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Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: Post-War Social Transformations

Explore the impact of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe's transition post-World War II, focusing on Stalin's reign, economic policies, living conditions, satellite states, and Cold War dynamics. Learn about Khrushchev's reforms, the Arms Race, Space Race, Hungarian Uprising, and Berlin Wall. The narrative covers key events, policies, and interactions shaping the region from 1945 to 1968.

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Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: Post-War Social Transformations

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  1. Chapter 30 - Soviet Union and Eastern Europe Decolonization, Common Market & Soviet Union / Eastern Bloc HW: outline – “Post-War Social Transformations, 1945 – 1968” (p. 1007 – 1014); bring headphones tomorrow

  2. Soviet Union and Eastern Europe

  3. The Reign of Stalin • The economy of the Soviet Union was devastated by World War II. • To create a new industrial base, goods were produced almost exclusively for export. • The money from export goods was used to buy machinery and Western technology.

  4. Soviet Union and Eastern Europe • The soviets emphasized heavy industry for export • USSR became the providers of machines for factories and mines sold mostly to Eastern Bloc nations (soviet satellite countries from WW II)

  5. Soviet Union and Eastern Europe • The soviets also emphasized military production to compete/keep up with the U.S.

  6. Life in Russia Got Worse for the People • People had very little consumer goods available (washing machines, ovens, vacuum, etc…) – • People had very poor housing requiring several generations to live together

  7. Eastern Europe • Under Soviet control • Followed same policies as USSR • Collectivized farms • 5 Year Plans • Economies designed to benefit the USSR

  8. Russian Satellite States • Russia forced its satellite states to adopt it’s policies and provide raw materials to Russia • Only two countries were able to resist direct soviet control (Albania and Yugoslavia), all others were invaded if they did not comply

  9. Soviet Response • Stalin forbids satellites to take Marshall Plan money • USSR offers COMECON • Council for Mutual Economic Assistance • Marshall Plan for Bloc • Yugoslavia’s Tito refuses to cooperate with Stalin • Kicked out of Bloc, becomes “nonaligned”- neutral

  10. New Era • In 1946, the Soviet government said that all literary and scientific work must conform to the political needs of the state. • By 1950, the Soviet Union had built new power plants, canals, and giant factories. • Heavy industry, the manufacture of machines and equipment for factories and mines, increased.

  11. Khrushchev Replaces Stalin • Stalin died in 1953 • In 1953 Nikita Khrushchev took over for Joseph Stalin • Khrushchev slowly and quietly tried to undo many of Stalin’s ruthless policies

  12. Premier Nikita Khrushchev About the capitalist states, it doesn't depend on you whether we (Soviet Union) exist.If you don't like us, don't accept our invitations, and don'tinvite us to come to see you. Whether you like it our not, history is on our side. We will bury you. -- 1956 De-Stalinization Program – promote the success and non-oppressive nature of Communism

  13. The Arms Race • Fall 1949- Soviets have atomic bomb • US and USSR begin building weapons • Deterrence: build up of weapons to discourage conflict • 1952 US explodes first hydrogen bomb • 1957 USSR- first intercontinental ballistic missiles

  14. The Atomic Age

  15. Kill Zone

  16. Space Race • 1957 Soviets launch “Sputnik” • US forced to keep up with Soviets • 1959 Soviets launched first space ship to land on moon • 1961- Alan Shephard is the first US astronaut to go to space • July 20, 1969- Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin are the first persons to land on the moon

  17. Sputnik

  18. The Hungarian Uprising: 1956 Imre Nagy, HungarianPrime Minister • Promised free elections. • This could lead to the end of communist rule in Hungary.

  19. Hungary- Early Revolts • People join in Budapest uprising in Oct. 1956 • Get Soviets out of Hungary • Imre Nagy (liberal Communist) brought back to power by the people • Free elections,Soviet troops out,no Warsaw Pact • Nov. 4- 2,000 Soviet troops sent to Budapest • Soviets are held off 10 days No help from West • Soviets install Janos Kadar, Nagy executed

  20. “Peaceful Coexistence” • Khrushchev broke from Stalin’s position • War between Capitalism and Communism is inevitable • Superpowers meet to discuss arms control

  21. The Meetings • Antarctic Treaty- US and USSR meet and decide to ban military activity • Talk of peaceful use of outer space • The testing of the hydrogen bomb in 1953 and the launch of the first space satellite, Sputnik I, in 1957 made the Soviet Union a world power. • 1959 VP Nixon meets with Khrushchev in Moscow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CvQOuNecy4 • 1959 Khrushchev first Soviet leader to visit US • 1960 meeting between Khrushchev and Eisenhower cancelled • Soviets shoot down US spy plane (U-2)

  22. Nixon-Khrushchev“Kitchen Debate”(1959) Cold War ---> Tensions <--- Technology & Affluence

  23. U-2 Spy Incident (1960) Col. Francis Gary Powers’ plane was shot down over Soviet airspace.

  24. East Germany • Aug. 1961 East Germany builds Berlin Wall • Why? People were fleeing west • 12 feet high, 28 miles long • Concrete, barbed wire, mines, guards • Symbolized the contrast between the West’s freedom and the East’s repression

  25. Berlin Wall • West Berlin was an island of prosperity compared to poverty stricken East Berlin, so many residence of East Berlin fled to the West • In response the soviets built a wall in 1961 to separate East and West Berlin • One of the main facts about the Berlin Wall and purpose of Berlin Wall was to prevent GDR citizens to escape to the West. The existence of the Wall from 1961-1989 was in reality declaration of political and economic bankruptcy of GDR as the state. • The massive barrier was guarded by barbed wire, floodlights, machine gun towers, minefields, and dogs

  26. Ich bin ein Berliner!(1963) President Kennedy tells Berliners that the West is with them

  27. The Berlin Wall

  28. The Berlin Wall • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nch5MbnvTqY

  29. Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)

  30. Cuban Missile Crisis • Oct. 1962 • After communist revolution in Cuba- Soviets ship nuclear armed missiles to Cuba • US caught when intelligence flights see launching sites • JFK demands Soviets remove missiles and blockades Cuba • A few days later Khrushchev removes missiles

  31. Cuban Missile Crisis derails Khrushchev • After the settlement of the Cuban missile crisis Russian government officials felt that Khrushchev was weak and gave too much to the Americans, he was given a no confidence vote and was forced into retirement

  32. “Prague Spring” (1968) Former Czech President, Alexander Dubček Communism with a human face!

  33. Czechoslovakia- Early Revolt • Alexander Dubcek loosens govt. controls • Greater freedom of expression • “Socialism/Communism with a human face” • Prague Spring- reforms alarm Soviets • 1968 Soviets invade and crush all dissent • Warsaw Pact invades • Pro-Soviet leader replaces Dubcek • Strictest govt. in E. Europe

  34. Leonid Brezhnev • Replaces Khrushchev in 1964 • Brezhnev Doctrine – Soviet Union • Had a right to intervene in an disruption in any socialist country • Czechoslovakian invasion’s legacy lasted through his regime

  35. Commie Videos https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=communist+propaganda+cartoon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmxUE8Qmc0A Seinfeld communism episode - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6PdecBn2no

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