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Final Assignment Comp 2 By : E mily Heffernan . The Power of Love to Redeem. This photo album contains sample pages to get you started. To add your own pages, click the Home tab, and then click New Slide . Short Fiction - Happy Endings By: Margaret Atwood
Final Assignment Comp 2 By : Emily Heffernan The Power of Love to Redeem
This photo album contains sample pages to get you started. To add your own pages, click the Home tab, and then click New Slide.
Short Fiction • - Happy Endings By: Margaret Atwood • - The Necklace By: Guy de Maupassant …then click the placeholders to add your own pictures and captions. Choose a layout…
Happy Endings - “John and Mary meet. What happens next? If you want a happy ending, try A.” - There are several endings but most start with power of love to redeem showing how important each relationship is. Two of the endings I like are D and E. D shows how the couple has a normal, boring life until a storm hits and the end up realizing how much they love each other after realizing how Meaningful their relationship is. Love conquering all. - The ending in E is not as happy, one of the character dies but Marge uses the power of love as strength and give all her time to charity. Putting her love into the power of redeem into a once negative situation into a positive.
The Necklace • Poor couple marries for love. • Husband is the Minister of Public Instructor and obtains a ticket to ball for wife because he knows how much Loisel wants to go. • Gives his own money for her to get a dress. • When she is unsatisfied, she ends up borrowing a diamond necklace from her friend Mmme. Forestier and this is when the trouble starts. She ends up losing it and both her and her husband look everywhere for it. • Although her husband is nameless, he shows the power of love to redeem because he gives his well earned money, searches for the necklace and ends up saving of the rest of his money for 10 years to pay it off for his wife. Who seems to appreciate him a lot more after the lost of the necklace. Picture Styles give you great looking “frames” in a single click.
Poetry • Remember Me By: Christina Rossetti • - Skyscraper By: Demi Lovato Click a picture, and then click the FormatPicture tab to create your own frames and make picture corrections such as adjusting contrast and brightness or cropping the picture for just the right look.
Remember Me • Power of love to redeem explained… • This poem is showing that you should not be sad about death, to move on and be happy using the power of love to redeem as going forward and living life to fullest. • If you truly love someone sometimes you have to let them go. Click a picture, and then click the FormatPicture tab to create your own frames and make picture corrections such as adjusting contrast and brightness or cropping the picture for just the right look.
Skyscraper • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_8ydghbGSg • - Go on and try to tear me down • I will be rising from the ground • Like a skyscraper • Like a skyscraper • - Demi wrote Skyscraper and talked about her vulnerability, insecurity and her struggle with always seeming “perfect” in the spotlight. Power of love to redeem is shown here because Demi is talking about overcoming challenges and using her negative idea of love ( towards her relationship and herself) to become stronger, better and more confident. Click a picture, and then click the FormatPicture tab to create your own frames and make picture corrections such as adjusting contrast and brightness or cropping the picture for just the right look.
Drama • A Doll’s House By: HenrikIbsen • Hamlet By: Charles and Mary Lamb Click a picture, and then click the FormatPicture tab to create your own frames and make picture corrections such as adjusting contrast and brightness or cropping the picture for just the right look.
A Doll’s House • Nora seems to be infatuated with money, her life and her husband. • You start to connect more with Nora when realizing she uses the money her husband gives her to save his life, aka take him to Italy. • In the end of the story Nora has an Aha-Moment realizing she is the only one who truly has love in her relationship & uses the power of love to redeem to become more independent no longer be a doll and live life for herself, to improve herself. Turning this negative event into a positive one. Click a picture, and then click the FormatPicture tab to create your own frames and make picture corrections such as adjusting contrast and brightness or cropping the picture for just the right look.
Hamlet • “This it was, which more than the loss of ten kingdoms, dashed the spirits and brought a cloud over the mind of this honorable young prince.” • Hamlet is heartbroken when his father dies and seems to think it is rather odd that his uncle is taking over the thrown. • - The Power of Love to redeem is used although it is not positive because Hamlet tries to avenge his father death and although indecisive stands up for what he believes becoming stronger although this was a very romantic story it shows how strong Hamlet love and dedication was his father. Click a picture, and then click the FormatPicture tab to create your own frames and make picture corrections such as adjusting contrast and brightness or cropping the picture for just the right look.
Modern Element Modern Element - Elle Woods inspires us all! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NtYEMPpZOk - Start Clip at 4:05 Click a picture, and then click the FormatPicture tab to create your own frames and make picture corrections such as adjusting contrast and brightness or cropping the picture for just the right look.
Legally Blonde • Elle Woods uses this negative situation and turns into a positive. • After following her ex-boyfriend to law school to win her love back, Elle learns that she is much better off without him. • After Warner negatively tells Elle she can do something much better with her time and how he is smarter then her, Elle uses this negativity as a positive and starts using this is motivation which is evident in this clip. Modern Element Modern Element - Click a picture, and then click the FormatPicture tab to create your own frames and make picture corrections such as adjusting contrast and brightness or cropping the picture for just the right look.
Modern Element #2 • Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 Movie Clip • http://youtu.be/EP_Zp_gMGQc Click a picture, and then click the FormatPicture tab to create your own frames and make picture corrections such as adjusting contrast and brightness or cropping the picture for just the right look.
Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 • This clip shows several of the themes displayed in my poetry, short fiction and drama. • Edward and Bella the main characters in this movie are facing a challenge they cannot face alone. Unable to fight the Volturithey decide they need help. • The Power of Love to Redeem is evident in this movie and clip because Edward would be willing to do anything for Bella showing that their solve can conquer the world. As well as how the others in this clip would also make this sacrifice for this couple showing that this a strong confident group who is standing up for what they believe in and using the power of love to become a team. Click a picture, and then click the FormatPicture tab to create your own frames and make picture corrections such as adjusting contrast and brightness or cropping the picture for just the right look.
Conclusion • Conclusion • The Power of Love to Redeem is about loving no only your family member, partner, and close friends but it is also about loving yourself and this is what I wanted to reflect in my project. Love has both positive and negatives and sometimes the negatives can conquer challenges, inspire and motivate one another. • Love invigorates these people to come together, to work on themselves or even to just be happy and this is why the redemption of love as a theme is so important! Choose a layout… …then click the placeholders to add your own pictures and captions.
- Happy Endings By: Margaret Atwood • - XXXXXXXXX Modern Element Quiz A simple easy quiz to TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE!!!!!! http://www.makeaquiz.net?quiz=63225&k=751571b83180f29b3450664cc9054cc3 Choose a layout… …then click the placeholders to add your own pictures and captions.