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MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT. Climate Change Adaptation in Romania. Cristina Raluca ST ĂNICĂ, Councilor Climate Change and Sustainable Development Directorate. G2G : “A celebration of the Romanian-Dutch cooperation” Bucharest, 10 th Decemb er 200 9. What is climate change adaptation?.
MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT Climate Change Adaptation in Romania Cristina Raluca STĂNICĂ, Councilor Climate Change and Sustainable Development Directorate G2G: “A celebration of the Romanian-Dutch cooperation” Bucharest, 10 th December 2009
What is climate change adaptation? “Adaptation is an adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities”. “Adaptation will be necessary to address impacts resulting from the warming that is already unavoidable due to past emissions” IPCC
EU White Paper on Adaptation • Integrating adaptation in implementing existing and upcoming EU legislation and P&Ms • Integrating adaptation in the EU external actions • Reducing uncertainty by expanding the knowledge basis through integrated climate research • Involving society, business and public sector in the preparation of coordinated and comprehensive adaptation strategies
Action (EU and Member States) • Strategies which increase the resilience to climate change of health, property and the productive functions of land, by improving the management of water resources and ecosystems. • Solidarity among EU member states that disadvantaged regions affected by climate change will be capable of taking measures needed to adapt.
EU Framework: Objectives and Action • Improve the EU’s resilience to deal with the impact of climate change • The framework will respect the principle of subsidiarity and support overarching EU objectives on sustainable development Phase 1(2009-2012): EU adaptation strategy Phase 2 (2012 and beyond): implementation of the strategy
Phase I • Solid knowledge based on the impact and consequences of climate change for EU • Integrating adaptation into EU key policy areas • A combination of policy instruments to ensure effective delivery of adaptation • Stepping up international cooperation on adaptation Closely cooperation between EU, national, regional and local authorities
Guide on Adaptation to Climate Change in Romania - Objective • GACCR’s objective - increase of the adaptation capacity and capability of Romania to respond the present and future negative climate change impacts • Identification of climate change impacts, as well as the vulnerability of sectors • Assessing current adaptive capacity, and vulnerability, threats and opportunities of adaptation • Presenting immediate adaptation measures (research and development) and future P&Ms
Guide on Adaptation to Climate Change in Romania - Directions Research:Assessment of global and regional impacts. Better understanding of the ways to mainstream adaptation actions Government:development of Adaptation Policy Framework to guide adaptation activities throughout Romania based on the EU common policy Regional/local level: local authorities have an important role on implementation.
Immediate Adaptation Actions in Romania • Improve existing climate scenarios projections and the sectoral impact assessment • Develop socio-economic scenarios in conjunction with Romania’s circumstances and development • Establish an integrated approach to understand the inter-sectoral linkages affecting the physical and socio-economic vulnerabilities at local level • Perform analysis to establish adaptation frameworks at different scales providing inputs for a national climate change adaptation plan
Examples of Adaptation Actions at Local Level (1) • Agriculture: development of drought tolerant crops • Health: prevention of incidents during the extreme temperature periods • Infrastructure: road covering resistant to temperature fluctuation and maximum levels; taking into consideration record flows in designing new bridges • Urban planning: adapting existing buildings codes to future climate conditions and extreme events
Examples of Adaptation Actions at Local Level (2) • Construction: flood walls and higher levels of dykes against sea level rise • Forestry: selection of forestry species and practices less vulnerable to storms and fires • Transport: new climate proof infrastructure and means of transportation from the design phase • General: consumer protection, public health and food and feed regulations “proofed” against climate sensitivity
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