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SENIORS… Why are there so many different opinions and definitions of God?

SENIORS… Why are there so many different opinions and definitions of God? What process do most people use to decide which “God” is the right God?. SENIORS… Monday start-up

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SENIORS… Why are there so many different opinions and definitions of God?

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  1. SENIORS… Why are there so many different opinions and definitions of God? What process do most people use to decide which “God” is the right God?

  2. SENIORS… Monday start-up Pray with your Tribond 2-3 minutes– have the person with the longest last name pray first, the person with the shortest last name pray last


  4. Screen shot of weekly reading assignment & Group 2’s


  6. Incommunicable attributes: Attributes which God does not share or “communicate” with humanity Communicable attributes: Attributes which God shares or “communicates” with humanity ATTRIBUTES OF GOD

  7. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Aseity Eternality Immutability Omnipresence Omnipotence Omniscience A-E-I-OOO

  8. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Aseity 1. Aseity is God’sindependence (Latin “a se” = “from himself”) 2. God is self-existent, He does not nor could not rely on someone or something to exist

  9. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD God is the only absolutely independent being. His existence and well-being is not dependant upon any being or circumstance. He is the final and primary cause of all things. Therefore, there is no cause that precedes him. He is in need of nothing.

  10. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Aseity 3. God brought about creation to bring Himself glory and joy, but this does not diminish His independence

  11. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Do you agree or disagree? • God cannot be fully comprehended by humanity • God has made something of Himself known to humanity • The things God has revealed about Himself to humanity can only be found in the Bible

  12. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD We can never fully comprehend God: Psalm 139:6, 17-18; 145:3 We can know some facts about God and therefore know God personally: John 17:3

  13. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD God’s aseity in the Scriptures Job 41:11 Psalm 50:12 Isaiah 40:18 Isaiah 43:7 John 5:26 John 17:5 Acts 17:24-25 Romans 11:36 Revelation 4:11

  14. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Eternality 1. God is infinite with respect totime 2. God has no beginning or end- He is in all times at all times

  15. God’s Eternality God Creation Flood Crucifixion 2013 Eternity

  16. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Eternality 3. God does not experience a succession of moments in His own being 4. God sees events in time and acts in time, but this does not diminish His eternality

  17. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Immutability 1. Immutability is God’sunchangeableness 2. God does not nor could not change in His being, His purposes, or His promises

  18. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Immutability 3. God feels emotionsand acts differently in response to different situations, but this does not diminish His immutability

  19. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD “Open Theism” God does not know the future and can change His mind Genesis 6:6 Genesis 18:20-33 Exodus 32:9–14 1 Samuel 15:10-11 Isaiah 38:1–6 Jonah 3:10

  20. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Responding to “Open Theism” Job 37:16 Psalm 90:2 Psalm 102:27 Malachi 3:6 Hebrews 13:8 James 1:17 1 John 3:20

  21. SENIORS… Review with your Tribond the attributes of aseity, eternality, and immutability. How does God demonstrate these attributes (what does He do to show that He possesses aseity, etc…)?

  22. SENIORS… Tuesday start-up Two pray Tuesday. In your Tribond have one person pray for the school and another pray for the country


  24. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Omnipresence (Omni “all”) 1. God is infinite with respect to space 2. God is present with His whole being at every point in space at all times

  25. God Universe Earth ATTRIBUTES OF GOD

  26. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Universe Earth

  27. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Universe Earth

  28. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Omnipresence (Omni “all”) 3. God is without size or spatial dimensions 4. God acts differently in different places, but this does not diminish His omnipresence

  29. SENIORS… If God is omnipresent, is He in hell?

  30. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Omnipotence (Omni “all”, potens “powerful”) 1. God is infinite with respect to power 2. God possesses all power to do His holy will- He is not limited to doing only what He has actually done, but He is capable of doing even more

  31. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Omnipotence (Omni “all”, potens “powerful”) 3. It is not entirely accurate to state “God can do anything”-God cannot will or do anything that would deny His own character or attributes-(ex: God cannot lie, be tempted, cease to exist, cease to be God)

  32. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Omniscience (Omni “all”, scientia “to know”) 1. God is infinite with respect to knowledge 2. God’s knowledge is perfect and absolute from all eternity

  33. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Omniscience (Omni “all”, scientia “to know”) 3. God is intuitive- He does not learn, He simply already knows! 4. God knows all things actual and all things possible

  34. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Omniscience What does Psalm 56:8 and Psalm 142:3 tell us about God’s knowledge of our troubles? And what does He do with our cry for help? In light of Psalm 139:12-15, how should we respond when we fall into the trap of thinking God made mistakes when He made you?

  35. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Will 1. God decides and approves all that He is and does 2. God is the final reason for everything that happens to His creatures 3. Distinctions exist within the aspects of God’s will:

  36. SENIORS… Group 2 prepare. Everyone else get out your Bible and preview Acts 17:24-25 at your desk.

  37. SENIORS… Wednesday start-up Prayer Request- Something 9-11 related probably.


  39. SENIORS… Contemplate the concept of God being eternal. What are your natural responses to this attribute of God (positive or negative)?

  40. SENIORS… Thursday start-up In your Tribond pray over the theme in your life. “Fall into His story.”


  42. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Spirit 1. God is a being not made of matter or materials- He cannot be perceived by bodily senses

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