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Aristotle and Mathematics

Aristotle and Mathematics. A. Hippocrates of Chios (460-380 B.C.). A. Hippocrates of Chios (460-380 B.C.). 1. Orderly Arrangement of Theorems 2. Indirect Method of Proof 3. Author of a Geometry Text 4. Calculation of Curvilinear Areas.

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Aristotle and Mathematics

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  1. AristotleandMathematics

  2. A. Hippocrates of Chios(460-380 B.C.)

  3. A.Hippocrates of Chios(460-380 B.C.) 1. Orderly Arrangement of Theorems 2. Indirect Method of Proof 3. Author of a Geometry Text 4. Calculation of Curvilinear Areas Mathematical Thought From Ancient to Modern Times, Morris Kline, Oxford University Press, New York, 1972, p.41

  4. Eudoxus of Cnidus(408-355 B.C.)

  5. Eudoxus of Cnidus(408-355 B.C.) • 1. Use of Explicit Axioms • 2. Method of Exhaustion http://blog.ratestogo.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/athens1.jpg

  6. C. Aristotle(384-322 B.C.)

  7. C. Aristotle(384-322 B.C.) • 1. Member of Plato’s Academy • 2. Founder of the Lyceum http://www.anampa.gr/anaweb/getimage?action=imgrep&filePath=/apps1/Image/200907/DOC.20090709.7775228.ars1.jpg http://users.ntua.gr/chgantes/en/txtimg/steel_roof_Aristotle_Lyceum.jpg

  8. C. Aristotle(384-322 B.C.) • 3. Laws of Logic • 4. Deduction and Induction • 5. Concept of a Specific Science • 6. Axiomatic Method • 7. Nature of Definitions • 8. Undefined Terms

  9. D. Euclid (c. 325-265 B.C.)

  10. D. Euclid (c. 325-265 B.C.) • 1. Axioms • 2. Definitions • 3. Deductive Approach • 4. Conic Sections

  11. E. Archimedes(287-212 B.C.)

  12. E. Archimedes(287-212 B.C.) • 1. Calculation of Areas and Volumes • 2. Excellent Estimate of Pi • 3. Law of Levers • 4. Hydrostatics http://www.math.nyu.edu/~crorres/Archimedes/Tomb/Cicero.html

  13. F. Apollonius(262-190 B.C.)

  14. F. Apollonius(262-190 B.C.) • 1. Unified Treatment of • the Conic Sections • 2. Introduction of the • terms, Parabola, Ellipse, • and Hyperbola • 3. Hints of Analytic • Geometry Mathematics in Western Culture, Morris Kline, Oxford University Press, London, 1953, p 49

  15. G. Alexandria and Beyond http://image.linkinn.com/userfiles/Image/europe_map_1000.jpg

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