP issues and share progress at regular staff meetings throughout the year

  14. Teacher Reflection on the PDP • Teachers submit PDP’s with evidence (per plan) & written reflection to the principal by Jan. 25 or April 25, 2008 • Principals review PDP evidence and reflection • Principals Complete PDP Formative Evaluation • Principal completes Summative Evaluation (Level I 2 per year; Level II & III every three years) and attaches PDP & PDP Reflection, and PDP Formative Evaluation • Principal completes Progressive Documentation (Level II & III teachers) and attaches PDP & PDP Reflection.

  15. Measurable Objectives • Measurable the evaluator can assess the extent to which the teacher achieves the objective • Objectives state the main points of tasks/competencies the teacher will perform (what will be done, how this will be measured, when it will be accomplished) • Observable the evaluator can visibly see evidence that the teacher achieved the objective (i.e. data) • Avoid abstract verbs like: know, understand, appreciate, feel. These cannot be observed or measured. Slide Source: Dr. Pauline Papponi

  16. Some Examples • The teacher will integrate reading and writing into the math curriculum by having students solve written math problems 25% of the time during the first semester and with 95% accuracy (Strand A, Comp. I, Level II, D) • The teacher will add, on a weekly basis, demonstrations and group work as part of lesson plans for the remainder of the school year (Strand A, Comp. II, Level II, B) • The teacher will establish and present strategies for conflict resolution to the faculty prior to the start of the first day of school, during inservice. (Strand C, Comp. IX, Level III, C) Slide Source: Dr. Pauline Papponi

  17. Activity: Practice PDP • In a group examine the competencies and indicators in Strand A (Instruction). • Generate goals with measurable objectives to address competencies in Strand A (1, 2, 5) • Generate a plan of activities to meet the objectives • Generate a list of data sources (evidence) that might be used by a teacher to document progress in meeting those competencies

  18. Activity Agree on Common Goals to add to PDP based on school data and district/school EPSS

  19. Review • By 40th day: Submit the PDP Plan to Human Resources (Oct 17, 2007) • By Jan. 25 or April 25, 2008: Submit the PDP Reflection and Formative Evaluation • Suggestion: Complete plan for next year before the end of the school year!

  20. Review Sample Forms Review Timelines Questions and Answers THANK YOU!

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