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This negotiation framework outlines the process for negotiating proposals and agreements in European Commission projects. It covers scientific, legal, financial aspects, work plan, budget, and consortium agreements. The role of the Project Officer and Proposal Coordinator is crucial in leading negotiations with proper documentation and communication. Specific steps and conditions ensure successful negotiation outcomes and compliance with housekeeping standards. The scheme includes multiple negotiation meetings, validation checks, and final contract signatures. This comprehensive guide provides detailed instructions for negotiating successfully in EU projects.
Negotiation of Proposals Dr. Evangelos OuzounisDirectorate CDG Information SocietyEuropean Commission
Framework for negotiation • is sent – together with invitation for negotiation • is based on • Evaluation Summary Report • Evaluation Report / Implementation Plan - strategic considerations • specifies and includes • required changes arising from the evaluation process • indicative budget and funding/ max. Community contribution • timeframe for negotiation • duration of the project
Scope of negotiations • Negotiation covers reaching an agreement on scientific, legal and financial aspects • scientific = - workplan, including objectives & milestones, deliverables - clustering - European Research Area - ... • legal = - contract options - eligibility issues - special clauses • financial = - costs/budget; lfv checking - pre-financing - timing of audit certificates • the collection/verification of administrative/ financial information and clarifying contractual issues
Scope of technical negotiations • adapt initial proposal to the recommendations of the evaluation. • finalise the workplan of the project. • for NoE/IP: detailed the workplan for the first 18 months; outline plan for the complete duration of the project • for the other instruments: detailed work plan for the complete duration of the project. • define in detail the work to be carried out by each of the participants. • agree on the list of deliverables (timing, content, efforts). • agree on the milestones, establish reporting periods and the assessment criteria for measuring results and progress against milestones.
Scope of financial/legal/admin negotiation • determine the total costs, the total eligible costs, EC Community financial contribution. • establish the pre-financing. • confirm the management capacity of co-ordinator. • remind the consortium of the consortium agreement. • establish the time period by which the accession process needs to be completed. • establish the timing for the required ‘reports’ and “audit certificates”. • identify any special clauses that need to be inserted. • assess the financial viability of the co-ordinator and any other contractor, if necessary. • collect and review the legal status of each contractor.
Negotiation conditions • Negotiations should be conducted in respect of the proposal that is submitted • Negotiations should be completed within the given timeframe • Good housekeeping demands (i) each negotiation step recorded properly (ii) clear and timely communication is ensured (iii) proper follow-up in respect of deadlines by the Commission (iv) management is informed of progress/difficulties encountered
Role of PO • Role of the Project Officer • single interface with proposers, may lead a negotiation team (leading PO must be statutory agent); • plans and conducts negotiations; • writes up ‘negotiation framework’ • ensures that proper records are kept; • ensures that negotiations are completed in time • In team: ensures appropriate involvement of supporting POs • Supporting POs: to agree to final Annex 1
Role of proposal co-ordinator • Proposal co-ordinator • leads negotiation on the proposers’ side; • ensures consortium is informed/in agreement with decisions taken; • ensures proper consortium representation at negotiations meeting(s). at contracting stage • ensures accession of other contractors within contractual timeframe; • will normally become project co-ordinator
Scheme of negotiation process invitation 1 draft CPFs/Annex 1 meeting record 6 5 4 3 2 Signature/accession Commission Consortium Agreement technical issues Clarification of how evaluation comments have been taken on board 1st Negotiation meeting Clarification of financial/adminis-trative rules 2nd Negotiation meeting (if necessary) Validation of legal entities + financial checks final signed! CPFs/Annex 1 contract offer
Scheme of Negotiation & Selection Decision Specific Commitment Draft Implementation Plan Invitation for negotiation GIR / ISTC Negotiation meeting (s) Final Implementation Plan Additional invitations for negotiation ? Consultation ISTC + Commission Selection Decision Negotiation end Batches Contract signature
Internal Procedure • CPFs & Support Documents • Other Contractual Conditions • Description of Work (Annex 1) NEGOTIATIONS NegotiationReport Dossier Director approval ISTC opinion Commission Decision Financial Commitment Payment of Pre-financing Contract signature
Background documents • Negotiation Guidance Notes for co-ordinators of <instrument>, including Contract Preparation Forms • Financial Guidelines for Indirect Actions of FP 6 • Model contract and its annexes • Consortium Agreement checklist • Framework Programme Decision, Specific Programme Decision, Rules for Participation