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Contact with a professional chiropractor and know how he/she treat migraines. It is the technique of moving, stretching and manipulating of spine.
It is the technique of moving, stretching and manipulating of spine. • It does not include surgery or drugs but uses, X-ray technique and other procedure to examine the patient’s health. • It also suggests the patients to do exercise change our lifestyle, take proper nutrition manages body life style and also free from stress. • On doubt, migraines headaches are take top ranking list in health problem all around the world.
It becomes major problem in both male and female. • But according to the survey of health care statistics showing a graph of 15% prevalence for women compared to just 6% for men, mean that female having face this problem higher than male. • Why women face more migraines problem than male: One of most important fact 15 to 25% of women around the globe suffering from migraines disability problem. • The researchers scanned the brains of the volunteers. It collects two types of data—one is capturing brain feature and brain shapes and other related to the brain activities.
The two main facts that in the female found more brain pain problem. Posterior insula and another is Presumes. • It is the blockage of wave of electricity activity traveling across the brain. • Department of Neurology said it is a spectacular neuron-physiological event that included electrical activity burst that start in the vision center of the brain.
It travels that wave across the landscape of the brain, moving into areas that control sensation. • Patients suffer lots of pain like they feels needles and pins inside the brain. • Pain occurs simultaneously with the travels of electrical wave as it traverses the brain.
What types of symptoms feels in patients: • Change in mood • Change in activities • Different sound and movements. • Find proper treatment regarding this to relief against pain and attacks. • Good treatment to reduce the number of attacks is critically; really need to think carefully about how to control the frequency of attacks.
Need to do it earlier rather than later."! Most of women having prevalence of depression and anxiety cause big problem in women’s. • Weekly do massage therapy for post isometric and trigger point pressure release of stress also included treatment of spinal manipulation 2 or 3 times per weeks. • Finally do exercise, meditation, yoga and take proper nutrition for good health.
THANKS • Want to know how chiropractic cares helpful to reduce the migraines? Contact with a professional chiropractor and know how he/she treat migraines.